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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. So you mean to tell me no hunters hike back in to hunt? Seems like a good idea to preserve some more of the Adirondacks and no one is saying you can't still hunt there correct? Just no cabins, roads, or four wheelers, sounds good to me. Some areas could do with less civilization, the Dak's is one of those areas. And by the way I am a hunter that hikes too, my guess is you fellas want me to pay to walk around in the woods.. :
  2. Not only are they our favorite type, we are 100% responsible for guiding them off course almost every time.
  3. Thanks Culv. I googled and found a type to look into getting perhaps.. "Creeping Red Fescue is a economical cool season grass with a very fine Texture and is the best shade Tolerant fescue. Creeping Red Fescue is often is another name for Red Fescue. Red Fescue is a shade tolerant, eco-friendly grass that is easy to grow from seed. Red Fescue is easy on the environment due to low water, mowing and fertilization requirements." Perfect!
  4. oh this thread went terribly awry.....
  5. Hey culv what about re-seeding or mixing it into already established lawn, what should I do? I have patches where the grass grows perfectly and othere where it had died back from lack of care before we bought the house (3 years ago) and crab grass now grows but not till later in the summer. For now its all patchy, nice grass and sandy soil mixed together. I am thinking of tackling it one part at a time so's not to go broke and end up with a water less well, haha. Also less than an acre for me.
  6. Yea but those guys were paddling, thats a completely different set of rules from rowing.
  7. As long as you row merrily, if not you need a non-merrily permit. lol
  8. No, not as far as I know, speaking as a fellow row boat owner.
  9. I don't the validity of the claims of our country of what went down, but, I have to wonder if he really met his end in a timely fashion or if perhaps he was tourtured a bit before going swiming. SOB got what he was deserved.
  10. I wasn't to upset, it was neat to see afterall, and yes guess where I will be Friday morning at about 500am...
  11. Yes catskill it really answered alot of questions for us. My brother had scouted the birds and noted that they shut up when they hit the ground which is odd for early in the year. He had also heard the coyotes barking and howling just after the Turkeys flew down during scouting, when you put two and two together it makes sense.
  12. Galway NY, Eastern part of the state. Oddly enough I called in a coyote last spring in a different spot too.
  13. So there we are all set up before dawn, I could actually see the birds acrossed the field on the roost faning out. Slowly daylight comes the gobbling started, the toms flew down and started strutting and working their way in. Four deer came out and were feeding near the turkeys and I thought "what a great morning", cue the Jaws sound track. I look along the back edge of the field and I spot a set of ears bobbing along, first one edge then another. I quickly realized it was going to be over soon, a coyote had come to investigate and was stalking in range. First the deer spooked out of the field, then returned to challenge the coyote, then spooked again. The coyote turned his attention to the 3 toms and hens next, stalking in, ears laid back, ready to pounce. He took off on a charge and the birds caught on and mayhem ensued. Some flew back to the far side of the field and one hen flew over and landed in the tree above our heads knocking bark down on us, which made me laugh and I asked her not to poo on me. Mean while the coyote sat down as if in disgust of a busted hunt, (same as I did) after watching the birds disperse he went back to hunting in the field. He circled through the field towards us and once he got close spotted the decoys and quickly hit the field edge and went on the sneak again. I watched him close the distance to the decoys until he was nearly on them not less than 20 yards from me. I went nuts on the mouth call and he spoted us and away he went. The turkeys decided they had enough and left silently in another direction after a half hour, it was really something to see first hand and I hope I can re-connect with the tom's this Friday. What an exciting opening day we had....
  14. It would make an exspensive conversation piece thats for sure.
  15. My condolences to you and your's eddie.
  16. We have a disaster and its like pulling teeth to get help and money and if there is a megamillions jackpot high enough you will see every person in the US shelling out hard earned cash that goes to nothing for their chance at wealth.
  17. I hope the B's power play kicks in, the Flyers have alot more time in the box.
  18. Any one hear me yelling last night around 1030? haha, Go Bruins! Time for some pay back against the Flyers.
  19. I wonder just how many of these accidents turn out to be something more criminal and less accidental.
  20. I gotta adjust some sights when I get home... ???
  21. Same here fantail, just budget for it and take the s-box instead of the truck some times. We don't have a camp so daily drives to the hunting spots back and forth are a must, its a pain on a good day, but worth it as long as we get some meat. I did start hunting around home more the last few years though its not nearly as good hunting.
  22. Does anyone else still have the remnants of winter left around? Not in my yard but in a few places around home we still have snow piles left, most of them are the nasty dirt crusted variety. Snow till May as I predicted!
  23. Double overtime win for the Bruins!!! I went to bed but kept my cell phone on so I could keep getting the updates..hehe My wife was real happy cause it interfears with the kid monitor and makes noise...till after 11pm...haha
  24. How about that Bruins game! Any one watch it? I was so glad they won it so fast in OT so I didnt have to stay up late. Exciting game!
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