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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I'm sure October will suck again
  2. CVA Apex .50 cal. 100g Blackhorn, 300g shockwave with a federal shot primer. Seems to be the go to load for the bergara barrel CVAs
  3. Haven't had any issues with the latches . I used to wish the blade was a bit more aggressive but then realized the rest of components probably would need to beefed up(more weight) to hold up to the more burly blade.
  4. I was gonna say hooyman, I have their extendable saw and love it .
  5. At counting to one or shot placement ?
  6. I usually listen while in the car driving , I use the podcast addict app on my phone .
  7. https://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/insulation/install-spray-foam-insulation/
  8. Do you square the end of your arrows?
  9. The arrows for my Z28 use lighted nocks , I'm gonna nock the dust off the Z and bring it to sodfathers archery academy of WNY next week.
  10. I have them and have hunted with them . I don't plan to use them this year , I tried to shoot with them while filming with the tactacam and they didn't even show up .
  11. How close together were the blackberries and raspberries? I read something online about them not being able to survive in close proximity to each other.
  12. It's not that noticeable in ones pocket either.
  13. Still got mine somewhere from 30 years ago . It's a black one . My dad gave it to me when I started scouts ,it got to the point where I would feel like such a dick if I lost it that I stopped carrying it.
  14. That woodchuck knew what was good for him
  15. I always thought that would be the coolest thing ever if it was real . You could just cut your neighbors car in half just for the fun of it.
  16. I keep thinking its next for me as well .To scope or not to scope ,that's the question.
  17. Save your time Rob , the blind faith ones always have an answer that exactly fits their narrative .
  18. That's a completely different picture then the dip shits in office are trying to paint about residents not wanting guns amongst themselves .
  19. Right under my bow stand a couple years back . I've mentioned before about some good bucks we get just before the season starts a d we never end up seeing them during the season ,not even on camera.
  20. Some of you guys are messed up !
  21. My wife's cousin just had a family come through her hospital who were all sick from buying an old (unknown) meth lab house. Nasty F-ers
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