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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. If catch someone watering my lawn,they'll promptly be escorted away.
  2. Strawberries are doing great . Raspberry are growing alot but no sign of fruit yet ,same as the blackberry.
  3. I understand that . It makes a big difference on the longevity of drive train parts LOL. My initial thought was a manual trans would be more fun ,then you mentioned drag racing it and the auto makes more sense. There is a couple guys who are regulars at Lancaster 1/8 mile with hellcats.
  4. 900 to the wheels on slicks or radials ?
  5. Been researching handguns lately, I came across a video on YouTube where a guy shot a 9,40,45 at a cast iron frying pan . I thought it was careless , all 3 went through. Something about shooting steel plates that makes me nervous.
  6. Biz's rose garden is really starting to pop.
  7. I never got out of cars ,I still research and read a bunch . Turns out I gave up buying cars .
  8. I'm actually shocked ,especially in this state ,that no class is required to operate a boat .
  9. Only enough to make it the best selling truck yet again.
  10. Is anyone else torn between which carries more merit? I feel like a far shot is respectable as far as marksmanship goes ,but I always feel very strongly about being a better hunter and getting closer . At least for whitetail, I'm sure other species are too hard to close the gap.
  11. Gotta like the alternative to dumping chemicals on the ground.
  12. Come to find out ,this all happened in back in march and the lady wasn't even aware this dude was on a streak.
  13. I'd be ok if the banned cats all together. i get officers coming to my door if my dogs registration goes over by a month and cats need zero registration and are free to roam the neighborhood and shit in my flower beds every nighnight.
  14. Gotta be a bunch of dust by now...
  15. Bow , farthest 42 yards ,closest 10 yards Gun ,farthest just under 200 yards , closest was probably 10 feet and also my biggest buck to date.
  16. I wonder how much money coumo wastes on trying to strip away people constitutional rights . He's going crazy right now trying to defund the NRA. Its crazy to think that that in his mind ,he really thinks he's improving NY , thats how messed up this guy is.
  17. The easiest way to explain it is , turning wolves into dogs.
  18. Here we go blaming the kids for being lazy . It is 100 percent the parents fault if the kid is lazy .
  19. Seems like a vast majority Of the population is just concerned with keeping pace with those around them ,they raise kids who follow in their steps of keeping up with the people around them or get pushed in to doing what is popular or mainstream . I think the term is sheep?
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