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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Except in the extreme pockets of ice and such the deer will not really be in danger unless the deep snow depth runs on longer than normal. March and April are key months. Most any deer can make it the first two months without much difficulty. Especially with the food they had to fatten up on this year. It is the long late winters that hurt the most.
  2. Ouch!! lol Just his bases alone put him at 4.5 or more for me. Then just the size of him and his gut specially this time of the season the pics are in. This deer will dress out over 200 without any problem.
  3. I have some other pics of him and none show that eye glowing. But none where that eye is really facing forward, but it looks fine physical wise. Wonder if it just never caught the reflection at the right angle or if he is blind in that eye. I am really hoping I have some more pictures of him on that cam.
  4. Hmm I am not sure he is blind in one eye. Are you thinking that because no reflection in the one?
  5. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday he believes a federal judge's ruling striking down the seven-bullet limit under the NY Safe Act is now the law, and the state's sheriffs concur. That contradicts the advice from county prosecutors, including Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick. Ref Syracuse. Com Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Yea he has some serious bases and is a very big bodied deer. I still have the cam there hoping he made it.
  7. We had fun guessing on the post from NYBuckHunter21 so I figured I would put up one I was chasing this year. Guess his age and score. He will not score anywhere like his but his bases are big big and he is a pig! We call him Porky! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Not a flake in the air here 20 minutes north of Syracuse. -6 this morning!
  9. The flex pipe like in the video looks easy enough. That is a good point about digging the holes ahead of time! Yea I want to mix in some smaller size apple varieties. Anyone around the central are have a good tree nursery to recommend?
  10. Thanks for the input! Yes tubes to protect the trees from getting chewed on from critters.
  11. Ok I have been saying I am going to do this for a while now but this spring it is going to happen!! I need to cut out some trees and stuff to clear the spot I want to plant during the next couple of months. I am thinking 8 to 12 trees. I am not planting little stuff I want to plant the biggest trees I can by hand prob 6' to 8' or more. I wanted to do 2 to 4 pears and 6 to 8 apples. I have read that Asia Chojuro Pears are late ripening and deer like a lot. Need some other candidates that deer like and that are not gone in August. What needs to pollinate what..... I want to do a couple Honeycrisp for me, maybe Empire then need some other choices deer might like and be around in deer season. I have a bunch of crab apples in the backyard and all are dropped and eaten before Oct 1!! I also have read that there are now some hardy American persimmons trees that may grow good in zone 5? Any input. I am 20 miles NW of Syracuse top half of zone 5. My questions are: Based on above what should my mix of trees be? Who would be the best nurseries to buy from? When should I order and what delivery dates for spring planting and when to actually plant? What else will I need besides supplies for fencing off the whole orchard, or each tree, to keep deer off for a couple years? Do you use tree tubes for trees that big? Any input or advise would be appreciated.
  12. Ok I got G1-6 G2-16 G3-20 G4-9 Beams-40 Circbase-9 Circ2-8 Circ3-6 Circ4-6 Spread-19 Come up to 139 The G1 I guessed 6 because one may be 5 but the other is 3.5 do deductions will make it 6 in the end. Maybe the beams go 44 not 40? And his bases are not real big.
  13. I would guess him at 4.5 years old hard to tell without a broadside pick but he does not look real old. I keep coming up with high 130's for this deer. I cannot get 150 out of it! Awesome deer!
  14. you meeting where you can shoot it? bring a good flashlight and a piece of white paper or gun patch to get a geed look at the barrel inside. Check stock for cracks or signs of resizing. And outer barrel for rust pits... That will not hurt performance but none the less if it has a couple blemishes or dings in stock you may be able to get it for $250. I got my Marlin 30-30 for $100 bucks from a friends dad years ago who had quit hunting. Another good time to pick up a gun cheap is right after your buddy misses a nice deer with it!!
  15. That would be a good bet. Keep us updated on your success this year. I am curious to see if they remain as thick.
  16. Cool thread! I would love this, unfortunately I have one neighbor who's house is too close for me to legally shoot out of my house! I have coyotes that need thinning and they come in the yard. Just need to get the neighbors to move their house
  17. Also one of my favorite threads! Good luck out there Wooly! Someday I will find a shed!
  18. Not bad shooting in my opinion, all 4 dead in 40 seconds. I bet there is not too many on here who can say the last 4 deer they shot died in 40 seconds or less! Especially anyone who flings arrows.The second shot was not the best angle but at that distance it looked like he hit about 8 inches farther back than he should of. The rest were all dead on. I am not a big fan of the posting of the video as I think it serves no purpose but to seem like bragging. If he utilized all the meat and had the tags good for him I say. I just would not post.
  19. lol I might try it!! If the season was open. Heck the thing I learned about the doghouse is hey if your gonna spend time in it fix it up!! That is what I call my man cave.. the Dog House!!
  20. I am 20 miles north of Syracuse and we had 60 degrees and 16 inches of snow pretty much went bye bye. Temps never got cold enough here to get ice. I remember the 98 storm I have family in Plattsburgh, Ogdensburg, Bombay and Malone. We went up to help out. What a mess that was 3 inches of ice! I do not think any of them got more than an inch on this one. Take care out there and watch for heavy stuff falling!!
  21. Sounds like an exciting day! We had a lot of action the last couple days in muzzleloader and I agree it was a blast. I got nothing to say on the misses! I had enough this year to say zip!! lol
  22. I would be all for it! Never hunted for them or eaten them but with the numbers of them I can not see why there can not be a season on them.
  23. Never And sooner than later these idiot law makers are going to push too far and the sheeple will push back. We are as a nation a pretty ruley bunch, we do not want to put the extra work into fighting every cause or rule we do not believe in it will mess up our lives too much. We got it good right mentality. But like I said at some point we will get riled up enough to realize we are getting a lot of crap dictated onto us, our rights and our freedoms by idiots. Rich politician idiots who like to keep us under control.
  24. Down in Georgia. Got a buddy down there. My brother and I will be driving down to hunt for a few days.
  25. 12/17 Well I thought I was going slow and quiet but the multiple deer bedded just to the side of my stand did not agree. I never saw a thing but 8 fresh beds and running tracks. A few were facing the way I came in so one must of saw me and it was up. Pulled one cam on way out and good news a nice 8 point was around a week ago that I never saw on cam, also about 5 different small bucks so stock for next season. Ended up with one in bow, one in rifle and one in muzzleloader. Messed up my shot at a big boy. Freezer looks ok but not great. I am going south to hunt boars in Feb, so that should supplement a bit!! Sad evening, end of another deer season. I did loose 14 pounds this hunting season! Happy Holidays everyone!!
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