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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. You can always switch it back if you don't like it, plenty of time before season to work the kinks out. I shot a WB and love it and will not switch. eddie, why couldn't you use the quick spins with the WB? just wondering...
  2. Cute lil fella, the one with his big sis holding him reminds me of a pic we have in our house of our son holding my daughter. He took her and started signing to her, a few months later he had enough of her crying and just laying there..haha he likes her again now unless she is wrecking his lego's. Was it a C-section perhaps? I like to guess based on head shape..lol His looks all nice and round, and how about that full head of hair!
  3. The next time Ted comes up I am going to qoute you Doc, I agree with this 100%. Plain and simple right there.
  4. Yeah I think all of us have lol I wasnt trying to pick a fight, just stating that I think more of you than that. Yes looking at it now, I kinda ripped that thought out of your post and made it my own..haha I must be feeling philosophical today, I went off in a strange direction there.
  5. Note to self..log off and stay off at home later.
  6. I have no idea what the heck you are talking about Grow. Are we not supposed to judge our peer's and call them out on bs?
  7. MY bad I was just building on what you said, thats all. Not picking a fight, I have discussed Ted here enough in the past.
  8. "Please, do you really think that those people are THAT stupid or close minded?" Yes I do think people are that way, not all but a portion of America will beleive any thing they see on TV. There are countless example's in the political arena for one, and then there is the Urban Legend type, people beleive in myths and stereo type's because they want to.
  9. "You may be right.. but I think 35 million albums sold.." Thats kind of small compared to a band like the Rolling Stones with 200+ million sold, I think second rate is a fair description as far as the music is concerned. He is a good guitar player though, I give him that. I don't care for his music, but can keep that separate from the rest of his life. I guess this has nothing to do with anything reguarding the clip...opps got off track.
  10. "I couldn't care less what a non-hunter thinks about hunting... what do they even know about hunting that they can have a real opinion on that matters?" Maybe we should be concerned with non hunters veiws, we are outnumbered in this state by a 19-1 margin, those other folks vote in the politician's that make laws that affect us. I do understand your point too though, I kinda side with you to a point. If they don't like it...screw em.
  11. Oh and I need not worry because I have none left, it doesn't last more than 6 months at my house...
  12. Partly right, here is a good site on food safety (sorry I'm a foodie) http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Focus_On_Freezing/index.asp Its not that it goes bad it's that the quality suffers.
  13. I prefer beef suet over pork as pork fat does not freeze!! That sounds like a myth to me, never heard that before. The 10 pounds in my freezer is certainly frozen solid right now.
  14. I think its more due to the packaging of products being largely oil based plastic but it could also be the idea that it is an easy excuse to raise prices. On my one food delivery here I saw a $1 per stop increase the last time which is nothing to me, and I'm sure other places have the same deal, but they have no problem increasing the price on all of the products 10-13% in the store. Bottom line is we are indeed getting hosed.
  15. The weights of Carbon have come a long way in the last few years, my Piledrivers are very close in weight to the 2315's I was shooting and I never had an issue with penetraion with either arrow. In fact I would say the opposite, the arrows go straight thru and stick in the ground and some times I wish they would stay in a few jumps. Cost is one issue though, carbon can get pricey, so can alluminum I guess but carbon usually wins that contest. You could say the cost is worth it because you hopefully won't have to replace your arrows every year or two. I did manage to loose two last year...I saw dollar signs when I hit the branch and the arrow went thru it and went on to god knows where. What a noise and sight that was....haha
  16. I shoot a simular set up(29 in draw ad 70#), used to shoot the 2315's, I liked them because they are a good middle ground for weight and speed. They seemed to match up to my set up very well and I had zero problems with them until I got a newer bow and I noticed some slight inconsistencies in my groups especially at longer distances and made the switch to Carbon.
  17. If anyone is in need of a Turkey Choke tube Cabelas has a Tru Glo Gobbler Stopper and Fiber optic sight combo on sale for 12 ga for $17.99, I ordered one up for the wife's Wincester last night. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Truglo174-Gobble-Stopper-XTREME-Combo/741279.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dtru%2Bglo%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=tru+glo&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products
  18. I think that sums up Ted's method perfectly, and I think the reason I can't stand his talking is the use of extra words. It seems like he crams words in where they either don't belong or are not needed and I can't over look the slight whistle he makes on his S's...super annoying to me.
  19. woohhooooo ;D Congrats, don't let my wife see a pic of a baby please cause then she might want another..haha
  20. Thats funny I was just thinking about pulling mine out to let them regain their shape before season, good tip.
  21. I notice that he doesn't have a camera person with him, must be because no one can stand to work with him..lol
  22. I use the cheap ones from Dicks(Delta?), work good most times. A few of the members here use the bobble head decoy's which I like because they look sharper and have the extra movement. The foam ones are nice because you can squish them up and stuff em in your vest. My opinion is something is better than nothing when it comes to decoy's, it helps to distract them from me as Culver said.
  23. This is a trick question, the answer is one, but it will take 2,135 other guy's to argue over how it should be done.
  24. Here you go this is the tax map for Washington county, you will be able to find the boundries once you locate it on the map. It will also tell you who owns what out there. Great tool. http://gis.co.washington.ny.us/webmap/default.aspx
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