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Everything posted by turkeyfeathers

  1. Wife, daughter , brother and I took soon to be 90 Pop fishing yesterday. Handful of decent sized largemouth, big pumpkinseeds and a mess of nice perch. He by far caught the most fish. Told him I was going to take back his new rod:reel combo for one that didn't catch more fish than the rest of us. Great day was had.
  2. Ah, that makes sense. This list was from 2010. Sucks it's still out there. So the reality of it is only new permit holders can beat this
  3. Regardless if the opt out is part of the safe act or not, state already knows who owns registered handguns. The methheads and criminals shouldn't be privy to this information
  4. I filled out the Opt out form when this glorious Safe Act came about and yet I'm still listed
  5. He/she is waiting for more Bud-Lite
  6. I pass by a doe hit by car that's been there since Iv'e noticed it 5 days ago. Every day its bigger than the previous(nasty gases filling her up) and more flies on it. One of these days all that gas is going to dissipate and then it's going to fall apart more rapidly. My guess on yours is longer than a week .
  7. Messing around on the computer I stumbled into the NYS pistol permit holders with addresses in database of 2010. Wasn't aware this stuff was public knowledge ! That's pretty cr@ppy IMO
  8. It is a hoof. I showed the owner of a big deer processing place near here while picking up one of my deer. He's never seen anything like it.
  9. Forgot I had this pic on my phone. Customers granddaughters boyfriend supposedly shot this around Syracuse area this past season. Looks more like a doe head than a buck. With that foot growing like it is I'd be hesitant to eat that deer , lol
  10. Working til 5 . Older brother, Pop, wife and daughter and I heading to my aunts farm pond for some big ole bucketmouths and huge perch. Pop can use his new Ugly stick and Shakespeare reel combo. We're going bobber lobbing with some crawlers I picked. Pics tomorrow I'm sure. Blessed to have my soon to be 90 yr old Pop so active and in great health . Happy Father's Day
  11. Anyone have any suggestions ? Wife,daughter and I will be heading that way at the end of July. Cayuga lake any good from shore? Will be fishing with spin casting gear and or live bait . Any good streams ?
  12. Deleted my post as it was in response to" ignorant ,uncalled for" post which moderator has graciously deleted. Thank you moderator
  13. negotiating $ didn't pan out. Their loss IMO. I know my stuff, very little training needed, great people person, millions of dollars sold of retail at current job, 23 years working for same company. Bummed to say the least. Perfect fit for the company .
  14. Looks great. However I'd never set up a jake nor a Tom that realistic out in front of me. I've never encountered anyone else on the 70 acres I hunt which is posted but not taking the chance of catching a load of #4's by some idiot.
  15. You could always take up hunting opossum
  16. My muzzy has a Bushnell Elite 3x9x40, firefly reticle ,rainguard on it. Gathers quite a bit of light. Love the Firefly option in low light . Crystal clear view as well. Of maybe 8 scopes, nightvision monocular, red dots, 2 pairs of binocs all but 1 are Bushnell. I like there higher end optics.
  17. I've always wondered how much time the doe actually spends with newborn/young fawns. Had one stumble by my turkey tree a few years ago. Still wobbly and wet. Dang thing was barely taller than the mayapples. Walked to the edge of woods/field and wobbled back past me. Found where it was birthed on my way out . About 30 feet behind me. There was still fluids and plants were squashed down. I know the mother will abandon the little ones as she carries most of the scent to predators than the actual little one(s). Or so I've been told.
  18. Triple bearded is great. Killed my first double beard this year. A good friend of mine who has about 100 birds under his belt, grand slam, shotgun slam and most birds with bow and on video has never killed a double bearded bird. Congrats again.
  19. Nice bird. Congrats How were the hooks on that triple bearded bird?
  20. I'd love to get one but the $$ of running it a bunch of days during turkey season would get expensive. Some permithrine and Off worked this year but being colder and windy it wasn't too buggy at all.
  21. Road trip !!! Waddington, New York, a small town along the St. Lawrence River, is considered the Carp Capital of the World! On Route 37, just east of the village of Waddington, is a fishing access / picnic area where people from all over the world can usually be seen fishing for carp. Buddy shoots them here and St Lawrence river. Grasse river offers great bass and musky fishing too. We float it every year.
  22. I learned not to drink too much Tim Horton's coffee on the drive. Pee and get busted by silent bird strutting up to my deke. Depends adult diapers next year for me As mentioned, you learn something every year, every day you're out there. I'll second the patience thing. No run and gun again this year ( didn't bump any) and heard and saw birds all 7 days . Killed 2
  23. I applied. 25 years of retail experience/manager. Hoping to negotiate and get my foot in the door.
  24. I roll thru Wales heading to Eagle/Bliss to hunt Great area you got there.
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