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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. LOL! Sorry. I guess it is a bit vague. I know I could use last years tag for either sex during the early season. Last year for that too I think. The regular bow season is what I meant. I hunt in 5J.
  2. Never used them for turkey. Never thought about using decoys or an electronic call for deer either. But hey, if it works go for it!
  3. That part I know and they make it clear. I am talking the early season. That's where it gets a little gray. I cannot find anything in writing stating I can use my early season tag in the NZ with the bow for anterless. The area is buck only, except ML ( during the ML season ). Even the land owner who hunts once in a blue moon said bow was the same as gun even in the early season, no anterless. Trust me when I say there is no ill or argumentative intent here.
  4. I was thinking about this one. I am not sure if they are technically gun mishaps, but have had a few odd things happen. When I was about 16 I got picked for an evening hunt. We drove the hour and a half to the location, and I forgot my slugs. Didn't want to leave my shot gun in the truck so I carried an empty gun around the woods on a few one man drives to my partner. The plan was an evening sit. Early 20's I again drove about 2 hours to an area, went in and sat down, 4 pt walked out and when I brought the .270 to my shoulder the cross hairs in the scope were at angle. Was fine when I checked at home, but the drive loosened the screws because I forgot the Loc-Tite when I mounted the scope. It never loosened while sighting it in. Never did that again.
  5. I have never encountered them while actually hunting. If I ever do and they get to testy I will call authorities. What else can you do? Not like you can stand there arguing with someone when you are holding a lethal weapon. That could go south really fast. The only time I ever thought I might was in 4J on public land. Area is very suburban and gets hikers, bird watchers, people walking dogs, you name it.
  6. Rifle only this year, but last year I couldn't locate in the regs where it said I could use the early season tag on a doe. I will have to sift through it some more. Then again, by next year, that might be all that's allowed.
  7. I have never actually dropped a gun or bow. Arrows and ammo, yep.
  8. I think grow is talking about the 2 color pics. Same day, but don't look like the same buck. One has a thicker rack diameter then the other. Also a few more inches.
  9. No one ever talks about the issues in this area. Most areas, are not DMP areas. So unless you hunt with a ML you can't shoot a doe in most WMU's. What makes the ML so special up north? If I can use a ML why not a bow ( especially! ) ? Or a shotgun or rifle? Why no DMP's in about 80% of the NZ? Do you only care about the SZ because that's where you live or hunt? I am very curious now that the new laws went into effect. People are all ready for war in the south, but the NZ is either not taken seriously, or too many people just don't care about the NZ.
  10. We all dream of that monster B&C buck! "A chilly morning. You are in your prime spot and hopeful. Wind is perfect. Around 8:30, the biggest buck you have ever seen just materializes ( as they like to do ) at 20 yards. Your heart rate doubles as you watch for an opening to make your draw. There it is! You draw and set that pin in the perfect spot! After 30 seconds ( feels like 2 hours ) you have the perfect shot! RELEASE! You hear that mild 'thud' and know after seeing where your arrow hit you made a great shot. You try to listen over the sound of your heart for that buck to stop crashing through the woods! The woods become silent very quick. You wait and your mind races with visions of walking up in that buck dead after running only about 50 yards. You climb down and start tracking. Sure enough, about 35 yards there he is! SCORE! You get your measurement and bingo, you just made the books!" I don't care if you hunt with a bow only, bow and gun season, or w/e! That's the dream! We all have it. I do. How many honestly don't have that dream? Truth is, yes, I think at least 90% want that trophy. The DEC mucked up! Deal with it! Some of the talk on this thread is just insane! I hope most of it just that, talk from heated minds and just venting. Here's something maybe you don't realize. If you get all frikin' crazy and don't follow the laws, what point are you really proving? All you will succeed in doing is making the 'man' pissed off and possibly hurt the whole deer hunting community. Do what ever the hell you want! Just remember, you are not the only hunter in NYS! So doing stupid things will effect more then just you.
  11. I agree. If they come back on their own that's one thing. But to put them here and see what happens isn't great idea. Or cougars.
  12. No real recipe. Pickling salt ( 1/5 of what is called for ), pickling spice, pickle crisp, fresh minced garlic, fresh dill sprigs, and sometimes she will add slices of hot peppers, or sweet red peppers, or pimento. As for the bread and butter pickles, she looked up a recipe and bought all the stuff and made it herself. The hot peppers I make is the same as the garlic dills, but I leave out the dill sprigs and ass more garlic. The beans, she said the same as the bread and butter and one jar of the hot dill. Last year I did up some pickled garlic cauliflower and pickled garlic. The cauliflower was good, but man did it stink when you opened a jar. LOL.
  13. It doesn't look like the same buck. The horns on the 2nd pic look thicker, but, I am probably wrong.
  14. Because these are some seriously bad chemicals and metals to have in that river: . This is a shame. I feel bad for the people and wildlife in that area.
  15. That last guy looked he made a mess in his pants. His expression was priceless, you know that tore his shoulder up.
  16. Well, the lil lady made some bread and butter pickles this past weekend. I was off in the woods and she found out pretty fast that those are a process. LOL. I didn't get to even try them as I was gone and she had just finished up on Sunday when I got home. So you have to give them a little time to rest. I am not a big fan, but I really want to try them to see how she did. OH! She did a small jar of beans too.
  17. Checked out the Rio Bismuth this past weekend. Shot a few 2 3/4" #5's. I like 'em. Sot 3 rounds at about 20 yds and was happy with the performance.
  18. Are you referring to the tags Orion? The either sex tags for bow and ML?
  19. So here's my question, using rational thought, what would you like to see? Not about guns hunters vs bow hunters vs crossbow hunters vs muzzle loader hunters. I am asking as a united front, what do you feel we should do? Try and keep your anger in check here and think. What are thoughts on ways to make us all happy? Bring back doe day to NY? Segment the 4 main seasons and not allow the use of other weapons during those seasons? Maybe create just 2 main seasons, bow and gun. Bow season is for vertical bows and crossbows only, the gun season for rifle, shotgun, and ML only. Then a 3 week late season where you can your weapon of choice. I am not sure they will ever make the seasons so we are all happy, but there has to be a middle ground most of us could live with. As for doe only and Ar's.....I think the 3" antler might be a good statewide compromise. Those who wait for the big bucks are happy, and those that will take a young buck are happy. Tags? What's the total we are allowed? 5? So, why not allow us to get those tags from the get go and be done with it. If I have a DMP for 4H then let me use it when I see fit. In a perfect hunting world, what would you like too see NY change.
  20. My preference isn't in the options either. If I was bow hunting this season and had the time, I might let a doe pass for a week or two if I knew there was a large buck in the area. But, for me, the big picture is meat in the freezer. I won't shoot a doe with a fawn or a fawn, but a spike buck, each and every time it was legal. Also, I am not sure I will apply for a DMP this year, as I am not sure I will be hunting the SZ for sure yet. So, I only get one deer, and it has to be a buck, for my area I can shoot a spike as long as the horns are 3" from the base of the burr. Will I pass that on opening day? Probably not. My tummy is rumbling for venison.
  21. I see the point phade. I do. I just don't agree. If it's my own business, yes it's mine. I have to buy it from the manufacturer, they don't ship you things on good faith hoping you will pay them back. If the item doesn't sell, I am stuck with it, so I am pretty sure it's mine. But I don't think the OP meant years down the road either. It is more or less about using your discount and to buy items you plan to sell in the first place. Unethical, and yes, I feel it is a form of theft. Here's a question, say you loan me your car. It is never actually stated or made clear I have to return it and I don't, I sell it. Did I steal your car, OR did you give it to me?
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