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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I don't know. Yeah, I'd be pissed about this, but I don't think it's worth the time, money and energy to take this any further. The prize gun was a Ruger American which isn't a $5,000 gun. Will cost you less to just go out and buy the gun yourself, then getting a lawyer involved here would.
  2. I am more than confident that the bow is capable. The guy shooting it (me) I am not too sure about, however. LOL
  3. The reason NYC has bought up a lot of land upstate is because this land is part of the watershed that runs into the reservoirs. They are trying to control what runs into the reservoirs.
  4. What really surprised me was when the they started allowing hunting on NYC DEP land a number of years back. I would have never thought that the liberal cesspool of NYC would allow something like hunting on their land. I think some of the newer city council people don't even realize hunting is being allowed. Once they do, they will probably try to overturn the law and ban it. Hell, when you have some idiots in the NYC council trying to ban the sale of fur coats in the city, what makes us think that hunting is OK with them? My hunch is that it's just a matter of time before some clown council person proposes a ban and that will be the end of the hunting on DEP land.
  5. I'll give you 3 letters. NYC. Any law or regulation that they devise will surely make little to NO sense to the normal thinking human brain.
  6. No kidding, this thread was making my head hurt trying to figure out why someone would want to pay $3000 for a row boat? Only in waters owned by the city of New York can there be such asinine regulations!!
  7. Looks like you have more boats than the Iranian navy!
  8. Well the dumbest and funniest thing I ever saw at a boat launch pier was a Hasidic Jewish couple with a young child trying to get into a rented row boat at a state park. All three were dressed how you would typically see a Hasidic Jew dressed. They were not wearing anything close to what an average person would be wearing for a day at a state park. So first, the Mom and child step off the pier into the boat to seat themselves. All good until Daddy, all 250 lbs plus of him decides to skip lively off the pier and into the boat. As you probably guessed, that didn't end well. All three of them took an unexpected bath in the lake fully clothed! They all had life vests on so they were safe, but soaked up to their necks nonetheless. Dad's yarmulke even fell off his head and it almost floated away! LOL
  9. I doubt such a statistic would be available, but I would really like to see something that would prove your statement to be true. What you say is what the media and everyone else wants us to believe, but I myself have a hard time accepting this as fact that most people who has never taken drugs in their life would go on to resort to street drugs after being given some pain killers by a doctor or after a hospital stay. Yes, I could definitely see the person with past drug use get themselves into such a hole, but a person with a brain, common sense and some self-control I have a much harder time seeing going down this path.
  10. I'm sure there may have been some who got addicted to pain killers thru doctors prescribing it to them, but I think the vast majority of people who get addicted and then maybe move on to harder stuff like heroin are now using the excuse that it was doctors who somehow got them started. Those people who get themselves in a state where first responder's will be saving them with Narcan would have probably gotten themselves into that state with or without a doctors prescription. These folks have addictive personalities and have little to NO self-control. It's no secret that prescription pain killers are highly addictive, so even if a doctor prescribes them, a sensible person with self-control and common sense would suck it up and withstand the pain, but surely wouldn't let themselves fall into such a state of addiction. I know there will be some here who will claim that I am wrong and that I don't know what I am talking about, but so be it. I've walked this earth long enough to know that folks with little discipline, self-control, and without a set of morals fail in many facets of life, so it is no surprise to me that many of them would also succumb to such an addiction. I think it would be great if doctor's would prescribe less drugs in general, not only opioids, but in the end one can't put the blame on them or society. In most cases it's the individual who creates problems for themselves and this opioid problem is just another example of it.
  11. I'm wide awake and all ears awaiting your explanation of how WAR is calculated.
  12. School us in your own words on how it's calculated. I bet you can't.
  13. This WAR nonsense somehow calculates how much better a player is than someone who'd be replacing him. How on earth can this ever be calculated or be valid? How about if you brought in a rookie who turned out to be a way better player than the one he replaced? Maybe it's not probable in all cases, but it surely IS possible. That's why this statistic is the biggest crock ever devised. I guess Joe DiMaggio would have a shitty WAR since the guy who replaced him was Mickey Mantle. LOL
  14. You are correct that it's the hospital's duty to treat everyone, and I am sure the person I brought to the ER would have been treated no matter if they had an insurance card or not, but do you really think the hospital would have been as persistent in asking for an insurance card from someone who barely speaks English and looks like they were fresh off the boat? I bet they wouldn't. They know it's a lost cause from the get go. And if we are looking for "facts", it is absolute FACT that our insurance costs are increasing up to 20% a year because there are tons of people who don't have any insurance and then hospitals have to write it all off. We are in FACT paying for these people. I fully realize that the health system is completely broken in this country and even people born and bred in the US can be without insurance, but giving free treatment to millions of undocumented immigrants surely isn't helping matters in the least while those who can pay have to pay premium prices for it and the collection agencies will be on their butts forever if they don't pay up.
  15. WAR is the LAMEST statistic anyone has ever devised. Everyone seems to be throwing out these WAR numbers on players and no one knows how the hell it's even calculated. It's a big joke!
  16. I brought someone to the ER this past weekend with chest pains and numbness in their hands and feet, and the first thing they asked for was the insurance card so please don't tell me this is not true. I bet the hospital might not ask someone who looked like a newly arrived immigrant the same question, but I don't look like one of these folks so the scenario is different for me. They know who they can potentially collect payment from and they do everything in their power to collect all the necessary paperwork from someone like me so they can get paid. No use asking the illegal immigrant since he won't have any insurance nor will the hospital ever collect anything from them.
  17. Meanwhile I could crawl into a hospital ER with a possible coronary and they won't even look at me until I give them my health insurance card. God bless America!!
  18. The below is not my photo, but this is the falls at Taughannock Falls State Park which is also only a few miles outside of Ithaca. Really nice spot also.
  19. No, this is right outside of Ithaca.
  20. I wholeheartedly second Robert H Treman State Park. Really nice hiking and great scenery. Was there last summer. Like TF says, hardly anyone there compared to Watkins Glen. Also, Taughannock Falls State Park is close by and also nice hiking and scenery. Below are a couple of photos I took at Robert Treman SP.
  21. As far as I know, 1187's have always been gas operated semi-auto's.
  22. Yeah, there are plenty of hunters who wouldn't do very well shooting beyond 100 yards. I could also assure you that there are a good number of these type of hunters out there that have bagged MORE deer than these modern long range gunners with all their super duper high tech equipment. I know who I'd go to if I wanted meat in the freezer.
  23. Do you practice out to 700 yards? That's a LONG assed shot in my opinion. I surely wouldn't be as confident as you. If there is one thing I don't like about today's big game hunting with rifles is this push to long distance shooting. 30 years ago a 300-400 yard shot was considered long range and now you see guys on TV, Youtube and magazines pushing the idea that a shot at 1000 yards or more is doable with some practice. I don't care how much someone would practice at such ranges, there are just too many variables for someone to be confident that they won't just wound or cripple an animal if they take such long shots. As we saw on the wind drift chart that someone posted above, even a 10 mph wind (which isn't really a very strong wind) can push a bullet off course enough to make a shot you thought would be a good one, into a bad one at 300-400 yards. Lets push this up to 700 yards or more and the wind drift table starts looking even uglier. I often wonder how many of these extremely long shots get butchered for each one of those spectacular kills we do get to see on TV or youtube? Of course they'll never show us that.
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