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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I know you don't hunt. But it's odd that any hunter wouldn't also be a conservationist or doing what he or she can to protect the planet. When I hunt state land it baffles me the trash hunters leave in the parking lot.
  2. I mean technically the reason you can shoot a bear out of season without a tag on a "preserve" is because it's livestock... which means it's a farm. And guys pay to hunt there. Maybe yours is a breeding farm, but not all of them.
  3. just laughing at his lingo. don't get your Connecticut panties in a bunch.
  4. that's very insightful and makes a lot of sense. thanks phade!
  5. forgot to get pics of the fall plot, but it's doing well... at least I think it is because it's green and growing. Not any experience there. Did the final cut on the clover and chicory plot. What I've found is that the shaded areas are doing amazing and those areas without as much cover are more spotty and greater weed pressure.
  6. man...dude refers to his cage as a facility. yikes.
  7. oh shit, we have a pinch hitter and opposing pitcher looks nervous.
  8. so are you saying he has to go with a guide, but the deer he has to hunt is on an island that the guide couldn't get to?
  9. It's funny how you can make such ridiculous comments and then logical ones in the same thread. Your mind is a mystery. With regards to the quoted topic though, the one thing this forum has never tolerated is hunter shaming and I wish the mods would step in here, despite his incessant bragging and boasting of shooting buttons.
  10. and to think I was just browsing a deer plot site and saw some of the mineral lick stuff and thought it would be an interesting convo.
  11. kind of says it all right there though doesn't it?
  12. DeSantis probably sent him on a plane there. Your problem now yuppie!
  13. that is technically correct. As long as you're not breaking a non-game law, you can do whatever. Night vision, baiting etc. That right there kind of tells you all you need to know about high fence hunting doesn't it?
  14. A great listen if you want to listen to an actual meat scientist. I know the term "scientist" triggers some of y'all, but hopefully most of you get it. https://www.themeateater.com/listen/meateater/ep-227-red-cutter
  15. yikes. 170 even on a rest is quiet the poke with a smoke pole.
  16. Yeah nothing about anything building related is cheap. I don't know shit about floors but i've seen those garage rehab programs where they come through and grind the top layer down, fill and level and then put the shiny stuff. I think the shiny flakey stuff is pretty affordable, it's the prep part that I don't imagine is cheap. And like you said, you'll want to fix the foundation and water stuff before spending that money anyhow. It will be journey and I'll enjoy watching it. Keep the pics coming over the years.
  18. Happy birthday bill. May your day be filled with 80's music videos, a street fight where you may kick some bad guy ass, finding some old hunting photos to bring back those good ole day memories and of course some kind of interaction with a big tom. cheers bud.
  19. Literally every cam of mine blew up this morning. Deer are moving a ton with the cool weather.
  20. this. this right here. I think some people have this idea that a food plot is easy if you have some open space. Ha.
  21. Looks like you're setup ok for insulation though. Won't be cheap and of course seems like you have to figure out the water issue first. That place would look tits with one of those fancy garage floors some of the autoshops are putting in. Have to imagine you'd have to start selling meth to afford one though haha.
  22. this article talks about high fence hunting and cwd. @Four Seasons I really suggest you don't read it or your head might explode. https://www.outdoorlife.com/its-time-to-cut-bs-in-deer-hunting/
  23. still, game laws do not apply to fenced operation. even with 10k acres there could be baiting and any weapon at any time. No rules.
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