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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. As a NYS Hunter Ed Instructor, I may be a bit biased, but in person instruction can give so much more, as far as hands on learning. I think most retain more of the course with the in person, hands on approach. JMO The online course is easy enough though.
  2. Beautiful job on that tank of a buck!!! I real like how those two giants are looking in different directions. Kinda like they would be doing if still alive! Congratulations again my friend!!
  3. NAP Thunderheads or Muzzy MX-4 work great for me and I shoot low poundage.
  4. Prayers, and well wishes sent for your Mom, you and your family, for her to make a full and complete recovery. As most here know, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer back in March. She underwent surgery and oncology treatments, and is now recovering nicely!! We are praying for a total cure. They have come so far over the last few years in treatments. Especially if the cancer is found early. Will be thinking of you my friend.
  5. Welcome "back" to NY Biz! Be patient, the right house/deal will come to you. You still have time before your daughter becomes school age. And I'm sure the schools in your area are very good if you decide to stay.
  6. To wake up at 4am to have coffee, and breakfast while deciding where to hunt. To see the frost crystals glimmering in the moonlight, as I make my way out to my truck. Seeing and hearing the woods wake up in the morning, and fading to grey as night approaches. Watching the leaves turn color, until the woods are ablaze with the splendor of fall. Smelling the fresh fallen leaves, and hearing them softly crunch under my boots, as I try unsuccessfully to be silent. Observing the breathtaking beauty of sunrise and sunset. Seeing the woods creatures scurrying around, while I quietly watch unmoving. The first few gentle snowflakes, swirling on a stiff north east breeze. The smiles of my grandson, lifelong hunting partner, a friend, young hunter, or forum member, as we greet before a hunt. Having a deer pass so close, you could reach out and touch them, while hunting from the ground. Letting that deer pass without taking a shot. Meeting up with a friend, and or a forum member for lunch, and comparing notes. Taking a nap in the woods, as the early afternoon sun warms my face. Thanking the Lord for another glorious day, as I make my way home to a hardy supper that my beautiful wife has waiting for me. Just a few of my goals for this season. They tend to pretty much be the same now after half a century in the fall woods. Oh,........and every now and then, I will get a bonus, and perhaps take home a creature of the woods.
  7. I recently installed a Vortex 3x9x40 on a young hunters first rifle. I was pretty impressed with it. Found it very comparable to Nikon.
  8. Congratulations Grampy!! Being a grandparent is like renewing the kid contract. But with all the good stuff! And even more spoiling!!
  9. Ol' Andy is smack dab in between Me Too and Not Me !
  10. Cuomo is out of touch with reality, denying any and all wrong doing in his recorded response. The reality is,,,, if I were to go into my office, at a public school district, and hug, kiss, or make inappropriate or off color comments to ANYONE at ANYTIME, I'd be gone!!! And rightfully so!! No matter what I do in my private life. We here at work, all have had the same NYS, 'MANDATORY' sexual harassment training that Cuomo has supposedly taken. And it states in no uncertain terms, that the actions he admitted to in his response, hugging, kissing, off color remarks, ARE certainly sexual harassment!!! But he sees himself as above all that. And that it doesn't pertain to him!! But it does! And he needs to resign now!!!
  11. Be nice to at least say Hi to the forum intro thread?? May get more help finding what he's asking for?? Most are a bit gun shy here with scammers invading recently.
  12. Oh boy.........don't get started with crossbow!!! This thread will reach 100+ pages, and Dirt Time will fill his home with new hunting gear!
  13. CNN has it up in bold headlines. It's out there all over for all to see. His father would be so proud!
  14. "We all must follow the facts"...........We did, and hopefully you are history!!
  15. Keep the powder charge the same, see how it shoots! It may be a touch high going to a lighter projectile, but may group just fine?
  16. Hey Tom!!! How are the pups doing? Looking forward to following your tracking thread again this year! Keep safe and good luck out there! I'll bet ol' John will be keeping a close eye on ya.
  17. His wife can legally sign over her two DMP's to him.
  18. I put up a new ladder stand last year. Want to buy one more this year, for a spot I found scouting post season. Got a couple Reveal Cams on my bench awaiting batteries. Hope to get them up to the farm this weekend.
  19. That sounds so cool! Wishing you safe travels and best of luck out there!!
  20. Did you try adjusting the powder charge? My old TC ThunderHawk likes 90 grains of 777. Will get a solid two inch group at 100 yards. If I go to 100 grains the group opens up to about four inches. Wouldn't think 10 grains would make that much difference? But it does with that gun.
  21. How many more days until everyone gets back in the woods to hunt????..............jeeeez...
  22. I agree with that 100% Larry. And no one can argue with your success. But some days are definitely better than others. A magic day "could" happen on October 1st. On the very last day of the season, or any day in between. Thats why we hunt anytime we can!! Just seems to me, that the odds of having a "magic day" are higher between November 1st and 15th.
  23. Before Treebark camo, we killed deer in jeans and flannels. Before that, Native Americans killed them in loincloths and buckskin! I have too many shortcomings to try a loincloth.......
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