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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. Exactly!!!! Correct me if I'm wrong, but were ARs initially implemented in certain regions (NYS) due to the pressure of trophy hunters upon the DEC. Another factor that irks me is why is the DEC lately getting involved with hunter satisfaction or their ability to provide the public with sufficient opportunities? Four Seasons' question - Czar Andy is promoting tourism in NY throughout all the state's resources/departments in an effort to bring in $$. Since he can't get employers to start-up or expand any businesses within NYS, his plan is to take out-of-stater's money. Let's see if I've got this correct. The minority, proverbial "squeaky wheel" generally prevails! Secondly, the DEC's primary mission has changed to bringing in money for the general fund and secondarily to address environmental issues. That's not even taking into account the basic, non-outdoorsmen legislators that are creating the environmental (hunting/fishing) laws, FUBAR!
  2. ...and digestion process.
  3. As a general rule, probably true. Not to beat a dead horse, but doesn't the old genetics &/or nutrition come into play with rack development? In the area I hunt, nutrition isn't great, so genetics are the key factor, where I've seen June to be the primary growth month. As an arbitrary landmark, by ~July 4th bucks in my area have developed to ~80% of what they'll be in Oct. Can't speak directly to areas that have large nutritional crops available, but have to assume significant growth will/should continue thru July due to available nutrition. Isn't this growth mainly tine length during July? Of course, every buck will develop differently even within the same area.
  4. Are we in our summertime boredom mode? At least the second thread about farts passing gas. LOL Okay, I'll bite (no pun)... Asparagus, not so much. Brussel sprouts and cabbage, oh yeah! Nothing compared to chili.
  5. Although very interesting, really didn't find any new or novel findings from the study. With all due respect to the man, but I'm not a big fan of Dr Grant Woods.Seen numerous discussions he's had on deer biology and always come away with more questions than OMG revelations. Doesn't everyone agree that supplemental (20% protein) feeding over a couple of generations level the initial weight/rack deviations within the 3 different soil conditions outlined in the video?? Think our resident deer-farmer will attest to this. Those of you QDM fans also know the caliber of your local bucks are upgraded (#/") by your efforts. Video did raise a couple of questions in my mind regrading the nutrition vs genetics controversy: Doesn't improved nutrition over generations also have a direct influence on genetics? Possibly more a single factor, Nutri-netics? Don't Wikipedia! Isn't genetics solely responsible for a pretty good buck, maybe in the 150/160" class existing in a poor soil, non-agr & unsupplemented feeding habitat?
  6. Yeah, that online cert is more of a safety overview sign-off. Go back and look, but pretty sure the one I used from last year was only good for that 2014-2015 season.
  7. The last I read, those two bills got stalled in the Enviro sub-Committee just before the summer recess. So, assuming no changes for Xbow hunting this upcoming season!?! Just so everyone is aware, nothing good regarding Xbow legislation has come out of this sub-Committee, yet!!
  8. Think that cartoonist is Rubes. Very bizarre sense of humor, which I love. Always look for his 'toon' in the paper!
  9. Imagine what it'd cost in today's actor's pay scale to produce Taxi, where everyone wants $1M/episode. What do today's sit-com s actually run time wise, something like a 50/50 mix of show & advertising. Pathetic!!!!!!!!!
  10. Strictly nostalgic...Taxi was the best! Great cast and skits/story lines...and Christopher LLoyd was phenomenal as Jim Ignatowski.
  11. Because of their reverse draw geometry, are they within legal specs per DEC? Know a couple years ago when I was browsing Xbows, some models were not? If I recall, it was the 200# draw max...or maybe the min width??? Just curious! Aside from that,.very cool Xbow design!
  12. Tell me about it... Thought I'd lost mine cleaning a turkey a couple years ago. Immediately went into a panic. Had that Buck 110 since 1969 and we've had a lot of memories together. So I bought a new one and shortly afterwards I found my old one. Relief!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Anyone ever use a knife with a gut-hook? Works pretty slick for unzipping the belly. Until you get to the "private parts", then the real surgery begins and an appropriate knife of your choice is needed. Think this field dressing goes back to the old proverb; "There's more than one way to skin a cat." Basically whatever tools or techniques work for you, use those!
  14. I did see the courtship dance just once & it was pretty cool to witness. Always wished I could find a nest, just to see how small it really was. No such luck! Amazing thing about those little dudes is their annual migration. Simply unbelievable!!!
  15. Dude, yet another unbelievable encounter!!!! Story to come...?
  16. As far as I know, there will be no changes from last year regarding Xbows. Couple of bills stuck in the Enviro Committee that would have corrected previous definitions, classification, seasons, required license, etc. With legislature on summer break, nothing happening in Albany until they reconvene in late August. Maybe in 2016-17 season...?
  17. LMAO, to be in their woods during their bow season chasing their deer with a weapon that isn't a true bow... Back to the event, sounds like a very cool get-together and supporting events!
  18. One of my pet peeves! It's expected the DEC should be involved with managing the NYS environment &/or lands for the enjoyment of its' residents. BUT for the DEC.to get involved in managing the wildlife in terms of hunter satisfaction is just plain dumb! Not even part of the DEC's mission statement! Someone already hinted at this, it's our responsibility as hunters and stewards of our little parts of the world we own or hunt in to micro manage the carrying capacity and population densities of the deer. If I shot as many does as the DEC guess-timated as overpopulated and would issue DMPs to me for my county, after a couple of years there wouldn't be many around. So I micro manage the doe population for their benefit as best as I can and for my own future hunting satisfaction. Probably contrary to what the local apple farmers think, but we all can't be happy hunters!
  19. Very cool! Learn something everyday, didn't realize there was enough interest for there to be an official NY Atlatl Assoc.
  20. Aside from the mixed survey findings, did anyone notice the very small responses the results were based on??? Recycled that issue of NYON, but if I recall correctly - About 6700 random (??) hunters were given the survey and ~2500 responded. Pretty small sampling of NY hunters to base any future legislation on. Just in case everyone isn't aware, Cornell's Dept of Natural Resources and its' Human Dimensions Unit get huge funding from the state (DEC) annually and to do these types of reports & surveys. IE; Whitetail Mgmt Plan, this survey, etc. So their interpretation of these findings may not be completely unbiased.
  21. Really hope that Colt can survive, it's such an iconic American firearms company! BUT...also hope they have learned their lesson and can adapt & change their mgmt/development principles. They can only hang on to the glory of the 1911 and AR15 for so long without adapting to new trends, technologies or markets before completely going under. Best of luck to Colt and their ability to re-invent themselves!
  22. Definitely can appreciate your minimumalistic ($$) project, but.... Out of curiosity, have you ever had any luck in the past with these wild apple trees bearing any fruit? IMHO, seems like a lot of time, effort and anticipation invested in something that at best will give meager & sporatic results. Am I wrong?
  23. Back when I was researching Xbows, Hawke made the best scopes and basically set the standard for the rest of the mfgers. Now I see Nikon and other mfgers have "upped" their game. BTW - As you may have found out, a decent Xbow with a crappy scope will make for a lot of disappointment and added $$. Better name brand Xbows come with scopes tested on their specific models. Not aware of the velocity comp scopes for Xbows, but betting they'll be super expensive. Assuming you zeroed-in the original scope per mfger's suggestions..? Mine had a 30yrd zeroing-in range, Which made it good for all 4 (20-50yrd) dots/X-hairs. Maybe try adjusting your zero-in yardage out some. Wouldn't be super unethical to be dead on at 30-40yrds, but off say an inch at 20 & 50yrds. Possibly a lighter or heavier arrow/bolt or broadhead weight?? Going to get a lot of flack over this opinion, but Xbow shots in hunting situations in NYS of 50+yrds are desperation driven. Anyone new to archery tackle, Xbows included, is in for a cultural shock if transitioning from rifle or shotgun hunting and expecting similar performances on a smaller scale. Archery hunting is meant to be up close & personal with your game of choice.
  24. I too had attended a "BYO dish-to-pass" wild game dinner years ago sponsored by Cornell's Dept of Natural Resources. If you did the blind taste test, most meats weren't too bad. BUT..once you found out what it was you probably wouldn't go back for seconds. Thankfully I was warned before hand that one contributor was notorious for cooking roadkill raccoon or woodchuck. As interesting as it was to try bear, elk, caribou, beaver, raccoon, woodchuck, etc - I never went back for any follow-up dinners!!! Definitely a one-time bucket list adventure!
  25. Sam Colt is probably rolling over in his grave. Too bad for such an iconic firearms company that played a big part in our American history. Guess I should remove a 1911 from my wish list. http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/10/news/companies/colt-bankruptcy/
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