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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Build a brush blind. You can make those as elaborate as you like. You could even build a tiny cabin like brush blind with a wood stove for heat.
  2. I think all you guys still arguing about this should build a giant octagon and fight it out. Last man standing was/is right and then perhaps this thread will die. Bring those crossbows and vert bows to make it interesting.
  3. Don't you have the woods to yourself for the most part anyway? You hunt some remote areas of the ADK's, or at least that's how I have perceived your posts over the years.
  4. I'm very late to the party but Happy Birthday Eddie!
  5. I looked at those chair blinds a few times. I haven't been able to see one set up and always wondered how big they actually are. They would be the cats meow for my wife if they allow her to move around a little while she's sitting. Is there any elbow room in them Dave?
  6. You won't get an answer. This is a negative post and therefore, not worth his time. He's always trying to get attention and doesn't like it if it's negative, even though what the thread or posts is, is just begging for negativity. Isn't that sort of like trolling? Ever the victim. No problem on the first part. The second part? Are you nuts? These threads with people arguing about everything under the sun go on for pages, and pages, and never end. Look at the vaccination thread as an example. If people would just go ahead and let people be who they are instead of telling them who you ( not you specifically- just an example ) want them to be, life would be a lot better for all involved. I was trying to lighten the mood a little. It didn't work.
  7. No s$%#? There's a difference? I didn't know that! Let me go google some stuff. You apparently don't get jokes or sarcasm.
  8. Yeah, but who wants to dredge through three feet of snow for the late season? I want to be able to use a boom stick while it's still nice and warm out. If people want to say they want to have the option to use whatever implement the feel like for a given day, then......................................... I used to know a lot of guys like that when it came to chipping in for beer. They had no problem drinking mine, but when asked to throw in a few bucks to buy more then would leave or suddenly have the money to buy their own. Quite frankly, even though I would rather not see full inclusion, when it passes I won't be shedding tears in my morning coffee over it. My only dog in this hunt is some of the smaller public areas I hunt getting too much pressure then usual. If my local public woods start getting to crowded for my taste I'll just start hunting areas that others wont or don't. Or I'll just start hunting more up North then I usually do, and do week long trips in one of the thousands of places I can set up a tent on.
  9. Congrats on the new ride. The only thing missing is some camo seat covers.
  10. The plan is to make a loaded and unloaded mark on the ramrod. I'm hitting Lowes at some point today to pick up a white marker so it shows up on the black.
  11. What, it's OK to allow the crossbow into the entire early bow season, but the crossbow guys don't want to share their season? My, that's seems pretty "elitist" if you ask me.
  12. I'll be bass fishing Schroon Lake next weekend. The way the natural order of things should be. Fishing early September and hunting the end of September.
  13. That's just crazy talk! Now, if they allowed muzzle loaders in the crossbow season I'd be OK with that seeing I have one of those now. It's only fair right? The NZ has an early ML season. Seeing a lot of people want the bow season to allow a crossbow then who not allow a ML in the crossbow season? Share and share alike right? I had to, I couldn't resist.
  14. Maybe Ralph should stop whining and buy a vertical bow to get after those deer on 10/1. I'm not being negative towards you Bill, just pointing out that "these small game hunters" can go out there on 10/1, BUT - they CHOOSE NOT TOO!
  15. Rifle got here a little while ago. Took everything out and checked things over, breech plug, barrel, scope, and the supplies that came with it. Put the front rifle sight on and mounted the scope. Thank you to @rachunter, @silent death, and @sbuff for helping me out with some primers, extra bullets and a few spare speed loaders. It was greatly appreciated. I'll be getting it sighted in in a couple weeks and looking forward to it.
  16. We got them at Black Horse Farm in Athens, they were $20 for a 25# box. We usually get or canning tomatoes at Shauls in Fultonham but, we just had to much going on to get out there.
  17. We just finished up cutting, peeling, and crushing up 75#'s of tomatoes. They're simmering for the rest of the night and will simmer for about another 6 hours tomorrow before they get jarred up.
  18. Thank you for proving my point! Whole lotta love in that statement right there! This quotes for you!
  19. I think I saw her going into that door off to the side of the hunting gear, over where the archery targets are. I can't remember ever talking to her. Big dude with a long beard, and a shorter guy with black hair are usually back there when I ask for help.
  20. What!!?!! You are one of the oddest ducks I've ever heard quack! You preach your religious propaganda around here a lot on one side of your mouth, out of the other side you insult and degrade "lefty's". Now you want to talk about it's about love and not hate? Have all those deer nuts you snack on messed with your head?
  21. I was asking because situations like you are mentioning will go one of two ways. They will be respectful and honor your request, or they will give you and the new owner the high hearty middle finger and start doing things just to irritate you. I hope it's the former and they are decent about the whole thing.
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