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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Great pic. I bet that baby ducks but is a bit more waterproof now.
  2. Checking out Scoutlook. It was free.
  3. A lot of reviews on this bow, all good. It's mainly marketed as a youth bow, but the versatility is what has a lot of adults using them. I am not a big guy, short and stocky, so the axle to axle should be fine for me. If I can find it again there is a vid of a side by side with IE at 55# 29' carbon arrow, and a high end bow set up the same and the IE had better penetration. The only thing I will do is switch out the site and rest for the ones I bought last season. The site and rest that come with the IE aren't so great from what I read and have heard. Maybe a better peep site as well. The only thing I hear people say bad about the bow itself is the back wall is kind of spongy. If I do buy this I will get the base model, not the new Pro model.
  4. Compound. Take two steps and watch for 20 minutes, take two steps watch for 20 minutes................
  5. Jalapeños, habaneros, hot cherry, cayenne, pickling cucs, tomatoes, snow peas, summer squash, sweet green peppers, and jupitors.
  6. Thanks for the input loworange88. Not going contract right now, so I have to buy the phone. I would buy the phone regardless. Just me and the g/f on a plan, so splitting $75 a month fits our needs better then $135 for a comparable contract agreement. I looked over some of the apps, but, I would rather ask hunters who use them what's good then go on the review of someone who just tested it and says "This is great!", while walking around their back yard. LOL
  7. Nope, no holes in the case, and in the 6 years we have lived here only had one mouse. I think it was just age. It was my own fault I guess, I broke the rule by buying from CL, and not taking it right to the shop for a once over. Might have saved myself a lot of money. I think karma might have been involved a little as well. My first bow was bought used from a shop, it was a Darton, and three days into shooting that the string broke while I was about 1/4 draw, that was dang scary! Took it back to the shop and they were very nice about the whole thing, offered a full refund, but since I said I was just going to get a new bow they doubled the cost I paid towards the new bow and threw in 6 Easton 2117 arrows. This time, 20 years later I bought from a private party and paid the price again. I am taking the nudge from the forces that be this time, if the PSE is to costly to fix or not worth fixing I am just going new.
  8. Well, they say bad things come in threes, so I have 2 down. First my bow, then my cell phone. The battery just doesn't hold a charge anymore, and the new battery will run more then the phone cost in the first place. So, I am biting the bullet and getting a smartphone. I have a few questions about free hunting apps and gps apps. What are some good free apps for things like weather? What is a good gps app that will work well for hunting purposes? I am opting for 2.5 gig data, which should be more then enough for my needs as I will not use it for streaming anything. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  9. It was hung by the handle of a soft case in a cool dry room. I noticed a bit of fray when I put it up for the winter. Didn't seem like enough to have broken the string. Haven't had it to the shop yet, but talked to a few techs over the phone, and even PSE. The bow is old, sight unseen they are talking $200 to fix it, if it can be fixed, parts for a 20 yr old bow are hard to find. I want to get it in next week. If it will be that much to repair, I will just buy a Diamond Infinite Edge.
  10. Best way to go IMO. If they are running you have a better chance of killing the rabbit. Even for squirrels. Maybe even #4 shot if you can find it.
  11. Never begged for anything in my life eddie. Will never buy a used bow again! Have to really tighten the belt, but small price to pay for hunting.
  12. Well, this is bad.......... I haven't been able to shoot for the past few months, so I had waxed the hell out of everything, put the bow in the case, and hung it. Just decided to go check on things. The image below is what I found. The only thing I can say is at least it didn't break while I was drawing or at full draw. Edit: I think I need a beer.
  13. I don't see how any of those "Proposals" will actually help thin the doe population. Maybe opening the entire NZ to the same regs as south for bow, and allow permits for does. Creating a daily bag limit? Poachers would kill to many deer and then we would have to have a few years of no hunting while the whole population increases.Then what? Joking- --> This whole site would be filled with ramblings of Reynolds Wrap Warriors and Preppers. That will be fun. LOL <---- Joking
  14. Glad you are OK grow, and that no one else was hurt either.
  15. D***$ ! I honestly wonder what makes stupid people do the dumb $h** they do.
  16. Any one ever camped there? Is it like Northampton or Glimmer Glass? Or is it like real camping, no BS welcome to the woods?
  17. Congrats! Nice turkey...I mean the feathered one of course. Glad you found your nuts.
  18. Even phones not connected to the web can be traced. Deleting history does no good. You downloaded to the HD on your phone, just like downloading things to a computer. It becomes embedded. You can delete it, but the data is still on there. Where do people think that data goes? You burn that data on your HD, like branding a cow. It doesn't really go away completely, there are still traces of it left behing. It used to be called "Ghost Data". Who knows what they call it now.
  19. DirtTime


    I read this a few times.... When I was taken out of work permanently, it was a three battle even with a lawyer to get my disability. During that time we did not have enough money to cover all the bills, so I was getting food stamps. It wasn't much trust me. But, there were a couple times when I was getting food and my g/f was getting TP and crap like that and she would buy beer at times. So according to this thread, that makes us scum. I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have busted my ass to make a living since I was 16 until 5 years ago when I was taken out of work! I didn't ask for health issues! But life does it's will! I have never had a job that paid over $13 an hour. Factory work and warehouse work. In the few times I was inbetween jobs I would work through temp services to offset unemployment. I even did a one day job to clean up a garage for a refuse company that dealt with human waste. One of the trucks was left over night with a busted valve. Three feet of human feces had to be shoveled up. If Man-Power had told me what the job was in advance I would have said "F*** ***!!!". It was disgusting, but I did it to make a days wages! So be careful who who call scum please.
  20. Look at it this way, at least you get out this year. Due to unforeseen issues no Spring Turkey for me. So I will hunt vicariously through all of you. So go get a couple Toms Pygmy!
  21. Well, I did a full clean up on my pc. Right now I am on the g/f's laptop. Which I did the same to. Here's a screen shot below from her laptop. Then I will get a shot from my pc, and then I will hook up a pc that has never been connected to the internet see what the ads are on that. Man, again I start a thread as a joke because some people overreact to things, and everyone gets the a bunch in the crack the Good Lord gave you. Some people have the humor of a rock. I guess this is a pun. LMAO!
  22. Thank you Law. At this point is rumors and hoopla. So you just have to wait and see. I have no problem with this. I think it;s a good thing. I have no issues with trophy hunters, only hunting that 12 is a great goal! But if you only take the bucks, this will eventually cause an issue. There will be more doe then buck, so mating will suffer. Two doe's can't reproduce. So the population will decrease, and if things aren't done, we won't have any deer to hunt. I see a lot in here about the eco-system, and I get that most people understand that. But if all you do is kill bucks, then you leave does to try and reproduce on their own. Deer are not part of the Parthenogenesis class. They need a mate.
  23. LOL! Three people have used my PC. in the last 3 months. Me, my brother had some issues and stayed here for a few weeks, and my cousin came up from 'The Island' for a weekend and said he wanted to check his Facebook.. I am used to just me using my PC, so I never manually went in and did a manual deletion of temp files, cookie and images. Will have took into those folders now. Most of the ads I get when I am here are for Audi. But even with a clean file system, this site does have ads for mail order brides. Maybe it;s Google doing what they do. Look up what Google really does with your information! We all get those calls at all hours with someone trying to sell something, or reduce credit card bills. You know the ones. "Press one to continue or press 9 to be removed fro out list." Press either and you get a flood of more calls. I wasn't making a crack at this site. I just found it funny that the little womans friend would react like that over an ad. Tin foil helmet!
  24. The g/f had one of her friends over tonight for dinner. I cooked, then retired to my office to check Facebook and other things. I was logged in here when "the tour" commenced". After seeing one of the adds you all have for dating services, my g/f's friend stated "So that's what they do at camp? It's not deer camp it's ************ cheating camp! I knew there was something wrong! He never brings home anything from camp!". They left my office and I really just sat here in awe for a moment. Then........... LMAO! I had never met this woman b4, and I am sure she now thinks of hunters in a new light. I am sure her hubby won't be in camp for at least this next season.
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