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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. WOW, thank you AndyP for your direct input about your survey on this forum and especially your candor! Congrats on your study being published!
  2. Putting my skepticism about the survey aside, I think the author's summary is valid. "The differences in performance between bow types and broadhead types are small." Which leaves the human factor as the wild card in determining recovery rates! IE; proficiency with equipment, patience to make ethical shots and hunting skills.
  3. Unfortunately, no - there is no way to do a similar study in a "real world" scenario, ie; NYS. Survey required 100% reporting of hits, misses & recoveries. Isn't NYDEC Decal reporting something in the range of 65% & not verifiable? Recovery data for mechanical vs fixed BHs included mechanicals for the linked survey only since 2007. Doc; Go back and reread survey. Author mentioned a bow only, exclusive (& fenced-in?), non-public area(s). Recovery data derived from only 135 successful hunters of the 209 participants. Experience, proficiency, skill level &/or long-term participation of hunters was noted a few times. "Andy reported that several of their most skilled, long-term bowhunters have taken a lot more than eight deer in the years they’ve been hunting the base, including Andy". Required AR & earn-a-buck. "Finally, hunters almost always ask for help with blood-trailing because recovery is so important." Not to rekindle the Xbow debate, but unlike NY regs, survey included compounds & Xbow equipment. IMHO - Seems to be semi-controlled survey parameters. Interesting read all the same!
  4. Okay, interesting read, especially the author's summary. But...pretty limited & inclusive study parameters.
  5. Pretty much agree with everyone else, managing the harvest or either toms or hens will NOT help increase the overall population. If anything, like G-MAN stated, go back to the old limit of a staggered 2X tom spring season. Predator management is the key, especially the notorious "nest raiders". At least in my neck-of-the-woods, the last few springs have been extremely wet, which is not conducive to a good annual hatch. Also in the small area I hunt, the overall population has gone down, which I'm assuming is due to probably no eggs/poults surviving. IMHO, if there is an abundant population of raccoons, skunks, opossums, fox, etc in your area - the turkey population will struggle to maintain their #s and more than likely decline. So, attempting to manage the turkey population through hunting harvest #s would be futile at best!
  6. Didn't I see one of our other members also post on that PETA link? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't "...most fun ..with your clothes on.." a Pygmy-ism!??! Sorry dude!
  7. Sadly & reluctantly I have to agree with above sentiment. Under the French family dynasty over NASCAR since the 1930/40s, the latest monarch (Brian French) has removed any resemblance of this being a spectator sport into a Wall Street marketing scam. Any more its' solely about sponsorship money, TV time $$, product licensing, showmanship and basically how much money they can "suck" out of the fans. Hell I can remember decades ago when you could watch one of the rare ABC Wide World of Sports airing of a race and you could actually distinguish a car's make/model. Back then, if another driver wrecked you, you forced him off the track & got in his face w/o worrying about being PC, point deductions, fines or suspensions. Nowadays, divers are more worried about having time to Twitter their fans during a red flag than the actual race situation!??! Oh yeah, the allure of auto racing at its' roots, the local dirt or asphalt tracks. Bunch of buddies working every evening in a garage after their regular 8-5 jobs, pooling their available funds to put a car together that hopefully gets through the heats & into the main event race w/o wrecking. Price money wouldn't even pay for weekly repair parts, it's all about local bragging rights! The proverbial "money-pit" racecar and the "die-hard" enthusiasts sitting in the bleechers, couple of beers, comfort foods, roaring engines, exhaust fumes, burnt rubber and cheering on their favorite local driver! Redneck heaven..!
  8. Had one many years ago, gorgeous gun for sure! Just too much "bling" for me to take out into the woods. Opted for the dressed down Renegade, which I still have.
  9. Pretty sure Danica brings in a ton of sponsor $$, with little to show for it!?! I foresee her following Juan Pablo within a couple years back to open-wheel racing. Will be interesting to see how Smoke's (Stewart-Haas) super-stars do this year. Lot of big egos all within one team...? The #3 car resurrected...That's just plain sacra religious! BTW - If you ever get the opportunity, take the tour of the track. Banking on one end is absurd, 31deg! Track wasn't busy the day I took the tour, so they parked buggy and let you go to bottom of track & look up the banking. Unbelievable!
  10. Ted's definitely an interesting human specimen, whether you love or hate him..!?! Not someone I'd prefer to endorse my political campaign. Only the news is making a big deal out of this, everyone else simply knows it's Ted being himself!
  11. Obviously, in a "perfect world", the old tried & true boiler room shot. In the real-life world of deer hunting, there may be situations when you simply need to take a shot that puts it down in its' tracks. Not my favorite, but have taken shots at the base of the neck.
  12. If price is the primary consideration, look at the 5-6 cu/ft chest freezers. Typically in the $200+ price range. Be warned - A chest freezer can be a pain in the a$$ with everything piled on top of each other. Sort of lose track of your inventory when food gets shuffled to the bottom and not in plain sight. Definitely an inconvenience, but manageable!
  13. Coolest thing about the Olympics so far was the news clip about Canadian citizen's access to the giant Molson beer cooler. They put their passport into a scanner, it recoginized them as Canadian citizens and the cooler door opens. Oh yeah!!
  14. nyslowhand

    New Peep

    Similiar to what I was forced to eventually use (HindSight). Had this discussion before, but when you young bucks are forced into the tri-focal corrective lens world....These products work for old, imperfect eyes. Also significantly reduce bow torque with 2X sights on bow riser.
  15. Desired amount in a small bowl, into microwave on med-high power 6 -> 8, for short peroids (<30sec..?) until it softens & NOT heated too much. Experiment with power/time depending on where you store PB, cupboard or refrig. BTW - Do NOT put jar with any residual alum seal, even small amounts on the jar's lid into microwave. Zip - Zap! Also can use above method & add PB to enhance those pre-packaged PB cookie mixes. Sorry nana...! LOL
  16. nyslowhand

    New Peep

    Shouldn't the peep opening size be determined by the OD of your sight pin housing? I've had good luck when pin hsg filled my view through the peep at full draw.
  17. Couple big spoonfuls of PB softened & poured over vanilla ice cream.
  18. Not to rekindle any controversy, but this film/documentary is being rerun on CNN on Sunday (2/9) at 9PM. FYI, for those who haven't see it or may be interested.
  19. Thank God this is about turkey calls! Scarey moment when I thought I might have to endure Dee Snider again. Once in a lifetime was enough!! LOL
  20. You're getting a Cabelas, don't be greedy. LOL
  21. This is the actual program, not the shortened trailer. http://video.pbs.org/video/2365159966/
  22. Exact same phone I upgraded to from the old flip phone style. Had it for ~1yr and like it, no issues so far. Especially good battery life compared to flip phones. Lot of cases, screen protectors, etc available on-line. If I remember correctly, mine was a reconditioned model for ~$50. See now there are other very similiar Android-ish, full screen models available. On the LG39C when texting, you can turn phone side-ways (Gyro-sensing) and get larger texting buttons. I still need to use the stylus pen though! Takes okay photos for a 3Mp camera. I'm still betting you'll pay ~$100/yr like I do. One year contract & 400min (dbled or tripled) card for $99.
  23. Been with Tracfone for several years and used the flip phones. They were basic phones and battery life was ~1 year. Cost more to buy new battery than buy a new phone..!?! Pretty basic phone, but did find reception was pretty sketchy and influenced by terrain. Still with Tracfone, did upgrade to a 3G phone & reception was much better. Any purchased wallpaper, ringtones are specific to your individual phone & can not be sent to or save on a PC. I can send photos taken with phone via eMail to my PC. Not sure about files..may be stretching the limits of Tracfone's basic premise? I've never had a lost or delayed text message, if I had good reception (bars).Using a cell phone for its' basic purposes, I leave connecting to the web strictly to my home PC. If you only pay ~$100/yr with Verizon, I'd stick with them..reception wise!! Sure you've also found Tracfone has a pretty limited selection of phones.
  24. Similiar topic discussed years ago.. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/1429-prusik-knot/?hl=lifeline
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