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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Zem18

  1. Don't count the Jersey Jets out just yet. Just ask Brady about the ass whooping he took today.
  2. Not sure how I missed this thread but glad it came back around. Don't recall the year but my Dad and I hunted on Stateland between two small towns, Smithville Flats and German. We sat on the ground and were approx 50 yards apart on the edge of a swamp. A 4pt came on a deer run and I was so excited that I pulled up my Remington 870 with Federal slugs and held the open sights on his neck at 40 yards and squeezed. He dropped right there. My Dad came down and I asked him how to field dress it. He looked at me and said, I don't know, I've never had to do it as everyone in his old hunting party did it for him. He starts gagging and hacking and can't be nearby. I butchered that thing up but so began my lessons in the woods.
  3. You might have a problem, but it's a good one!
  4. Happy Birthday. Enjoy the day!!
  5. That sucks for your uncle. He would have been so happy had he stayed that day. My daughter and I went to the green and white game in Cortland 2 years ago. We met a ton of players and had a great time. The year before that, my son, daughter and I went and had a blast at their camp. Sucks that they moved it this year closer to the city but it's a money maker for them and going where the larger fan base resides is just good business. Enjoy the game
  6. Well I have been looking and looking and finally decided on this one. Didn't think I'd get a lot of responses and was like a kid in a candy store with the money just burning a hole in my pocket so I went for it. Here is what I ordered. NcSTAR Ultra Compact Green Pistol Laser Sight http://www.amazon.com/NcStar-Compact-Pistol-Release-AQPTLMG/dp/B0075MOZ9S
  7. Tell your Mom Happy Birthday from a fellow Jets fan and we love her!!!! And for all you Bills fans, how's sexy Rexy working out for you now? Love his infectious confidence but sometimes it's better to "put up" and then just "shut up"!!!!
  8. Not too worried about the holster as it will just be for plinking in the woods or at the range. More of a "fun" accessory and not a protection piece. I have a cheapo nylon holster that is an open fit, not molded so I may be OK but won't know til I make a purchase.
  9. I'm looking into a picatinny rail laser for my pistol. I,d like to spend around $50 and there are plenty to choose from out there. Just wondering if anyone has one for their pistol and what brand. Any info on what you have is appreciated. Any particular brand I should stay away from?
  10. I saw this video and thought of this post. This is one impressive hunt. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=YlmaatJrv6I
  11. 12-20-15 My buddy cancelled on me last night so we didn't go to his club for the morning. I called another buddy and him and his dad were heading to the 100 acre woods, so I asked what time should I meet them as I wanted to get a crack at the doe I saw yesterday. They were meeting early to shoot the $h!t at like 630am. I told them I'd be there by 7am. I rolled around the corner and my lights hit them in the face and it was 7:01. I got out and we chatted for a few as I got the rest of my gear out. Then a clue other guys pulled up so we decided to see where everyone was headed and make a plan for some pushes. We were going.g to sit for a bit and then a few would move to certain areas to see if we could get some moving. It was almost shooting time so we headed to our spots. I walked approximately 50 yards and headed down an old logging road, just like yesterday. It was extra crunchy this morning so I was going as slow as I could. As I rounded a corner, I could see down into a small flat at the bottom of the hill. I scanned it back and forth for a minute and did not see anything so I kept moving forward. I took 5 steps and looked straight down to the bottom and just to the right of the logging road there is a deer staring up at me. I get it in the scope and it is not huge, but will be a great eating deer for some guys I know at work. I try to settle the crosshairs on her but I am shaking like a beech leaf on a windy day. I took a few deep breaths and tried again. Man I was all hyped up for some reason and could not get steady. If I moved to the closest tree, the deer would bolt. She turned her head away from me and I dropped to one knee. Now she turned to look back up at me after I had knelt down. I was able to take a few more breaths and get the crosshairs settled and I squeezed. As the smoke cleared, I saw her tip over, and another deer that had been behind her, behind a tree, darted off towards my buddy and his dad. I wasn't in the woods 10 minutes and it was over. Was nice to see some deer moving through the woods naturally this year during gun season rather than chasing ones that have been pushed and pressured. I have a few guys at work that love venison and do not hunt. They also don't have a lot so I have been looking for a larger deer to split amongst them. I decided it was now or never this morning and wanted to get them something, so size didn't matter.
  12. Lol my kids got something similar from the neighbors this year who went to Wisconsin. My 9yr old son is excited to try cow poop!!
  13. Found this link but not much info http://hamilton-ny.gov/village-of-hamilton/deer-culling Scroll down to deer cull proposal and it downloads to your device. Sounds a lot like the special season in Ithaca, NY. You need to sign up and get a permit or something in order to take part.
  14. Merry New Year and Happy Christmas to all my dysfunctional family members here!!!
  15. I think you missed my point. I'm all for it, use whatever weapon you want. Just sick of all the fighting within the hunting community about which weapon should get what week of the year or what season.
  16. Not yet. And they are "all" my seasons just like they are for everyone so I have no worries.
  17. This will be interesting. Maybe there will be 50 or 60 threads about how air riflemen should get their own season next year and we can have more hunters fighting with other hunters about which weapon to use.
  18. Enjoyed your journal too Fletch. Happy holidays to you and your family.
  19. Awesome pics and story. Be sure to visit the hunting journals section and feel free to start your own. Lots of stories in those threads to keep you reading all winter.
  20. Brozetti's pizza. If you are ever in Johnson City, NY or surrounding area, it is highly recommended. 607-797-9960.
  21. 12-22-15 Woke up and made my daughter's lunch and then had breakfast. Wasn't in a huge hurry as it was raining pretty steady. I went to the in laws to hit the honey hole across the street. I skirted it on Saturday afternoon as not to disturb it, in hopes that today it would produce. My FIL was going to meet me down there so I headed in a little after 8am. I still hunted my way in and ended up bumping 2 bedded deer on the edge of a briar thicket. They headed right into the hemlock where I was heading. I continued slowly and about 150yds later I came to a small creek bed. I took a step and up jumped a single deer on the other side about 30yds out. It stopped behind a group of trees and then bolted. Continued to work my way around, stopping and scanning. My FIL finally texted me at 11:15 and said he was coming down and to watch the area as he bumps deer in there coming in. I watched and only saw him. We pushed a few sections together trying to get something moving but to no avail. He went up the hill the way I entered to hunt that section and I stayed low. At 1:15 I was soaked through my coat and sweatshirt so I headed to the house to dry out. Clothes in dryer, so I went to the shop and deboned a hind quarter, and trimmed up the backstroke from the button on Sunday. Then went back out at 2:30 as the sun came out. Headed in the way my FIL did at 11. Got down to a nice spot and decided to stand and wait for natural movement. Never happened. At 4:15, I made a big circle and headed out. Almost made it to the road and up jumped a deer and took off down the hill. Must've came down after I entered the woods and was standing below. Was a great day in the woods even though I am all soggy and all my gear as well. Fired the ML and then cleaned it up tonight. It is back in the cabinet until next fall. I hope everyone enjoys Christmas and New Years with family and friends.
  22. I'm soggy. Man did it pour out today. Hunted from 8 until 1 and had to go throw my clothes in the dryer. I did bump 2 first thing this morning, and then a single was bedded about 150 yards away that I bumped. They were hard to see bedded in the briars. Went back out for last watch about 230. Headed back out at 430 and bumped one right where I had gone back in at. Now to clean and oil the ML.
  23. 44 and a steady rain here. Taking my time getting ready. Should be out there in the next 30 minutes. Let's do this!
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