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sits in trees

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. Very nice, I would lock myself in there for hours and not allow admission to anyone but a select few hunting buddies. A coffee machine and a little fridge would be nice too.
  2. put that bad boy on craigslist with pics and it will sell in a NY minute...
  3. Run by very smart people, that's why they are getting richer day by day while the rest of us flounder. And even if you think your doing just dandy right now your odds for the future are not good.
  4. Yes the Catholic church has it's problems, and those problems are well popularized by other religious groups with the hopes of stealing members and converting them to their Johnny come lately steel building churches on the tpke, after all its good business....The Catholic religion still by far is the most charitable religion on the planet.
  5. I clicked on to the link expecting to hop and skip threw it and ended up watching every single minute of it, very enjoyable.
  6. I think you might have misinterpreted my post, Im all for crossbows.
  7. Im pretty sure the mag restriction does not apply to pump action guns only semi autos. The 870 would still be legal but the Rem semi auto with mag extension possibilities could be a problem....
  8. I just want to hunt with a crossbow because I want to, what do you think you will gain by trying to stop me?
  9. I was wondering if anyone actually saw the show. To me it almost seemed like they were trying to sell it as a good thing with hype rock music backgrounds and really good looking younger folks really trying to push the idea as fresh honest and normal. In all honesty the whole thing really didn't sit well with me... Try and catch an episode, this is going to be a series. See what you think, interesting to say the least.
  10. Did anyone see the show "Polygamy in America" last night on the National Geographic channel? I really went back n forth on whether or not I should post on this subject but I just couldn't help myself, sorry..Any thoughts?
  11. you really should get into it, it's a total blast, I enjoy it as much as deer hunting.....
  12. They had 4000 leo's in a 10 block area in Boston looking for 1 teenager. Could you imagine what they would have in DC for this???
  13. How we gonna get the Moose's to cross the river to Ulster county???
  14. At the risk of sounding like a Barbarian, one of those cheap machetes works well for floppers, or just a good stick for that matter. I know guys that stomp on the heads to finish the job but I'm too much of a wuss to get near one o them things when they are floppin about like that....
  15. A lot of newbies see them still flopping and shoot again not realizing they do that flopping thing for a while in almost all cases. And I have to agree with taking shots that are too far, Im reading stuff about 70 yd shots being taken by hunters because they have these super tight turkey chokes and 3.5in loads. When you pattern your gun on paper you will see that after 35 yds its a gamble and you also put pellets into the edible meat which to me is just plain nasty having those feathers shoved into the breast meat.
  16. Yea the guys are spot on with the CVA's, great guns...Also I recommend shooting this powder because its non corrosive and very easy cleaning, next best thing to shooting smokeless powder.... http://www.blackhorn209.com/
  17. I passed on 2 Jakes and was spotted by a Gobbler, So far its much better than last season here in lower Ulster.
  18. You don't wanna spend money on a 6 year old mower. Yea thats way tooooo old, I usually scrap mine after a season or two?????
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