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grampy last won the day on July 8 2023

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About grampy

  • Birthday 05/29/1957

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    Capital District

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  • Hunting Gun
    Sako 85 Classic, 270 - Savage Axis 7mm-08 and Ithaca Deerslayer 2
  • Bow
    Obsession, Phoenix and Centerpoint Sniper 370 Crossbow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Happy Birthday Doc! All the best to you sir.
  2. Ruff looks like a great pup! He will do fine for you. If I can help in any way, with tips training for blood tracking, just shoot me a PM or ask here. I will always be happy to help.
  3. Al, are you referring to FS's??? As you described him perfectly! And I agree with you 100%
  4. I'm not jealous of I'm not in the least jealous of you Mayor. I've worked my entire life to be your polar opposite. Quite successfully may I add, too. But I do encourage going to www.fourseasonswhitetails.com
  5. So.....it's ok for deer farms to ship out deer that may, or may not have CWD, to areas where it has not been established?
  6. No, I don't either Paula. So nice to see you around!! I hope you and your pups are doing well. Best of luck to you this season young lady!!
  7. Doc, this all goes back to when burmjohn took members money for merch that was never delivered. After that, burmjohn went MIA. This was some of the reason members went to NYWAW. This is all very regrettable, as I enjoyed being a member here for many years. There are still some really good people here. But most have went elsewhere. I still continue to visit here, though the content has been reduced greatly over the last few months. I was even made to feel unwelcome by a couple die hard members here, because I chose to visit the other forum too. So I've been posting less myself. I'm no tech expert. But I do know, any site left unattended, will eventually pick up bad things like spyware and other not so pleasant things. Hence the "new members" are likely, really not new members at all. burmjohn is the only administrator who can approve new members......period. And where is he the last couple years?? And without new growth, even a mighty oak tree withers and dies eventually. We've all seen that out in the woods.
  8. Eddie, I hope you keep going like that Ever Ready Bunny!!! I have always had the utmost respect for you! You might be looking at the NJ, WaW site?? There is a NY site too. And though the owner is a NJ native, he hunts and fishes NY, as well as his home state. The vast majority of members are from NY, discussing NY topics. Not to take anything from this site. As there are members who visit both, with no issues.
  9. Happy Birthday Eddie!! All the best to you sir!!
  10. That is spooky for sure!!! What the heck!!
  11. I'm still getting pop up adds here. The only one who can make changes here is burmjohn. And he hasn't been around in quite some time unfortunately. Who knows why?
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