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Everything posted by outdoorstom

  1. Depends on if I'm in a tree, or in a blind. In a blind I take a thermos of coffee for every morning watch.
  2. He wasn't running when he made that.
  3. Great buck.....nice job!! Thanks for sharing the story.
  4. I've only been seeing small bucks and a few does, so I was happy to see this track on my way out of the woods this morning!
  5. I just take my regular digital camera out with me when I'm pulling cards while going to my stand. I then view them on the camera while waiting.
  6. That's a great story....he obviously thought a lot of you. (glad you didn't have to take the ex back)
  7. I broke down and spent the cash on SmartWool. Wow.....toasty and comfortable!! I highly recommend it!
  8. That's exactly what I used........works great!
  9. Skunks and I have always had an agreement, you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Well, this morning, Mr. Skunk didn't uphold his side of the agreement. I was walking out to my stand in the dark when I nearly stepped on one in some tall weeds. My foot was right over his back before I saw him.....too late! I quickly turned, but took a shot of his perfume on the side and back of my leg. We had 15-20 mph winds this morning, so at first it didn't seem too bad. After getting into my stand, I found out differently. I sat out until I couldn't stand myself any longer, then came home and showered. I put some after shave on my mustache. I think I smell pretty good now.
  10. Awesome man!! Great story....I can only imagine how much adrenaline was flowing as you waited behind that brush! Looking forward to the pictures.
  11. That's pretty weird. I definitely would have thought it was a large doe too.
  12. I'd have to have that one mounted!
  13. Very nice buck....congrats! Thanks for sharing the story.
  14. Sure is a lot of truth to that. Thanks for posting!
  15. I do what a lot of you guys have mentioned. Once I know it's a buck I want to try to take, I don't look at the rack again. I also keep repeating to myself, "pick a spot, follow through".
  16. Man, there are some beautiful bucks in this thread. You guys have got me all fired up!!
  17. Nice buck! Hope you get a chance at him.
  18. All very true, but it's also common to start seeing deer you've never seen before. I thought you were kidding about hating the rut, but I guess not.
  19. Yep, me too. It sucks watching mature bucks running around like fools.
  20. Wow....NICE buck! Congrats!!
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