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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by SteveB

  1. Shouldn't take but less than a minute to light a pilot. Having it off for the summer should not cause any issue with the unit other than not knowing how to relight it. Another thing to remember - all heating appliances should have a yearly service performed. Late summer is a great time to schedule.
  2. Congratulations! This thread is a perfect example of why our trespass laws need serious updating.
  3. BS. I do post to let those unable to take responsibility for themselves know where the line is. Seems many are willing to either take it on themselves, don't care, or lack the ability like Vince and want someone to do it for them. I put my name and the town I live in on the poster and feel that is more than enough - took cell phone off years ago after having it ring at all hours during season asking permission from those too lazy to ask before showing up. I'll say it again. 1. Replace NY's confusing mix of trespass laws with something clear like the painted line law that WORKS in every state it exists. 2. Require written permission to be carried - also WORKS in at least Ohio. 3. Make the penalties for trespass something not to be laughed at. Want to be a hunter - put in the work and don't make other's do it for you.
  4. I'll try to make this simple so possibly you understand. Replace the signs with paint. Got it? Somehow I think neither may be a deterrent to those looking for a loophole or just don't want to be bothered with things like being responsible to hunt legally.
  5. That's why I'd like the "purple paint law" in lieu of our current rediculous, confusing statues. Several states have - mark the line after survey with purple paint - no addresses needed to protect the owners property. Last for years and is clearly seen as it is not a color in the woods or on fence lines. Add to it a version of Ohio's written permission only which must be carried. Then make the penalties have enough sting to have a deterrent effect rather than the wrist slaps currently in effect. This all would help the owner to be able to better enjoy their land by keeping the entitlement crowd looking for a loophole to extend their hunt wherever they can. I can see nothing in this a serious hunter who supports the rights of of property owners wouls have an issue with.
  6. I get it - it must be the responsibility of the landowner to make it as easy as possible for those hunters not willing to be responsible for themselves. The only moral responsible thing is to make the landowner bear the cost and workload. Then to have those seeking an advantage be able to tear down signs, claim ignorance, and get away with it - as some have pointed out happens regularly. And they must have listed personal info publically posted in the woods so anyone can contact them at anytime for any reason. 90% plus of the problems come from those who feel their hunting privileges and wants should come at the expense of the right of landowners. Proof of this here with this attitude:
  7. My point is there should not be a "right" way of posting - especially being required to post publically personal information. It simply should be the individuals responsibility to stay off land they do not own or have permission to be on. For those unwilling or unable to personally accept this responsibility, then something like purple paint on boundary trees should be enough. Several states do this.
  8. Yes - maybe not in the legal months to post. And every year deal with people who don't care. And the state has the boundaries marked clearly as well. No one gets a pass and no excuses.
  9. I know we are in NY. And NY has it wrong - we should be like Ohio where landowners actually have rights. You want the landowner to do the work to make it easier for you. Entitlement attitude trumping personal responsibility. I deal with it every year with the stateland "hunters" who feel that the 600 acres of state land bordering us is not enough - they need access to our 60 acres.
  10. You honestly don't think this is beyond stupid and a waste of ink, paper, bandwidth?
  11. It should be the responsibility of the individual to know where they are and to have permission. It is just wrong to put it on the landowner - period. Ohio has it right - have and carry written permission or face prosecution. It's called personal responsibility.
  12. Fact is no one should have to post their land - if you don't own it or have written permission, you don't go. Period. The paper listed above is opinion written by someone doing research - not part of the NYS penal or environmental codes. Lines like make me wonder who writes such stuff. How can anyone possibly know what months you replace signs?
  13. 1. Like I said - research ozone just a bit. It does need to be in contact with the molecules it is changing for sufficient time. From a discussion on Bowsite: In an open area like above your head in a treestand, it is not possible for high enough non dangerous concentrations to have the exposure time needed to work. 2. It could all be measured in a lab with variables controlled and changed one at a time to determine if it is changing the molecular structure of the target scent molecules as Ozonics claims. If it worked as they claim, they would commission these tests and publish the results. It would eliminate all doubt and send sales thru the roof.
  14. But a 29" ATA trigger shot 90%+ let off machine with a bow mounted rangefinder is what it is all about? Funny stuff there - thanks. The new Leupold® Vendetta™ bow-mounted rangefinder will revolutionize the way you hunt and dramatically improve your chance of hanging meat on the pole. Not since the introduction of the compound bow has there been such a dramatic innovation in bow hunting. Vendetta gives you an instant and precise digital readout of your target range – at full draw – with no excessive movement and less busted game. Simply push the trigger pad and Vendetta continually adjusts distance, angles and elevation as your target moves. Shoot with stealthy confidence that’s dead on
  15. 100lb min - 200 lb max. 17" (I believe) limb tip to limb tip. Not all crossbows have cams.
  16. Because it was put in by the legislature instead of the DEC - who should have it and would understand it better. Because of this, NYB was able to exert some influence to keep crossbows from simply being listed as archery equipment.
  17. So you are suggesting that crossbow hunters drink and smoke hunting but "traditional" compound ones don't. Does it really sting so bad?
  18. Simply addressed your claim that suggested the course is a 3 day event when it is often done in one.
  19. One this Sat at my local range. 8AM till done around 5. 40+ signed up with at least 50 turned away. One day course by a Master Instructor of 25+ years.
  20. My local shop has sold at least 50 crossbows in the last couple months. Better than 90% where to bowhunters. So most going afield will have taken the bowhunter course - at least local to me in 7J.
  21. Like a compound hunter in a ground blind with shoot thru windows? Or 20 ft up in a tree?
  22. Charity is a personal thing to me. I do what I can, but usually at a local personal level - not an internet fad.
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