Not a recall at this time.
They have a report of a trigger safety failure - not confirmed it was equipment or operator at this point. They have asked dealers to hold product until contacted this week with more info. If anything they are being preemptive on a situation that may not even exist.
You can get a Wicked Ridge, very decent crossbow, set up with scope, arrows, quiver and cocker for less than $600. A decent compound with all the same plus a release will be the same. And maybe he doesn't want a compound?
Based on what I see around me - yes, I am right.
Difference is I know that is just a snapshot of the state and think overall the DEC has a better idea of it then I or you do looking through our tiny windows.
Like said above, there are few truly dry does. If you shoot a doe, excellent chance you just shot one with fawns whether you saw them or not.
I shoot them without Bambifiing an animal to human emotions.
Shooting or not has nothing to do with morals/ethics.
People in high places that can't be bothered by those pesky laws the rest of us follow.
Personally don't want friends or even acquaintances like that. But those kind do tend to flock together.
10/1 too early?
They have been killing deer for at least a couple weeks in Kentucky.
Deer are out there - instead of waiting for them to come to you, maybe go to them.
Maybe spending 65 to 85k training to earn $12/hr isn't the best choice?
Any type of educational assistance legally should happen only at the state level.
Not the job of the federal government.
Jaeger - that is one definition. Ask 20 trad shooters and you may get 20 different ones.
I've shot and hunted with about every legal implement possible. Not one stirred even a flicker of spiritualness. Ones approach to hunting is not necessarily defined by the choice of weapon.
That's my thought too Joe.
When the time comes I can't get it done with my recurve, I will most likely
go with a crossbow. Shooting a compound does nothing for me.
Sticking with my recurve this year.
Total crossbow sales at my local shop is about 65.
Owner Greg says at least 60 are current or recent past bowhunters.