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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by greg54

  1. Cut the grass, doing lil yard work. It is warm out for sure.
  2. Very nice...they are delicious eating!!
  3. In blind in 9a. Can hear a pin drop no wind. Good luck. Everyone.
  4. Couple on my sisters property I hunt 9A
  5. We don't need to see the "F" word in any posts
  6. I used to wear worn out cammies when I used go duck hunting back when I was with Marine Reserve in the early 80's. Didn't feel any harm then or if you do it today. I didnt leave any rank on cammies. Actually had few compliments "nice camo" when I wore camo face paint when hunting tonawnda wildlife management area. I don't see any disrespect. After all, we earned the title "Marine"
  7. Congrats on your first bow harvest!!
  8. Stayed in this morning, lots of wind and rain. Supposed get lake effect rain tonight and flood watch for northern Erie County. Good weather for the ducks, but I like it a bit drier. Maybe drive to southern tier in morning give it a try.
  9. Great news and nice ride!!
  10. Sat in the ground blind all day, except to go back up to house for quick lunch and stretch the legs then back to the blind. Stayed out the rest of the day and it was a bust. My buddy had 2 fawns pass by him, but that was it. Maybe the weekend go back out. Was hunting in Machias, Cattaraugus County
  11. Cool pics. Those have got to be big spiders those webs are huge.
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