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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. He is a smart SOB too, I was lucky enough to see him the last day of archery last year , so I put up a stand where I saw him last. I gotta work fast this year because he leaves once the crops get cut down.
  2. My Shepard/hound mix is the smartest dog I ever had . They say Shepards are very smart.
  3. He was sending them from camp and didn't have Internet so I couldn't wait and told him to text me.
  4. My dad took a picture of the laptop screen so the quality is poor .I'll get the actual card soon.
  5. If i can find an uprooted tree ill sit against it, usually just lean against a tree , i always make sure to scrape the ground down to dirt first thing so that i don't make to much noise , and i like the strong odor of nature that is hidden under the decomposing forest floor , its like natural cover up scent.
  6. I typically prop mine up in the passenger seat to make it look like he/she is riding shotgun. Back of the truck is where it really goes.
  7. Hmmm ... i should find someone to steal my bow . Thanks for the idea !
  8. Im guessing you were looking at the savage axis , my good friend bought the same one . It is a really nice shooting rifle . He bought the same combo with the scope. His scope failed at some point and ended up removing a does front leg during a hunt, he called me up afterwards ,basically sick to his stomach at the thought of wounding a deer in such a way . My suggestion would be to get the bare axis and buy a seperate scope that is a better quality. Another good thing about the axis is that it will shoot the remington core lokts which is a very affordable round.
  9. Those that are dumb enough to pose with a wild cat deserve what ever the the wild cat decides to do with them.
  10. I thought Bigfoot was brought here by aliens to do their hunting for them . Maybe the aliens are using big cats to do their hunting for them after all ... I'm so confused now.
  11. My buddies dog "gut" burped right in his face ,said it was the nastiest thing he ever smelled . If its well off the trail i will leave them,if not ill drag it out of the way , i usually like to find a low spot in the ground anyway to let the guts fall into away from the deer.
  12. ive done it but i just use the telephone pole , then ALL the neighbors know im nuts.
  13. I use a Bushnell scope with the 600DOA reticle ,center cross is for 100 yards , has a line for 50 yards and lines up to 600 . I have only shot it 300 yards and it is scary accurate .
  14. I keep everything wrapped in a bag with weeds , i get dressed when i arrive to hunt. The biggest problem with that is my clothes sit in the back of the truck and are freezing cold when i put them on , it sucks starting the day out already cold.
  15. We showered with a set up just like that for years at the camp. We hoisted it up in the air next to the outhouse and stood on a pallet. We had a rope and pulley left setup , just fill it and yank it up, water runs into the crapper house pit.
  16. I stopped inviting my brother to come shooting with me. Those damn jar heads are never happy.
  17. Seems like a great deal , does it come with 6 cases of beer to try it out?
  18. I bought 2 new stands and climbing sticks this year (1 for me and1 for my dad) I will update my list the night before opening day when im looking for what ever it is i thought i had.
  19. I don't own a metal detector but i did find an old horseshoe sticking out of a fresh plowed field a few years back . Im guessing it was from when they still worked with horses.
  20. Done, i added a little more to the 5 dollar amount . Im hoping its money well spent.
  21. The check point that is open on rt.16 every opening day weekend is a drop off spot for deer donations . We stopped there on year and they had some deer off to the side and we asked if those were deer taken illegally that were confiscated and he told us it was donated deer. Thats all the info i have other then that one time , hopefully someone else can chime in with more info. Im sure the DEC would have have more information if there is other spots doing it as well.
  22. I love how the dictators want to limit soft drink sizes but just let this crap flow in by the dumpster full.
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