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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. and btw, i live in MS. If you don't think there aren't loopholes you're just silly. Not that I know or anything.
  2. and there we have it. lets just fight so hard we lose them completely... because like everyone knows. Responsible gun owners aren't the problem. So what to do about keeping them out of the hands of criminals and insane... oh right. nothing. NY is all the proof you need.
  3. if you take the sand out of your vagina that helps a lot.
  4. agree. start small unless someone really has a passion for setting this up.
  5. I forgot about the fishing trip right before the safe act. I had brought all my guns with me to show my buddies. Then the boat tipped over and they all sank to the bottom. man was i pissed.
  6. i use the cva rust preventer patches. bp and oil don't play well. stay with the patches.
  7. i'd bet you all my money many repubs aren't as pro gun as they let on. but they know the funding is there. I think many are ok with some common sense controls like better background checks, something for mental health, no gun show loop holes. But even giving an inch will be disastrous and they know it. Plus it pisses off the nra again and they lose funding. shows how corrupt and shitty our govt is. People have to tow the party line whether they want to or not. Then they need to sell their soul for funding.
  8. it is really weird for me to be 34 and to actually do the math. I haven't been deer hunting 20 yet as I had to be 16, but have been in the woods for a long time. wow. lets be honest too, i had a bb gun well before 12. poor robins, chippies and sparrows.
  9. i can't remember the site. maybe at or another of the national sites that has a very long thread like this. Some amazing stories. A lot of pot farms and boddies, but also some spooky and neat stuff. There's a great story on a mississippi site that is probably fake but was told really well about an old house where some guys hunted. one day they saw people moving inside and talked and visited with the old couple. story goes the guy mentioned it to someone else who got all pale and white. telling him that the couple died decades ago in a fire. they went back and sure enough the inside was all rotted and old. the guy swore on a bible that it was true. man i still think about that when i see those old abandoned farm houses or migrant shacks near where i hunt sometimes
  10. when i took my course 20 years ago now that was it. 14 archery 16 big game 12 small game.
  11. raise or lower? the tricky thing about gun hunting is guns. and ny no likey guns.
  12. wow 35 is certaintly on the longer side with bows like the triax at 28. I actually had a dream last night that i went to the archery shop and it was packed. They had one prime in and no mathews. I blame this thread for the dream.
  13. my frustration and ocd with losing things has caused me to be anally organized. I rarely lose stuff anymore. Most of my stuff was clothing related in college lol. -now that i've said that...
  14. there was this place on transit near the airport in buffalo. I remember going there a few times. once even went with the wife. Then they got busted for something and now it's like a juice bar i think. Ricks tallyho I think? the girls there were definitely western new yorkers lol.
  15. these things suck. I've been a few forums where they were "attacked". The result was like 15 character passwords, auto reset of password once a year. captia verification and stuff that got so frustrating people would just stop logging in or give up after they couldn't. f'n chinese and russians are why we can't have nice things.
  16. i would vote for a youth crossbow to replace youth gun.
  17. can i bring my crossbow? now i'm in. We can all leave the state and meet in Canada. I know of a particular place there that does it right.
  18. i will be wearing full kevlar and a football helmet just in case
  19. lets us know. have heard great things about that bow. agree that those strings are gay too
  20. well shucks this went full circle didn't it. peace love and harmony for all.
  21. none of these seem to put our nations security at risk and almost all are remedied immediately with no loss of pay when the gov't goes back online. I'm not in disagreement that there are serious issues, just that our resident meme poster is a little off on this one. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/01/18/how-government-shutdown-would-impact-pay-benefits.html
  22. yeah his daughter was out hanging out near the swamp? that was so fake lol.
  23. there are all sorts of stories of creepy dudes with drones popping up as the tech becomes better and more affordable.
  24. mabye i misread it. "scouting" needs to be defined. Scouting can be done both in and out of season. I don't have an issue with flying this around outside the season, but scouting in season and then hunting? starting to push it. Same bucket as trail cameras that send photos instantly to someones phone. starts to push it. that's all.
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