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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. Regardless of any of the mfger's sales hype, Evercalm is a masking scent only! I smear some on a cotton wick & hang from my stand. Been using it for the last couple of years. Does it work? IMHO - Can't say I've seen any more deer within bow range since using it as compared to previous years..! The things we do & money we spend to get that elusive buck within bow range.
  2. Okay, just to set the record straight - there's nothing elite about the Bowhunter's Sightings Log! Request to participate and most likely you'll get a log in the mail. Subsequent years you'll get one in the mail automatically. I haven't participated in 3 years & still get one in the mail every year. I participated for a few years, until I realized I was providing biased data for their studies. Hunt a single 60ac parcel, so if I report seeing 100 deer over xxhrs, the DEC has no clue if that's 100 different deer or 4 deer 25 times. Lot of other factors that aren't taken into consideration that could biased the raw data provided. Ie: Annual weather pattern changes, availability of agr crops, local terrain or habitat, specific hours you hunt, size of area you hunt, number of stands/blinds within a single reporting area, previous winter (kill) conditions, etc. Suppose the log might be useful if data were provided over a peroid of many years for the same specific location for the DEC to predict population trends, but.... I prefer to keep a personal journal for my own reference. This way I can input weather conditions, stand location, specific deer (bucks) sighted, exact day/time, travel routes/patterns, behavoir, rub/scrape locations, etc. FYI - What the Bowhunter's Sightings Log data is used for (per DEC): "The New York Bowhunter Sighting Log is designed to provide information on long-term population trends for selected wildlife species. The log was started on an experimental basis in several areas of the state in 1995 and expanded to cover the entire state in the fall 1998. These type of data are collected by New York and a number of other states as an index of wildlife populations. As data accumulate, we are better able to track population changes and improve our ability to make management decisions for a variety of species."
  3. If you are trying to correlate the literal definitions of the Harvest & Hunter's moon to Charlie Alsheimer's rutting moon, they are different. Literal definition of Hunter's moon is the next full moon after the full moon that is closest to the fall equinox. Alsheimer refers to his rutting moon as the next full moon that follows the full moon that occurs after the fall equinox. So Alsheimer's rutting moon for 2013 is Nov 17th. This is another topic, but IMHO neither have an effect on the actual rutting activity.
  4. Here's a dilemma scenario - Lucky enough to have a great buck walk in front of your stand & you take him on opening day. Isn't it going to make the remainder of bow season sort of anticlimactic? You just know if you continue to hunt for does, you'll have big bucks tempting you everyday. Seems to be their 7th sense, knowing when you're tagged-out. Would be a pleasant dilemma to have, ehh?
  5. I'm in a similiar situation with working & hunting on my property alone. Went with the Tracphone's "Pay As You Go", pretty much the cheapest way to get into a basic phone with no service agreements or huge monthly charges. For a 1st time cell phone user, I'd suggest going to a Radio Shack. They sell Trachones & the "Pay As You Go" plans/minutes. Have heard people say they'll setup & activate at time of purchase, so you walk out of the store ready to use phone. BTW - Think they sell a Big Easy phone with larger buttons. You can also buy on-line, WalMart, etc., but the 1st time you go throught the activation process can be a little daunting. I had a basic flip phone for several years and the coverage/reception was somewhat sketchy. Certainly not as advertised or shown on their coverage maps. Recently got a slightly upgraded touch screen phone & the reception was much better. So,..reception depends on the area you'll be mainly using it in, the terrain, the phone's capabilities, etc. Bottom line $$, I get the 1 year service with 400 minutes, which get doubled with most new phone purchases for ~$100/yr. Minutes can be carried over to following year, but you'll need to get another annual usage card. You can add time/minutes in increments as small as 30min/30days and up. Bewarned, the batteries on those cheapie Tracphones have a cycle (charge/discharge) life of ~1yr. Cheaper to buy a new $20 phone than a replacement battery. Remaining minutes & service time can be easily switched between phones. Most phones have the selectable ringer with volume adjust, vibrate only, etc. DO NOT shut your phone off, set it to vibrate only. God forbid, in the case of an actual emergency all you want to do is hit a pre-set phone # button.
  6. What Fantail displayed is a good "rule of thumb", but I'd get the pro shop to confirm this. BTW - Hope you're talking about a local, individually owner archery shop and not one of those big-box stores with a $10/hr self-proclaimed expert behind the counter..! Went through the same exercise a few years ago with local vs online bow purchase. Went to a local shop and shot a lot of bows, numerous times until I found one I really wanted. Went online and got same one for $100 less. So..in the end, by the time you take the new bow to the local shop and pay to get it set-up, with the disapproving scowling, your savings have shrunk! Although the shop (dealer) is obligated to repair your bow if anything happens, they'll remember you didn't buy it from them and you might not get the speedy service as if it were purchased there. That in itself is worth a lot to me!! FYI - Those advertised fps/speeds are sales hype much like new vehicle MPG ratings. Chronographing is accomplished in ideal lab conditions with max draw wgt, light arrows, max draw length and using a mechanical release device. My guess is you'll be in the 330fps range or less. Faster (fps) bows inherently have shorter brace heights, which have the disadvantage of being somewhat less forgiving. As much as we'd like to think we've perfected our form & consistency to become almost instinctive while shooting in the backyard, in real hunting situations we can perform less than ideally.......... IMHO, giving up some speed for a 7"+ brace hgt that's more forgiving and can literally improve my flawed form & consistency is a no-brainer for me.
  7. Sorry, I didn't test out that link, but was hoping it would be similiar to the one for Wayne Co. We can put in Town/Village and either specific address or property owner's name and it'll take you to the tax roll info page for that property. Which lists the taxes, assesment, property size, buildings, lein info, owner's contact, etc. On that page there is a link to go to tax map for that property. Would have thought Steuben Co being much larger (pop.) it would have had similiar or better property tax search data on their website.
  8. Local Government and School Accountability Real Property Tax Cap Information Chapter 97 of the Laws of 2011 (Part A-Property Tax Cap) established a tax levy limit (hereafter referred to as the "property tax cap") that affects all local governments, most school districts in New York State, except New York City, and a host of other independent taxing entities such as library, fire and water districts. Under this law, the growth in the property tax levy, the total amount to be raised through property taxes charged on the municipality's taxable assessed value of property, is capped at 2 percent or the rate of inflation, whichever is less, with some exceptions. Local communities have the ability to override the cap.
  9. http://www.steubencony.org/rpsweb/rpsmain.aspx
  10. Should have been more specific; Windows Vista and trying to capture frames from DivX video and convert to most any photo format like jpeg.
  11. My guess is that this fox will return to chasing mice, birds & squirrels after this encounter.
  12. Anyone use any freeware programs sucessfully, that capture a single video frame and convert it to a photo w/o degrading the quality? Saw one that looked interesting on Cnet, but thought I'd get some input first.
  13. As customer reviews goes, they're mixed at best! Had 3-4 bad experiences at Guerin-Teed Archery. Always groups of guys BS-ing, no one wants to wait on you, owner never around during bow season, overpriced, antique used bows... So, if you live in Wayne county, you're SOL and will need to make a road-trip. Have had decent luck at Jim's in northern Ontario Co, on Rte96 between Manchester & race track/Casino. But...Need to visit after 5-6PM or weekends when owner is there.
  14. If it ain't broke, don't mess with it..! lol Get a chunk of wood and put the new Dremel to work carving a duck decoy!
  15. Ladder stands have their benefits, as well as drawbacks. They are only semi-mobile, when compared to hang-ons or climbers. There definitely is an acclimation period required for the deer to get use to them being there. If you think you can move a ladder stand in or around during bow season w/o disrupting the deer's behavior or travel routes, think again! If you're using one for gun season, you have a little more leeway. I try to get mine all situated & shooting lanes cut by mid-July for the Oct 1st SZ bow season opening. You need to do your homework, scouting, current trail cam photos &/or use historical patterns before selecting the location. Their reaction to a new intrusion (stand) varies from deer to deer, bucks to does as well as location (habitat) variations.
  16. Had Arthroscopic surgery on both knees several years ago, one at a time. Believe it or not, for such a seemingly minor surgery it'll take weeks to get back to where you can be mobile. It also depends on what they have to fix when they put the scope in your knee. My doctor kept me out of work for 12 weeks both times. I felt I was ready at ~6 weeks, but it was summertime and who was I to argue with a doctor..! Pain, again it depends on the extent of the repairs. Sure there's pain, but Tylenol III is wonderful stuff, (disclaimer) when used responsibly.
  17. Sure, venison has a lot less fat (nutritionally) than beef, but it's also higher in cholesterol. Organ meats (heart, liver, etc) are even higher yet!
  18. I hate you! Kidding, of course! Great 10pt! Funky looking drop time! Looks like it got broken or bent over. Enjoy it now, in 7 weeks you'll be wondering where the heck they went.
  19. ThermaCells are the best product available for providing protection against mosquitoes, biting flies, etc ...for a stationary object! Have to think either the full sized or clip-on models would have little to no effect while you were mobile (scouting). Could be wrong..?
  20. Same situation for 8F. Although in my little part of that region, I'm not seeing the overpopulation or need for so many DMPs being issued.
  21. Per contest rules, eligibility (see OP); Rules: Post a reply on this thread below. ONE post per person. The post must include a picture of a deer you have either shot / harvested with a short blurb of the story behind it AND / OR a trail camera picture of a deer you saw, missed, wanted in the last few years with a short blurb of the story behind it. As far as the short story, it can be a simple two sentence thing, or feel free to go into detail. Can’t get any simpler than that. Entries will be accepted up until Friday May 31st, 2013 at 11:59 ET. The contest list will then be posted with all contestants along with a unique number assigned to each contestant. The winner will be picked LIVE via live stream (and recorded) during the first week in June, the numbers will be picked via a random number generator. (Thanks jessie.james for the idea) Every single member (and new member) is eligible (except me) as long as you follow the rules above and get that post in by the deadline!
  22. I've had a 4'x8', tilt-bed trailer for ~7-8 years. It sits outside year round, exposed. Never had a problem with the trailer's wiring, but every couple of years I need to replace the connector (pigtail) on my vehicle. Also pull my trailer with my 500cc ATV. Buy a trailer with the pockets already welded on. In the future if you need side rails, the pockets are already there. I've used my trailer more for hauling firewood, brush, plywood or appliances than my ATV.
  23. The OP's supplied link was basically an advertisement for a specific camo pattern/mfger. Have seen a better presentation of how biologists & vision experts assumed the deer's vision processed colors on a older episode of D&DH. Also discussed how a deer's vision might not be able to distinguish different camo patterns, they do see outlines or profiles of the hunter that might not be natural to their environment. The fact that deer can not process BO was also attributed to the different shading they see in the red spectrum as a distinct outline of an unrecognizable shape. BO camo was only slightly less recognizable as a shape, mostly due to beaking up the shape. So, assuming the worst case, unproven scenario for the deer & best for the hunter, a deer is completely color blind and unable to process UV shades. They still could distinguish shapes, variations in shading, determine what's naturally occurring or a possible threat and see the slightest movement in those shapes/profiles! So the next time you're walking through the woods in your high tech camo or BO, thinking you're invisible...think again! Now back to our sponsors Mossy Oak & RealTree....
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