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Everything posted by BUCKANDAQUARTER

  1. I have found hunting pressure shuts things down in a heart beat. The mature "wise bucks" will stay in a 2-3 acre area if they have everything they need. Food, water, cover, escape routes. Their priority is staying covert. They do make mistakes for the chance to get lucky as we all know. I hunted hard after a big buck this year, well like most years I should say. Once the snow came I was able to see where he was headed to bed down during the day time, which of course was land that wasn't hunted. It was probably next to impossible to get him without getting onto that land. Early bow will be a must next year to cork him.
  2. I just told yet another Steve about the site, maybe he'll join and be SteveL.
  3. Just a FYI a T/C .50 replacement ramrod (with the fold out tee handle) will not fit in a .50 cal Traditions stock. Someone I know ran io that problem. We were surprised when he went to put it in the holder and it wouldn't go.
  4. Or "one-speeders" they go 43 mph EVERYWHERE. In a 55 zone they hold everyone up and then for the 30 zone they keep going 43 and pull away from the cars stacked up behind them... and they NEVER get pulled over.
  5. LOL. Honey boo boo. I would rather pour bleach in my eyes than watch that garbage. I have never seen Duck Comando, so I can't say anything about tha.
  6. What a bunch of cry babies. Holy mackerel.
  7. Think I might gear up for hard water. I also am thinking of getting into coyote hunting. As for the immediate future I have some posting to do for a landowner, that means getting GPS and moving the adjoing landowners posted signs the 40 yards back to where their line actually is. Might also look into plotting out rub lines on the GPS and try to get somewhat of a pattern laid out. I do believe Mr. Big survived and I have the woods to myself during bow season.
  8. Personally, and this is my opinion and should be taken as such, I think that this photo, regardless of the caption, isn't fit for public display. I don't think any seasoned hunter should be proud of shooting a skipper, unless they or someone they know are starving. We owe it to our game to let it acheive at least 1.5 yr. What is the point in harvesting such a small deer? Twenty pounds of meat surely can't be it, so maybe bloodlust? The blood could be horrifying to the person/landowner on the fence (indefferent) about hunting. Senseless. TJ- I went ahead and asked my wife her opinion on it. She said "why on earth would anyone shoot a baby?"And she thought the blood was unecessary. I know some other people that wold probably flip right out. That being said I must confess I actually posted some pics of my first bow buck kill this year on this forum. The only pictures that came out that night were fairly bloody, but not nearly as bad as this. I was on the fence about posting them but I still did, along with an apology for the blood. Next time I will make the effort to clean it up prior to any pics being taken. ADKHunter.com has a rule about tongues hanging out and excessive blood, I thought that was a very classy move on their part.
  9. I won't stop hunting until I am physically unable, just like the others on here. Check stations in VT are also at mom and pop shops that get a major boost from hunters. I always check the boards to see wha thas been brought in. The difference between now and a few years ago, before they passed the "two on one side" rule, is quite amazing. A lot more deer and three times as many quality bucks are being brought in.
  10. Someone should tell that to the guys around here. They were riding right to Stewart's last night, going around the "trail closed" sign. That may PO some landowners that hunt and permit the trail to go through their property. I love to ride but not during hunting season.
  11. I think getting a 200 lb-er is on top of my list of goals as a whitetail hunter, above P&Y. Congrats Law on yours! Belo it's funny that you got a 5 pt at 152, I got one that weighed 151, but I really think he was a 2.5+ due to the weight and he had a good bases. My biggest was a real nice 8pt that I believe was 3.5 due to the same characteristics. The scale I weighed him on was on a hang pole but it wasn't high enough so his nose was still touching the ground slightly and it read 150. He was harvested on the last day of muzzleloader and had lost weight from running doe. This topic has really got me wondering on my guess-timations. I do have the jawbone from the 8, I'll have to take a look at it.
  12. Vermont does the week off thing. Not so sure I like the idea, just because it may condense more action into the days it is open. The woods are crowded enough where I hunt. I completely agree with the theory of it though.
  13. I used to hunt with a T/C Hawken .50cal. I bought into the inline thing a few years ago. I love my inline (except for yesterdays charade posted in the Live from the Woods) , but there I something about sitting out with the sidelock and having a round ball in the barrell that just can't be beat.
  14. Hell, that's a nice buck! It would be the envy of many a hunter, especially around here. 16" spread and a 175# is impressive.
  15. Good luck! Just take it easy with the snow and listen to what they say (goes without saying, I'm sure).
  16. Thanks. I should have created a new topic, but I am tired and beat up, sorry for any confusion. Oh yeah, this is geat, sometime on the one mile drag my golden estrous vile popped open and soaked all the way through my layers to my skin.
  17. Doe down, last sit of the year. I tracked a deer earlier in the day and passed it up. Saw two huge beds and both went onto neighboring properties. I ended up sitting in an old wooden blind overlooking hardwoods where they fed in the morning. Looked up and there was a deer. I shot and missed a neck shot. The deer stayed and I reloaded. Took a broadside shot and the deer took off dragging it's rear leg. My stomach twisted and I felt sick. It was my first bad hit in 15 years of hunting. I was praying and praying I hit an artery, luckly I did. Saw her bedded down and tried for another shot. I don't think I hit her again. I tried to reload and I dropped all my primers in the snow. I ran up to dispatch with a knife and she expired before I had to. This was my worst experience while hunting. Oh, to top it off after she took off dragging her leg there was a fawn looking for her (didn't see the fawn before I shot), and I felt blood running down my face, my first case of scope nose. Thank God she died within 20 minutes of the first shot, and she wasn't lactating. The skipper was of good size and hopefully it will team up with some other deer. Just a rough, rough evening but something many hunters go through at one time or another. Must have bumped my scope, I am really shocked it went down like this.
  18. Any thoughts on feed sources after 8 to 12 inches of snow?
  19. No, I am a coward, I didn't go near her. She frightens me when I wake her. But I can use it for the afternoon!
  20. You can quarter the wind as well, so it is blowing at your sides.
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