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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. My buddy had one in his basement as a kid , it always backed up ,his dad put a piece of rubber down ,then a steel plate and finally a support jack to hold pressure on it .
  2. Next one I have to take down,I'm taking a pole saw to the top ratchet straps . They should be replaced any way.
  3. I would wrap the temporary ropes around the hosting tree ,It will give you a bit more control when lowering the ladder stand , I've seen the hinges that stick in the ground to prevent the ladder stand from going sideways on the way down too.
  4. Same here ,my father in law has a couple wall hangers he took from there ,from the same spot a couple years apart . I just remember him saying it was a far walk in and an even farther drag out.
  5. I carry a benchmade daily , great knife . I have the 585 partial serated.
  6. I bought one ,I think it went haywire . I stopped getting pictures from it last year,when I checked the internal card,there was almost 3000 pictures on it . It was fun and worth every penny while it lasted . I'm gonna be getting 2 of the newer ones you sell at some point this year.
  7. I can't remember how much exactly ,it was a bunch. I told my dad I was gonna get him one for a retirement gift . His exact words were " don't you dare"
  8. John Neeman is the man , i occasionally watch his videos over again just because.
  9. I left Hamburg at 3:30 and made it to NT at 4:15 . I couldnt believe how slow people were driving ,all single file down the center of the 90. I improvised and took what i thought was the hammer lane ,i think i had the rumble strip most of the ride.
  10. The way it folds out has a little bit of free play ,you would never notice it once you are sitting down . As far as a twisting wobble or side to side wobble ,there isnt anything that would make you think the bench isnt a solid unit . Its nice because the seat is adjustable and locks in place ,the muzzle support has a good amount of up and down travel.
  11. Sounds like your going the DIY route . I'll post anyway ,I bought this one a couple years ago . So far no issues ,fairly adjustable ,easy to carry,packs away nicely and .....(start the drumroll) it has a cup holder built in!
  12. I remember the bottom blowing out and hitting my thumb, i was so afraid to pull my other hand off to look for fear of my thumb not being there.
  13. Remember they had the die cast grenade ,one end was weighted so it always landed down and you put the cap in that end.
  14. Roll of caps and dad's 5 pound sledge , screw that one at a time crap.
  15. Doesn't look too wet , I have to find the email to get a new swipe card ,i've seem to have lost mine. I love the range there this time of year ,9 times out of 10 you get the whole range to yourself.
  16. O ya ! TC wheelers too! 3 sheets and 150 wings . We had left overs but had no trouble talking people into taking some home .
  17. My good friend has a savage axis in 30-06 ,it shoots the Remington stuff well .
  18. We've tried giving him a taste of frosting a couple times ,he always gags on it . He shared his cake with mama .
  19. I'd like to shoot a 300 this year with my Pure .
  20. That is sweeney hose in North Tonawanda
  21. My little buddy turns one today! What an exciting last year it's been. Aaaand...I guess it will be a sideways picture.
  22. Never went back as far as a blank bale , during the winter i shoot one arrow at the same hole ,maybe 30 times a session ,just practicing that slow release.
  23. My elites all came with them ,i never messed with any after market stuff. the pics i saw of the martin looked to fit in the riser factory hole.
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