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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Good luck TF I wish we would get some snow here! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Happy Birthday!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/04/major-concealed-carry-bill-picks-up-momentum-steams-toward-house-floor.html Sure would be nice.
  4. I do the same here. Hate to use good cuts on jerky when the ground works great. I also do not have any fat or other items added. Pure lean venison. Upgraded the jerky shooter last batch and what an improvement. Into the dehydrator and viola!! I do not disagree that the one time I used sliced whole cuts and soaked forever and then smokered forever were not better but man 10 pounds of steak meat made 2.5 pounds of jerky lol and after 5 days work was gone in an hour!! Ground is so easy and good from the stew and trim meat.
  5. 41 doe, you sir have a pest problem you need help, arm raised!! lol
  6. How'd the kids turn out with her drinking all that beer?? JK I'm sure it was yours, she would probably want better beer lol.
  7. The deer hunting has gone BAD lol. I hunted both afternoons this weekend with the boy in two different spots and zip. I also hit state land down in Tully Sunday morning through like 1pm with my BIL and both saw zip. Pulled the cards out back and not a deer on cam in 3 days. Not sure I have ever had that happen before. No hurry to get out again until next weekend............Looking for that turn to snow .
  8. I read this and still need to ask, is he just using the neighbors 30 that your dad kind of leases? And I imagine there is no lease agreement just a handshake kinda thing. I guess it matters what was the initial conversation when your dad started paying to hunt there.
  9. Fletch


    Agree Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Fletch


    Meh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Shoot the neighbor leave the dog alone!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I feel like I got the same odds of seeing a unicorn, big foot or a deer! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Could not for the life of me wake up the boy this morning[emoji53] Finally left him sleeping got on the road 45 minutes late. Hunting state land today. First time in here this year. There is pretty much nobody hunting? Three lots, first two zip. Third me, my bil and one other truck. Thousands of acres so I’m not thinking anyone is going bump me one. They best be moving. I eased in right at legal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. The boy and I are out fingers crossed 🤞 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Fletch


    Lookin good! Also as a warning. My BIL had a cool basket 10 he was doing and you know girls...that ain't boiling in my house....lol So he has a huge grill and puts a big pot on it and starts boiling the head. He leaves it for a while and well the cover fell closed on the grill, can't remember wind or prop stick broke, no matter. He comes back a while later and is hearing pop pop pop ding ding and runs over and lift the top and the antler points were just popping off and blowing apart. I still remember seeing him trying to glue em back together lol.
  16. A few pics from my buddy in Wisconsin taken near him this year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Sad ending for a nice old buck. Simple fix cut off the spikes. I'm sure that lasted a while, ouch.
  18. Fletch


    I agree, while it is a move in the right direction it is insultingly low. The fines should be something that hurts.
  19. I ran out quick at lunch and snagged some cards from out back. Glad I have not been out. There deer movement has been incredibly poor. A bit of shooting over the last week on a cornering property makes me think they are hunting really hard over there. I will not even bother getting out back there until ML. Also having more cam letdowns. The Browning 20 feet from a gut pile that disappeared missed a lot of picks, not thrilled about that. One of the Coverts has a bunch of water in it, not that it ever worked acceptable anyway. The only one doing what it's supposed to is the Moultrie, I think.......stupid cams.
  20. I'm just going to say you guys need to be more observant lol
  21. maybe just a touch....I hope you do though!!
  22. I am really getting itchy!! I have not been out since a short sit with my son Sunday. I am tagged out on my home and nearby spots so hunting on workdays until ML is not happening.... Looking forward to this weekend! The freezer is filling up real nice though. I put up 12 pounds of maple breakfast sausage patties last night. Had the butcher wrap up two sirloin roasts that I have earmarked for some venison pastrami down the line. I have a bunch of ground for jerky and kobanosy, might need some more though the kids love their veni tacos! Also looks like canned venison may happen for the first time in a few years. Bounty is good so far, one more good one would be stellar and two a boon!!
  23. You sir win my award for ignorant, jackass and pretty much an example of what is wrong with people these days. I am probably thinking you don't even hunt and are an anti just on here to stir things up. But if not here is some advise....education is key, actually learn, listen and research. This will help you from not sounding like a dumbass when your mouth opens. Just because it is not your way does not mean it is wrong and your comments show how little you actually know.
  24. Your dad is having a year! Congrats to him!!
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