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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. How did this turn into a old fat vs young fat discussion? I step out for a couple hours and look what happens...shesh Dave interestingly enough all though as a nation we are fatter than years ago our average life expectancy has increased over time. Are some kids fat, yes, are some adults fat too, absolutely. It has more to do with what we eat and the lack of physical activity combined together. There are far less fresh foods eaten but far more medical help than back when you were a young pup. And steve correct me if I am wrong but isn't a video of fasteddie you posted?
  2. Oh yes I love cutting the grass, you get to have lawn mower conversations, which are those that stay in your head. Plus I can't hear my wife and kids with the mower going and ear protection on...haha
  3. ahhhh hahahahahahahahahahahaha Thats gonna be Elmer next week!
  4. Guys, thats the other thread thats lost its wheels. I'm reffering to culver and virgil
  5. Im scarred for life after that image was put into my head. Kinda reminisent of Frank the tank don't you think? You know Elmer will consume alcohol before attempting his freedom run.
  6. "Actually, I have no clue, but i'm sure it will involve a covert trip to pa and some camping... [img alt=]http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/wink.gif[/img]" Don't forget your discount card so you get the good deals on that covert trip..lol Camping for me too.
  7. No flooding in my areas I travel but lots of rain spread out over the week. I have had to drain water off the pool 4 times this week! ??? Its supposed to be some what nice the next couple of days though so no doubt that grass is going to be 3 feet tall...haha
  8. YOU are the joke here, a punch line and nothing more. Being member of the NRA doesn't make you a board member and does not mean you have actually done a damn thing. Take a look at how many of your threads go unresponded here and maybe you will get the point, but I doubt it.
  9. "You reap what you sow. Don't spew it if you can't take it." Who said we can't take it? Elmer we are not disputing the actual facts when there are some, just look at the title to this thread, dont you think its a bit of a stretch to think that all of this ATF stuff happened so that gun owners would be hassled? That is VJP's style, inflamatory made up rhetoric doesnt go far with me.
  10. We will need a real celebrity to be our spokes person for commercials for hunting shows.. you know exactly who I am talking about with out saying it.
  11. Nope didn't mean you Dave. I was reffering to stuff like..."Elmer, I already told you what he does. He's too stupid and arrogant to earn an income or have a job"--- VJP
  12. Yes most deffinitely it would help, maybe thats why they are so grumpy all the time, constipation's a mother huh guys. An added benefit that I know of is the greens would help cut down on the power of the smell of their urine , so it will help them be more scent free.
  13. Elmer we are buds on here, so I will just say look at a few posts on this thread alone claiming steve is unemployed and so on...and I have seen it in other threads too. Its an attempt at insulting ones manhood, which fails miserably I might add and when shots are fired back all these dudes do is get more red in the face and more pissed off.
  14. "You boys must crap rocks"... Oh boy thats a good one, never heard those words all in one sentence before, hahaha
  15. And yet another 2nd grade response... your freedoms have already been taken you just aren't smart enough to see it... carry on puppet. hahaha not smart enough? I would be willing to bet my 7 year old has a higher IQ than you..hahaha
  16. Well boys I woke up today and I still have to pay too much in taxes and no one has come to take my freedoms. I didn't pass any giants on the way in to work either, must be he is still waking up.
  17. "Now back to the subject at hand, yes there should be justice done for this agent that got killed. Pretty simple when you remove all of the flash." Here you go sheep...re-read it. baaa baaa baaa "P.S. I love how my posts are dismissed as factless and biased, based on sheer intolerance of the subject matter, wihout any research or rebuttal what so ever. That is evidence of uninformed opinion or blind liberalism" Well if you didn't constantly cut and paste from all of these various "sources" that wouldn't happen. Personally VJP I think you are most likely sitting on a pee soaked couch trimming your Abe Lincoln beard in a trailer home some where waiting for the Blackhawk helicopters to come try to take your guns and freedom...shh I hear them coming now.....
  18. Well it seems like usual you have missed the grander point here ny....all of you super patriots have done absolutely zero to change the way things are today. We still get screwed no matter what, and you can either get all red in the face over it or be accepting and play the cards you are dealt in life, and don't confuse that with rolling over and playing dead either. Unless all of you guys get elected you will not change a single thing ever.
  19. Here's the bottom line on this thread and others. Some of you fellas post up pure and utter BS editorials and other "sources" and then the rest jump on the band wangon like its a word from god. Why? Because you beleive it no matter who or how many people point out the facts no matter what the issue may be. That is very much a follow the leader mentality even though I'm sure you all think you are "mavericks" lol. Now back to the subject at hand, yes there should be justice done for this agent that got killed. Pretty simple when you remove all of the flash.
  20. I had to go back to find this thread just to say it...GO BRUINS!!! I was in Boston the day after they won the cup and it was awesome. The players were wheeling the cup around Boston in a baby stroller and hanging out with fans. We were in town for a different reason but it was a treat none the less. We were at a concert and a Lets go Bruins chant broke out..lol
  21. Congrats WNY... Life is great right now, cold beer in my hand and a couple of steaks sizziling on the grill...I love camping.
  22. I re-read the ml part and it sounds like it would only be in certain areas where deer numbers are high. Not the end of the world plus its set up to be a real short week as it stands now. The youth part I think is goofy but I do get why they did it those three days.
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