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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by outdoorstom

  1. What a great looking buck! Good luck this fall.
  2. I'm surprised to see the deer hitting my brassicas, usually they wait until a few good frosts. I've got oats, winter rye, and forage peas in the freshly worked area. The farmer I lease to will leave at least 10 rows of corn the length of the field. My 25 acre woodlot was logged fairly heavily last winter. Logging plus hingecutting bedding areas is really thickening things up!
  3. Wow.....I really hope you get a crack at that magnificent stud!
  4. If I was trespassing, I guess I wouldn't have much to say about it! I'd hang my stand in the next tree over and hope they show up when I'm there!
  5. Nice buck and you made a great shot! Congrats!
  6. Great looking bucks. The amount of daylight sightings in that spot is awesome! Good luck.
  7. My hickory and bur oaks are loaded.....nothing on the whites or reds. Only 1 apple tree was loaded this year.
  8. Looks like a good stringing job to me......
  9. NY is WAY too lax in handing out fines for this. They need to really make it hurt, plus yank their license for life.
  10. Great job on the shot and the video....nicely done!
  11. I missed the original post on this buck, but just read through all the congrats. I have no idea what this guys deal is....everyone had something nice to say. I think he needs to move on to a different site and leave us alone.
  12. Excellent!! Good story....thanks for posting. Looking forward to the pics! Congrats!!
  13. My condolences to the family. I'm guessing heart attack.
  14. Sounds like you're in a great spot, Bubba. Good luck and be sure and post pictures when you get him!
  15. Put up a camera over an active scrape and pee in it. You'll be amazed at all the deer hitting it.
  16. I'd pass on him, but defend your right to shoot whatever you like. Congrats!
  17. Great buck.....love the crab claw brow tine!! Congrats!!
  18. What a waste of a young life! My prayers go out to the family.
  19. I wish I would have taken a picture of the next track in line to show you how close it was. This deer WAS NOT running. We had 1/2" of rain and the ground was soft. If you look, you'll see the dew claws are making a mark.
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