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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Not everybody gets the MacGyver award.
  2. Can't these waist of tax dollar employees find something more creative to use to justify their posistion in office.
  3. A pizza from the oven, which will also be for lunch tomorrow.
  4. I am super grateful to have been raised by a hunter/handyman/old school man. I just hope the guy that hunts next to us that empties his shotgun multiple times in a 4 hour period doesn't raise any offspring.
  5. Check the oil and look at the air filter. Most people won't clean the air filter before a sale and you can pick out a poorly taken care of machine right away if the air filter is nasty.
  6. The usual "your way is wrong but i don't have a better way " response from the usual poster.
  7. Make sure to bring your fishing gear and I'll show you the good spots to fish in the lower Niagara river.
  8. Still to early to start coughing and complaining about possibly coming down with a "bug" to my boss.
  9. Had mine out since the week before fathers day . My dad is gonna switch chips tomorrow to see what is lurking.
  10. http://explore.org/live-cams/player/brown-bear-salmon-cam-lower-river I found this on another site and thought i would post it here . I havent seen any bear yet though . It was running really slow for me until i clicked the button to hide the other camera views under the main camera.
  11. Just let them have fun with it . Pull it back ,aim and release. Being frustrated just takes the fun out of it.
  12. Am I the only one that has multiple pairs of hunting boots? Muck boots for most of archery and then when it gets colder I switch to the Frankenstein rocky boots, they are warm as heck but because the are so big they make a heck of a racket walking in them.
  13. You passed all the good bass spots on your way to strawberry island.
  14. Just one on my snowmobile, I nailed that bitch, she flopped, skidded and rolled about 60 feet and got up and ran for cover. No damage to the sled or myself, I'm sure she was fine too.
  15. There was a nice fiberglass ladder on the 290 a couple years back but my life is worth a lot more then a free ladder.
  16. Jeremy K

    bass opener

    My fiance went out with her dad and landed this slob 1st drift of the day .19 inches.
  17. 2.2 ecotec , i didn't have to remove the alt. I did however have to take the motor mount off and jack up the engine to remove one bolt holding one of the plastic chain guides to the side off the head. Luckily it was our "extra" vehicle , so i could afford to work on it in small shifts.
  18. Thats some fast wrench turning , it took me 4.5 hours just to talk myself into going out to the garage to work on it a few steps at a time.
  19. I just replaced the head on my cavalier a couple months ago , i would have rather done 3 mustangs instead of one cavalier .
  20. A pistol permit would help , but you still would be leaving empty handed.
  21. A few weeks back some members talked me into going with climbing sticks instead of the screw in steps , thank you for that BTW . I decided to ditch the quick release pins on the climbing sticks and use tamper proof torx drive with all metal lock nuts , i chained the top of the sticks to the tree stand and around the tree . Im well aware that anything can be stolen but it just may be enough to make a theif pass on the set up because he isn't able to just remove and carry it away. If you want something even more secure you could use a shear head bolt but good luck getting those out .
  22. The aluminum they are using is thicker then the steel they currently use. It certainly will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
  23. I ll be heading to work shortly , i spent last weekend with my dad putting up his climbing stick and new stand i got him for dads day. Ill send him a text later though.
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