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Al Bundy

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Al Bundy

  1. First off, if you are anti crossbow and this topic offends you and you want to hate on this... PLEASE DONT! I don't want this to be a crossbow vs compound thread. We have plenty of those. If you want to say something negative about xbow, its a gun, it does not deserve a season, only pussy cant pull their bow, etc etc etc... please go find one of those threads and rehash your point. Seriously... I wonder if any bills have been sponsored and or shot down for use of xbow in all of archery for medical reasons. There are a number of us out there with whatever medical that prevents use compound. Currently, there is a mechanical device auth form for medical issues where you can somehow rig some kind of device for a compound . I am not sure what exactly one may need to do or how it would work. Seems clunky to me and a far better option would be an xbow. I spent some time this morning looking into this and found an existing law: https://govt.westlaw.com/nycrr/Document/I9a26e662212611e1b7120000845b8d3e?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default) I then decided to use this as a blueprint for xbow and rewrote it. Its a start. Now its time to try and send to senator/assemblyman whatever to see if there is snowballs chance in hell of getting this into law. Anyone know the best way to try and get this off the ground? Thanks for CONTRUCTIVE POSITIVE comments.
  2. I bought the compact savage axis muddy girl camo 7m 08 a few years ago for the wife. Its not a bad rifle, but it does seem to be at the bottom end of the price scale. We had some issues sighting it in and getting groupings. I am going to upgrade her, maybe to a weatherby vanguard compact. That seems to feel more like a rifle to me than the axis. There is a simple procedure to modify the axis trigger to be lighter if you go with it.
  3. My shoulder is toast.. I had trouble turning the car radio on with my right hand yesterday due to the motion sending stabbing pain down my shoulder blade. Instead, I have to lean my entire body forward, so my hand can reach the knob. Extending the arm is not really an option. Drawing a bow is not possible. I'm not anywhere near "old". Come on survey. Ill give them my $.02 plus a few dollars. I hope my unusable lifetime bow tag will actually work for xbow.
  4. Y theclunking got to me. Taking those links off was no small task either. Sure.. two bolts, easy right? Wrong.. loosen with an Allen key holding it in place and get a wrench on and turn 1/8th turn if lucky. It was rusted to hell but I used my hydraulic jack on the ratchet end and broke them free. Also did the same on caliper bolts. Those were not coming off without serious persuasion. Thanks for advice everyone.
  5. Thanks for the advice everyone. 1998 Nissan Pathfinder. I seated the race with a race seating tool kit from the auto store. It felt and looked to be done correctly. I paid attention to where the old ones seated and got the new ones right on. I did both inner and outer bearings and races. Took the bearings to a shop and asked them to grease for me as I dont have the grease tool. This was April. Few thousand miles ago. What led to this was I was getting clunking noises going over bumps at low speed. I thought ball joint. While in for the recall, I told the dealer about the noise and asked them what they thought while it was in. They said sway bar links and repack wheel bearings. I had a discussion with the service manager who told me bearings can make that noise. I didn’t put much stock in that. They said no on ball joint being bad as well. I replaced the links and also front bushings, though they didn’t mention that. Clunking noise gone. I’m wondering they just arbitrarily said 195k in this old girl, it needs bearing repack. They wanted 250.00 for that btw. 266 to replace sway bar links. Now I get no bad sounds. Original clunk is gone. I’ll listen close for whirring or grinding. Hopefully won’t hear it.
  6. 6 months ago I took apart my rig and replaced the bearings and races due to tire rotation place telling me the bearing was likely bad. The wheel did move pretty good on the ground when I pulled on it. I got 195K on it so figured it was time. Fast forward now I took the car in for a recall. Dealer told me the bearings are loose and needed repacking. WTF?? I got the car back from them and the wheel did move some. Enough to convince me to open it up. I jacked it, took the wheel off and tried to move the hub. No play. But with the wheel on, jacked up, there is some small movement. The question if anyone knows.. what is correct to test? Wheel on jacked? Wheel on, on the ground? Wheel off?? I put the wheel back on, lowered it down and tried pulling the wheel again. The slightest amount of movement. It was different than before I took the wheel off and put back on. Almost no movement... So could the wheel have been loose from the dealer? Lugs were good and tight, except one was slightly loose. Any thoughts??
  7. Not the best year but no tag soup. I have not gotten out for bow in some years to due to shoulder issues. So.. I am limited to xbow and gun. I saw something like 6 deer on stand. A very nice buck at 60 or so yards through thick shit. No shot at all with xbow. He was tailing a doe. Another group of 3 doe busted me due to scent. The wind was blowing exactly the wrong direction. One buck I did take a long shot at but a clean miss. Last day of gun a tender doe walked out in front of my wife at 5 minutes before sunset. My hunting buddy was watching her and the deer through binos and looking at the time. He told me he was screaming (to himself) SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT. Shot rang out 1 min before legal and the deer fell over where it stood. Her first deer with the rifle. She was hesitating due to it not being the biggest deer but she got it done and it is tasty button buck. Now time to get the duck decoys out and ready to go.
  8. Hunting season is still going strong! Split season ducks opens in the western zone in a few weeks. Snow geese is open now. You might get lucky and see a few heading south now. Then a month or two after ducks close, snows make their way north. Yotes are also open, pretty sure. Not time to hang the guns just yet!!!! Washing.. I tell the wife to make sure she uses the scent free detergent. Not much concern after that. I wonder if you ran the washer and dryer a cycle empty would that clear it of any smells. Doesn't seem that could hurt really.
  9. I'm not real far from this area and if the timing works, Ill make it. Might even bring the other half. I'm real interested in the January 16th meet up at Penn. Spitting distance to that.
  10. New rifle for the wife and another month rent for GF.. if she is naughty.
  11. Either you gotta pick a bit earlier or this fall screwed you up with all the rain. Several types of tofu.. silken/soft which is foul and should never be allowed in a males mouth. Or you have the firm tofu which is like a good puffball. You had to get a water logged one if it was soft. Also if they are yellow inside, they are a goner. You could remove all traces of yellow and eat the rest if you catch it very very early. Mostly not worth worrying about at that point though. Don't forget to peel the outside layer off. Like removing your crust on the French toast. Seriously... they are good picked when ripe, but not over ripe.
  12. Me!! I made a batch this weekend from my scraps for ground. Ground it, marinade overnight, loaded the jerky gun and placed in the dehydrator. Good result and quite a bit of a time saver.
  13. I came on this thread to late! Shame on you for tossing the puff ball into the trash!! That is a delicacy and done right is awesome. Fry it in the pan with lots of butter. You can treat it like tofu. One of my favs is ma pao tufu. Fry the shroom, add liberal amounts of spicy sauce, throw in real hot peppers as desired. Call me next time they pop up!!
  14. Just when you think its safe to actually hunt legally on your property.... Quite a few shots this weekend. I didn't happen to be a lucky one and did not fire a shot. I did wonder where the close shots were coming from so walked to the edge of my property. My wonderful asshole neighbor called DEC again, likely because he saw me out in orange. I think this makes something like 9th time in about 7 years. No I am not baiting, no I am not shooting before hours or after for that matter. My neighbor simply does not want me legally hunting as he can see me and thinks its to close. Well its not as DEC usually comes and looks where someone was on stand and boot prints in the snow. They never even measure as its so ridiculous. Never been ticketed, never even had to try and talk a way out of ticket. Nothing even hinted to anything illegal. I know lots of you guys are of the mindset just cooperate and let DEC trounce around etc. I usually do but honestly how many times do they need to come and do this. After a while enough is enough. The guy who showed up this weekend was actually a pleasant sort, much different than most of the others. He didn't try and pressure my other neighbor to revoke hunting permission within 500ft of his house. Yayyyy!!! He came, said he was called "because someone reported hearing a shot". He saw a buck hanging when he pulled in the driveway, taken miles away, and asked if anyone got anything. Obviously we did and he was doing his job to see if there was anything to hide. He looked at the legally, properly tagged deer and said thanks and left. This guy was our friend as Grampy pointed out in another thread. He seemed almost apologetic. I guess finally they realize this neighbor has nothing better to do but look out his window and call if he sees orange. Good news is my buddy shot a really really nice solid 6pt. The rack on that thing was so thick. We guessed an older deer that was going downhill.
  15. Seriously? You want DEC walking your entire hunting area? poking, prodding, leaving scent, disrupting deer during hunting season? I sure don't. My better half missed a 6 pt last weekend in a giant corn field. No, corn in deer teeth don't raise suspicions in many parts of the state. I'm getting her a new rifle and scope btw.
  16. a while ago a heard a story someone built a corn blind in a wheat field , for goose hunting. I dont think the corn was removed. Hopefully nobody got a ticket for "baiting". Also.. Its a well known not so secret that farmers take some steps to hide sweet corn, such as plant cow corn the outside visible rows and sweet corn inside. Two kinds of corn very easily in the same field. I wonder if deer like sweet corn over cow corn.
  17. Wrong answer... They are asking you to help prove a case, not cut you a break on some possible other ticket. You have no legal obligation to allow them out on your property, hence why you are ASKED if its OK to go out.
  18. The answer is NO you do not have to show him your gut pile. He is asking your permission as he has no legal right to go onto your property, unless he sees a violation. In which case he wont be asking..... If you tell him no, I THINK what would happen next is he would attempt to get a warrant. But if you tell him no and land is all legally posted and gated, he cannot go out there.
  19. What a question.. Seems to have elicited quite a bit of responses. I keep reading this thread and going out and checking reviews. I've found good reviews on the Vortex Razor HD LH and this seems a great candidate. 2-10x40 or 1.5-8x32 is the question. Weight diff is small but there. Not sure if the 32 is a bit small. Leupold is very much in the running as well. I am not much of a gimmick kind of guy and one of the things I saw written about the Razor was its simple and easy to get a quick shot off. I like this. Also like the warranty, though Leupold is holding its own. I am looking into the gimmickiness of leupold. My wife is threatening to put me in the dog house due to all this outflow of cash. I say whatever.. I got a -20degree mummy bag!! Ill miss my dog though.
  20. Rifle is 7mm 08. What other compact lightweight scopes are out there??? I'm not stuck on Leupold. Ill look at bushnell and red field. Zeiss looked great but the price tag seemed like there are others out there that will do the job for less money. That vx r is looking pretty sweet.
  21. Al Bundy


    All deer I or hunting partners take are infested with ticks. This for the last 5+ years. I have found a few crawling on me this year but have not had one attach yet.
  22. Got the call I was waiting for.. Melvin Forbes called and said my NULA is ready for painting. Now its time to get serious about a scope. I need some serious schooling in scopes though as I don't know jack about them. I am old school in that I had a 12 gauge no choke that knocked down everything I needed it to. (upgraded my 12 to a new SBE3!!! pick up Friday night...) I been reading and reading about scopes and think I come up with a good candidate. Some back ground. Im getting the model 20 mountain rifle and want a lightweight/compact scope to put on it. I have one spot that I can shoot about 250 yards max but other than that its all going to be within 100 yard range until I can actually find a piece of land to buy. I don't ever see using this at 800 yards type shooting. Thinking this scope: https://www.leupold.com/scopes/compact-scopes/vx-3i-3-5-10x40mm with a boone and crockett reticle. The reticles are driving me bonkers with different types and kinds. Comments??
  23. My buddies blind had rods break and he cant find a replacement supposedly. Anyone here have luck finding replacements?
  24. Good stuff here! Thanks. I have never shot my xbow out of the windows with the screens in place in my blind. I know adds say you can shoot out of it. Anyone actually shoot through the screens??
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