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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Why would you think they aren't true??
  2. Hopefully she didn't get up and ran off while he was typing his "she's down" post. It's happened before on this forum. LOL Will be on the look out for another thread from him asking opinions on what to do to find her? LOL
  3. Is she still there, and will she remain there once you step out of the house with the bow? If you really want some meat, you shouldn't be fussing around and asking peoples opinions on the internet. I surely wouldn't.
  4. Can't talk about women hunters because I honestly don't know many, or the woman in question here, but in life there are usually reasons why women don't attract the attention of men. If it's not looks, it's usually something else. The exact same thing could be said about men, too. It probably has more to do with them, than someone else.
  5. There definitely are some good eggs, but in all honestly the percentage of bad ones is quite high when I compare it to other activities I've participated in in my life. Wish it wasn't this way, but that's been my experience anyway.
  6. Hold on to your hats guys, the world must be coming to an end today. First time EVER that I agreed with anything NFA said! LOL
  7. Man, if things like that don't leave bad tastes in your mouth forever? I know people try to tell me that there are bad apples and scoundrels everywhere, and it's true there are, but I will NEVER be convinced that there aren't even MORE of them in the hunting world. It's supposed to be a nice, relaxing outdoor pastime, yet the sky is the limit to what you will come across. Simply boggles my mind!
  8. I don't really consider this my first kill since someone else ended up with the deer. I was 17, sitting by myself and got a shot at a doe. She went down with my 4th shot. She stayed down for a while but staggered back up and ran out of sight before I could get another shot off. My uncle who I was hunting with told me to stay put if I did get to shoot at anything so I did. By the time he got to me and we went looking for her some other dude was already gutting her and had NO issues with taking a kids first deer. You could say my hunting career got off to a rousing start! LOL
  9. I'm sure some of the lonelier boys here already have one of those blow-up ladies they ordered from the back of their favorite magazines sitting in their closets next to their turkey and deer decoys! They can use that if they can't get their hands on a mannequin. LOL
  10. LOL! Unfortunately there is no shortage of them in the hunting world from what I've observed. It would be real interesting if you put a female mannequin dressed in a bathing suit holding a bow up in a treestand, and then setting up a video camera somewhere nearby. I bet you'd have a number of hunters walk up to it and then start introducing themselves. Talk about a good clip for Americas funniest videos! LOL
  11. Wow, they both scored, that is awesome!! Congrats to everyone!!!
  12. Welcome to Alaska!! EVERYTHING is about twice to cost up there. I heard a gallon of milk is like $9.00, too.
  13. Maybe you shouldn't shoot at one with a bow if you are afraid of the consequences of following one up without a gun? Honestly, I've always liked this NO firearms law while bowhunting. If you want to hunt with a primitive weapon, then one should only carry a bow. Wanting to have a gun at your side for all these "hazards" that one might come upon in the woods is a cop out. Then hunt with guns only if you are afraid to walk around without one.
  14. WNY, 140-160 lbs dressed, and honestly I'm thinking that might be too high.
  15. From that perspective I guess I wouldn't disagree that some live deer weights can approach or go over 200. If you have one weigh around 200 field dressed, then that deer would have weighed like 240 or more live weight, which is one BRUTE of a deer for the Catskill, Hudson valley region of NYS. Just not too many around that region that I've seen anywhere near that big.
  16. Were they weighed on an accurate scale? Honestly, in all my years hunting in the southern tier, I can't say I have seen too many approaching anywhere near 200lbs. I've seen so many people embellish the actual weight by at least 30 or 40lbs. They will swear that the deer was 200lbs, when it probably wouldn't have weight 160 if you dunked it in a mixture of olive oil, flour and eggs.
  17. I don't know if he'd reach the heavyweight division. A 200lbs deer is a BIG deer for NYS. Not many reach that weight. I would say the 8 pointer is closer to 150lbs, maybe up to 170lbs and the smaller buck is no more than 120lbs.
  18. Had the misfortune of walking up on Pygmy once, just before he pulled up his trousers after going # 2 in the woods. Looked kind of similar to that deer in the photo. LOL
  19. Heck, since Cuomo was even proposing free college educations for inmates, I'm sure he is giving out top of the line Air Jordan sneakers to them! Can't let the poor prisoners get sweaty, smelly feet or develop calluses.
  20. OK, it's a bit difficult, but I'll respect your wishes.
  21. Amazing. I would have figured you'd make one this year with a flush toilet, that had pipes running several hundred yards back to your septic tank by your house! LOL Maybe next year?
  22. Actually never heard about it. You mind telling us?? Sounds more interesting than talking about politics.
  23. I know it's a bit unusual, but I made a slice thru my own ear years ago to zip tie the filled out tag to while I am dragging the deer out. This way I know I won't misplace it or lose it and it will be readily available if I am stopped by a DEC officer. When I finish the dragging I cut it off and put another zip tie thru the deers ear along with the tag. I can make the slice in your ear for you, if you are squeamish about doing it yourself. I promise it won't hurt (too much).
  24. I doubt Pataki could win the republican nomination for President. As far as his term as Governor of NY. He's as conservative a Governor that this state will ever elect. Astorino won't be as lucky. Who was the last conservative elected Governor here? Teddy Roosevelt?? Even he would be considered FAR from a conservative by todays standards. Actually his love of hunting might be his ONLY qualification if todays conservatives were to grade him by todays standards.
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