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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. This state offers so much to sportsman,so much good fishing and hunting .
  2. The two places I hunt ,my back tag is always in my back pack ,I never have it one my back. If I was hunting stateland I would wear it.
  3. F monkeys ,just F all of them.
  4. The veggies are tracer rounds so i can keep tabs on my digestive system.
  5. Pan fried some venison to have in brown rice and mixed vegetables.
  6. It would be cool if a neighbor flew a drone over with a beer attached to it . I'm sure more people could get into it if the drone was bringing a gift.
  7. You got time to lean ,you got time to clean. What kind of tooling are we grinding today?
  8. I just checked in to see if there was any proof other then the trouble maker who works at the feed store.
  9. Is central park off limits?
  10. I'll keep checking the weather underground ,most accurate weather prediction there is.
  11. You could always do some work? LOL
  12. And just maybe the ultimate goal ,more deer for you.
  13. Why not just go talk to him in person then and ask before turning the cops over on him.
  14. You don't know for sure he is baiting unless you were over there snooping around.
  15. My son is ready for bed an hour earlier ,my wife and i get a little more adult time in the evening.
  16. What if the guy at the feed store told his neighbor the same thing about him? Now they both think the other one is baiting.
  17. If you call the DEC and they find no wrong doing ,are you going to go over and tell him that you reported him and apologize? It's the right thing to do.
  18. Hard to tell in picture if it has udders
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