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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Two days out of the woods to get things done here . Plan to turn it up Thursday- Sunday , now she says Thursday is our anniversary and we should go out , something that was postponed till after my buck for thirty some years ….. Then our youngest is coming home Sat - Sunday for a belated birthday …. but that’ll just take one end of one day out . I guess I’ll have to knock one down Thursday morning it’ll make a nice present for her .
  2. Not hunting today partly to vote these down .
  3. I saw 4 bucks today, joe idk 5 or so . All young no big ones on their feet today . Taking Tuesday and Wednesday off, then hunting hard ,the forecast looks great ten days out !
  4. Been on stand since I 3:30 nothing yet . Wed having new tires put on , tomorrow wife’s says I have to vote , so was going to go half a day not so sure now . Thur - Sunday I think I’ll hit it hard .
  5. 6 bucks between joe and i this morning. Just ate lunch now getting my truck from the shop . Back on stand 3 or so .
  6. Ha I’m hunting a fair amount this week , and first week of Nov has been good for me . We’ll see .
  7. Last year our friends moved down south , one of the things they gave me was this decoy , I’ll never use it . It’s a buck, but I guess if you leave off the horns it’s a doe …. FREE for the taking . Webster NY right off 104 for your convenience !
  8. Baked Ziti with ground venison/ sausage.
  9. Full moon that’s why you didn’t see any …… I just washed some of my hunting clothes ,along with my wallet . Tip of the day if you put your paper pistol,permit in the microwave , the photo melts . Money dries ok though .
  10. The saying in the FD is, the first line controls the fire . That is getting water on it fast really sets the pace and makes all the difference . Waiting for the second or third due engine for “ first water “ is not good .
  11. Inflation is the most regressive tax . If it costs me $25 more a week in gas , $50 more in food and $100 a month more to heat my home ,that $400 a month is tolerable to me , but a single mom , young family , elderly on on fixed income it’s a killer . Personally we’re on a buying spree, anything we think we may need in the future we buy now .
  12. I much prefer the couch ! I try not to hunt in rain, or mud after a heavy rain , and last light sits in bow are largely off the table as well for me . If the farm didn’t have rules, I’d probably go back to taking the first young buck I see and call it a season .
  13. Wow, the sump was overwhelmed or was there some other access for it , like a walkout door ? I have a backup along with a water alarm for early notifications, a lesson learned the hard way . My friends son street flooded to a couple feet, it came close to flowing down his driveway and into the house . They opened the street drains up and cleared the flood . Plugged with leaves , dopes along the street rake them into the gutters which then plug and flood .
  14. Ya I feel your pain ,but I’ve been on hundreds of “ water problems “ and had a few of my own . Once in 35 years and something handled by a shop vac would be a blessing for most .
  15. Yes we use it for soups ,tacos and chicken salad mostly . Nice not worrying about the freezer , or power outages . It’s also nice to give a quart or two the kids to have some on hand form time to time . Now to shoot a deer to can !
  16. Another 15 pounds of chicken for the pantry .
  17. Postponed picking up my truck from the shop from this afternoon till Monday , gave mrs nomad instructions on how to finish the pressure canning . Up in a tree now to give it one more shot for team Nomad ! On joes land they saw 11 this AM .
  18. Home . Joe and Dennis are out on Joe’s land , Joe’s seen 3 bucks and Dennis 2 bucks and 2 doe by 8:00 . At my current rate either of those may be my total for the year , I may have to hunt with them more .
  19. Hop,,skip,and a,jump from our 120 acres and the farm I hunt .
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