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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by jesse.james

  1. The pepper spray in this state is a tame version found elsewhere.
  2. so because we agree that zimmerman didnt do anything wrong we are racist. You need to get your head out of your ass. I dont care two shits what color zimmerman or trayvon are White, black, brown, yellow, purple, or green. As a matter of fact my wife is half black so before you go spouting racism you might want to know a thing or two of what your talking about. Did Zimmerman racial profile? Maybe and quite possibly. Was it illegal for him to do so? Nope. Was it illegal for him to follow Trayvon? Nope. Was it illegal for trayvon to attack zimmerman? Yup. Trayvon was the first to break the law. HIs name could have been bubba and as white as snow for all I care. My answer would have been the same. And obviously a jury of his peers thought the same thing. Gotta love it that every time we pass judgement on someone who happens to be black we are racist. Just plain pathetic and shows the IGNORANCE OF AMERICA.
  3. Zimmerman should be acqitted. He broke no laws under Florida penal code. Leave the moral judgement up to the Lord.
  4. The difference is to accurately shoot long distances with a bow you have to practice practice and practice some more. with a crossbow you just need to get the scope dialed in for 100 yards and the xbow does the rest.
  5. reducing dmps do not equate to more deer. 6N has not handed out a dmp in over 40 yrs but yet the herd is only slightly more healthy than it was generations ago. For every buck I see there are 5-6 doe. Most of the bucks taken are yearlings.
  6. I guess you didn't feel like reading the article, and many places in NY like 6N could benefit.
  7. Lol some of you guys are just like my father. I can give him all the info and science in the world but he will still shake his head. I don't know if it's just in rebellion to not being able to do what you want. You can refute the science all you want but its still truth. Admit that you don't want to be told what to do. Man up and admit you don't care what is best for the herd but what is best for you. There is ample proof that ARs help buck/doe ratios and overall herd quality. Is not about more bone. Is about a healthy herd we can ALL enjoy.
  8. I'm guessing 8 before it's done.
  9. Ive been using a self propelled push mower and my hip waiters.
  10. There is intent by the DEC to put xbows into the archery season. This bill would give them the ability to do so. That's why many of us are opposing the bill.
  11. I went with a TC Icon in a .308. What a shooter but not interchangeable. Price tag is a bit steep.
  12. You usually don't lose your hunting privileges on a first offense. You have to go to court and pay a fine. You also can't hunt that spot for 2 weeks. **wasn't me but I know two people that got nailed for corn a few years back.
  13. This is Sasha my Bernese Mountain Dog.
  14. I love my summit viper SD. My biggest problem is staying Awake.
  15. strongly suggest watching this video. Ive had very good success using the techniques suggested.
  16. you don't need a standing militia. These laws are pissing off our armed forces and law enforcement as well. Id imagine it wouldn't take a whole lot to light that powder keg.
  17. 6N is starting to get alot of them. Should have a season for them very soon. The next unit over already has a season. One of my hunting spots I see or hear bear every year. Missed walling smack into a show and her two cubs by 15 mins at my trail cam. I have at least 1 400lbs bear up there. Lots of damage to telephone poles.
  18. Yeah I found tracks this weekend couldn't have been bigger than a Walnut.
  19. I have an hss Pro but that's out of your budget. Check out Gorilla.
  20. Yes I'm a huge song of ice and fire fan (the books. Game of thrones is only book 1) my daughters name is Arya.
  21. And the bad luck continues. My 13 month old daughter gets diagnosed with a kidney infection. Very high fever. won't eat or drink. Finally Sunday night gets admitted to Galisano Children's hospital because the antibiotics aren't working. We are on day two in the hospital. They can't get her temps to stabilize. Still the antibiotics don't seem to be working. Ultra sound shows fluid on the left kidney. We took the wives Caddy to the hospital. Ran home to let the dogs out and the car dies. Pretty sure it's the alternator. Seriously what is next.?
  22. well I guess the pro a283 crowd will have to hope it makes a quick move to vote when the next session starts up. Im not sure at what point the dec may shelf it for the year.
  23. I'm interested let me Taku to the missus. Normally I don't need to clear stuff but we are in the process of buying a house however I am owed a bday present.
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