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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. "First and foremost being that I can resharpen the Montecs. The other reason is because I can resharpen the Montecs" LOL I like that one.
  2. No, my reason for using fixed blade is there is nothing to worry about. No parts, nothing to pop open at the wrong time, and no loss of energy on impact. Part of the K.I.S.S method, (Keep It Simple Stupid) that I prefer. (whops, This was a reply to Geno)
  3. What is the draw to mechanicals any way? Is it because they fly well and don't require as much tuning? The cutting surface area is not any more or less most of the time, just curious.
  4. Ah I gotcha WNY, I had it in my head backwords. Makes sense now. And mbucks, lots and lots of guys use the Rage's with great sucess, nothing wrong with them at all.
  5. WNY, when you say 400, does that refer to the brand's number or the actual spine? For those that don't know, the smaller the spine number the stiffer the spine is, ex. a .300 is stiffer than a .350 or .500. And those charts that you see from arrow companies are typically only set up for an arrow length of 28 inches, anything over that and the charts go out the window kind of. Different companies recomend different spines aswell, CX says I can shoot a .350 spine while Easton recomends a .300. The .300 is what I went to and I do not regret that, it is better to be slightly over spined that it is to be slightly under spined any day of the week IMO.
  6. Just watch your arrow spine reaction when you add more weight up front. The more weight the more you will see a weak spine reaction from the arrow. As long as every thing is tuned to the T and you have the proper arrow selected you will see great results. I shot through the frontleg on the one I got over the weekend when I was finishing it off. My arrow didn't go to far but it did indeed break bone on the way in which I was surprised by. But then again I do shoot CX piledriver 450's which are a heavy arrow and a stiff spined one at that. I think the arrow and bow tune is more important than the Broadhead. I have never tried mechanicals, and have been stuck on Muzzy 3 blade 75 grainers for a long time now and I love em. I see alot of what I consider light arrows on the market, maybe that is why we see lack of penetration so much?
  7. huh? I ment maybe the four wheelers can found nearby, I have no way of knowing where the guys are from. It is funny sometimes when you see out of towners blame locals and locals blame out of towners..hehe it sure is somebody!
  8. Skillet couldn't you ride around and try to look for the 4 wheelers, maybe you could see what house or camp they are from and pay them a visit? Trespassing is bad enough but to then ride a 4 wheeler through and potentially rip up anothers property is even worse to me.
  9. Oh look another back patter, what a surprise. Its not hard to be a better tracker than a guy that doesn't track one at all.
  10. haha Ignore that pm I sent, I should have checked here first. Glad you got things fixed up, good luck!
  11. I'm not sure that could be self inflicted? Maybe his buddy was mad at him for having the better stand site and had a oopsie on purpose. Or maybe thats what his archery coach did to him for dropping his arm. "I told you, keep your arm up or else!"
  12. Good job keeping with it, you may have a situation where having the arrow stay in helps you. It may wiggle around enough to cut something better and end it. Watch how he was moving based on the tracks, is he punching hard or does it look like business as usual, are his steps close together, did he avoid hills, did he zig zag towards the end where you stopped, that could mean one of two things if he did. Either looking to bed down or went back to scent checking for doe's. It may just be that the arrow was forward and high which wouldn't kill him, tough to say on a longer shot. Did he go back in the general direction he came from? If so try to find runs that he was on and walk them out, all of them, you might find him crumpled up some where. One last thing, Good luck!
  13. If you weren't such a baby I would be more than happy to help you track one. And yes my Dad, brother and I are really good when it comes to tracking wounded deer.
  14. Maybe one of you smart guys could program something up for the site simular to that simulator?
  15. "he wasn't losing any blood and he didn't get hit in any vitals" For the last time, when hot blood hits snow it sinks to the ground leaving little or no trace that it is even there, add to that the mist from a potential lung shot and you will not see blood in a snow storm. You can try to call me a know it all, I don't care. I do know way more than you reguarding tracking wounded game, clearly you do not want to hear it though. When you come upon this buck later in the year I hope you realize then that I and some others were right.
  16. We need to find one that shows what it looks like from a treestand if possible, I looked and haven't found one yet.
  17. So you really don't understand that if the arrow was in the body cavity you killed that deer based on the elevated angle? Wow.
  18. I would toss it for sure. What a bummer.
  19. Why do you keep trying to compare WNY's deal with this one? Wny didnt have 6 inches of snow on the ground and more on the way and he also knew for sure he hit it in the shoulder, there is a HUGE difference here. How about you take the highschool drama to a new thread.
  20. You will find mine on your front porch of your camp, have a good weekend Burt.
  21. WTF does a sunset table have to do with not tracking right away in a snow storm? I have read so many posts on here lately of the same type, guys have no clue where they hit them, how to track and what type of blood comes from where, I bet some couldn't even pass a simple biology quiz on what parts are where inside the deer. Then when you tell them what they did wrong they try to make you look like a a-hole. You know what was not the best way to find the deer, the way you did it. Going home and getting wasted sure didn't do anything to help look for a wounded deer did it. I explained why you didnt see blood and you ignored that because you need to be right. Its simple, there are too many things that can happen on even the best day that make it hard to find a deer. Then add in a crazy snow storm and the odds of finding a perfectly hit deer diminish by ten fold. What do I know though, I liver shot one Sunday at noon and we had to track right away, found it in its bed with in 45 minutes and waited it out 3.5 hours until I could get in to finish it off. I guess I should have went home and got plastered instead.
  22. "The only chance I had of catching a lung by dumb luck was if I hit the left lung on the way out the other side of the deer. There was basically no bloodtrail to track at all except a few small drops. I knew that there was absolutely no advantage to possibly pushing a buck that was hit bad at that point. I was tracking as blind then as I would have been in the morning. " With snow there is very little trace of blood because it sinks in to the snow, add to that a mist from a lung hit and you will not see alot if any blood. As far as no advantage and maybe pushing a poorly hit deer, guess what you had nothing to loose because you had zero to go on the next day. At least the night of you could have hauled ass on the tracks and tried to follow him. You don't need to listen to advice, I'm just telling you what you should have done in that situation. "Easy to say until you have been in the treestand every minute you can since opening day, passed up several young bucks and finally have a shot at a good one. How in the hell am I not going to shoot a good 8pt at 15yds broadside??" Its called restraint and good decision making, it comes with being a responsible hunter.
  23. In this situation the dogs would be hunting dead, not tracking. Six inches of snow that has melted from three days ago is tough to get a blood trail from for a dog (even those German ones). Today might be warm enough to make it smell bad enough for the dogs to find.
  24. With the snow falling, and even if its the day after when it is falling off of trees and melting, you should have tracked immediately or not shot at all. Bad choice not tracking right away in my opinion.
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