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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I rebuilt an old tree stand a couple years ago ,the platform was plywood and had thick rope ,I switched the rope over to a cable like you have pictured .
  2. Subaru doesn't sign my paycheck
  3. How dare you !? This crappy little Focus will make the STI it's bitch all day long.
  4. Always use my quads ...glutes ,calves ,I feel every single one of them when I finally get to the top.
  5. Had one walk under my stand last year before it got light out ,I really wanted to turn the flash on and take a picture ,I decided against it.
  6. Do you guys continue to practice with broadheads or just determine if they shoot like field tips ? My muzzy shoot the same as my field tips so I just continue to shoot field tips to save my block.
  7. Figure out where the doe are ,those boys are gonna be looking for some fun time come november.
  8. I bought 10 brand new muzzy for 20 dollars on AT , i sacrificed one as a target tip.
  9. 80 is way too hot for any time of the year.
  10. Nice, I've read good things about the Obsession bows.
  11. I'm gonna try the ozonics on my clothes this year.
  12. Don't forget about the smell your breath spreads as well.
  13. I'd like to hear more about your bow ,340 is smoking fast ,especially with a heavy arrow for hunting.
  14. Mine get vacuumed sealed as well after the destinking process
  15. The story i heard was some scientists had strung a net in the woods to catch birds to do testing and then release the birds ,when the birds kept coming up missing ,they put a camera on the net and found that deer were eating the birds out of the net.
  16. I never knew they would do that . I also never knew deer would eat a bird until a few weeks ago either.
  17. I would choose to have the led light on a separate switch.
  18. I will argue that a 40 yard kill shot is not luck , I do agree that the longer distance increases the odds of a bad shot ,the more shots taken at 40 yards will also increase the odds of a bad shot eventually . Thankfully , most bowhunters are in it to see how close they can get to achieve a clean, ethical kill. My farthest kill shot was 42 yards . That was from a stand with well marked shooting lanes that had I practiced out of leading up to the season.
  19. Guess I better get the suspension back in my snowmobile.
  20. Depends on the section of woods but without opening the place wide open,20-30 yards also.
  21. That's a hell of a poke . Nice shooting.
  22. O good ,I like archery better . I honestly didn't notice what section it was ,it was at the top of the page . The farthest I practice is 60 yards , I farthest shot I ever felt comfortable making on a deer was 42 yards . It was a primary shooting lane ,broadside shot that my dad and I were making at a target from that stand earlier in the summer.
  23. Have we heard what kind of fire arm is being used ?
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