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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by chrisw

  1. Apex reactor XL for me. Think I paid $80, very adjustable, double arrow grippers, dead quite, quick removal, sits super tight to the bow for a low profile. I debated on the tight spot but for half the price and nearly the same exact features, I went this route. Its perfect. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  2. Some of you tastebud extraordinnaires kill me. I would love to prepare venison dishes from 6 different sex/age class deer and see you tell the difference. You wouldn't. If you're tasting that much of a difference then it's a meat "care" or preparation issue. IMO. I've killed a lot of deer in this state from all over and have never noticed a distinct difference in flavor/taste of different age classes or sex. With the only exception being fawns are typically more tender in certain cuts... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  3. I see some people eluding to "well if hunters would shoot more does during the normal season we wouldn't have to do it." First off you're assuming that the NYS DEC has a clue about those deer numbers in the first place. I hunt 800 acres of leased land in 8f as well as some state land and I can tell you nowhere I've been is over run by does. And if the places that are overpopulated are private, this again solves no issue as the public can't access it anyhow. We need to start a program like other states have that allow parcels to be "leased" by the state for hunter access. How did the Dec come to this conclusion of overpopulation? If it's a matter of "people letting does go" then what is this going to change? The same people that don't, still won't and vice versa. I have zero faith in NY giving any sound advice about deer numbers. As far as the state is concerned, no deer is the best number. Also, isn't it funny how the state can't get crossbow into the archery season but can toss a whole separate gun season in the off season at the drop of a hat? Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  4. Haha, it's more than enough for a much bigger boat. That only means one thing, I need a bigger boat! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  5. Well everything worked out. They met me at what I wanted for my trade, gave me a few thousand off of sticker, a rebate and I got a bedliner thrown in too. Picking it up tomorrow.2021 Ram 2500, crew cab, Bighorn trim. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  6. How has your truck treated you? Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  7. I haven't talked to anyone on the new vehicle price yet. Tomorrow is when we'll start that conversation. With trucks in such high demand I'm not sure how much I'll be able to haggle on the new one but maybe some accessories or something would be the better approach. The beauty of the situation is I don't NEED a new truck, I can walk away and keep my truck. Plus I have additional aftermarket add ons I can negotiate on for my trade value, (34" tires/rims etc). Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  8. I've got the window stickers printed out from each dealership, prices of the packages I'm looking at are $50-58k. Should put me in the ballpark of $25k after trade in. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  9. So I've been toying with getting a new truck for a few months now. I got bored the other day and did the "instant quote" option. I thought they quoted me wrong when they gave me the amount. I did it through another dealership and it was within $500 of the first offer! I don't owe anything on my truck and the allure of getting a $32-34k trade in price on it is more than I can ignore. I only paid $36k for it brand new 6 years ago! I found a truck I really like so tomorrow I'm going to get my trade officially assessed and check out the new truck. Looking at a Ram 2500 crewcab with the 6.4liter Hemi. They don't give them away but I'd be crazy not to trade my current truck in for that amount, right?? Anyone else value their trade and get amazed? Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  10. chrisw


    Not trying to jab here but... I've never heard of anyone saying bass is better than walleyes. What I have seen, is people saying they prefer bass over walleyes (because walleyes are typically much more difficult to catch). Not knocking you, if you like bass then by all means go for it. But I'm thinking partly is because it's a lot easier most of the time to fill a stringer with 12" bass... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  11. Forget "knockdown power." To knock down an animal you need massive tissue damage, or a disruption of the CNS or skeletal system. I've seen deer shot with a ton of different rifle calibers and they don't knock them straight over without a CNS or skeletal hit. There are a million variables though, if you shoot a 60lb fawn with a high energy/velocity round it may drop instantly with a lung hit, it may not. My buddy used to use a 300 WM and his deer went as far as my 25 caliber. Deer are easy to kill, no need to shoot a cannon. I never aim to drop them instantly, too much meat damage for me. Pop them in the lungs with a 120gr 25 caliber projectile and walk the 30-50 yds to them. I see no point in getting a ridiculous amount of energy just to dump it into a tree or the dirt behind the deer after it passes through. My .02. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  12. I went last year during gun and parked 35 minutes before light, I was waiting until I could see as I'd never been in there before. In those 35 minutes 14 cars came into the parking spot I was in. It was ridiculous. There were headlamps everywhere in the woods. I hunted about 2 hours, never heard a shot and left. There was deer sign, but there's a ton of marsh and if they go out there you aren't getting to them. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  13. A few pics from today on Tupper Lake. Fishing was a bit slow but a gorgeous day. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  14. Gorgeous fish! Nothing cooler in freshwater than big Pike/muskies. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  15. Awesome! I'm jealous, I miss the annual ocean trips we used to do. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  16. Speaking of dolphin free nets, check out "Seaspiracy" on Netflix. Those nets aren't as dolphin free as they want you to believe. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  17. Yea I've done that too. Fun to do but I agree it doesn't do much for hunting skill! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  18. We used to do a bow shoot every year with 20-30 guys, we'd have a glen del target on a Zipline, you couldn't shoot until it came into the opening. Even at 22 yards and relatively slow moving you would have to lead the vitals 2 feet. You could either hit the trigger as the front of the deer touched the pin or follow through and shoot. I got good at it with a few shots but with so many variables in a hunting scenario would never attempt it while hunting. It was a lot of fun. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  19. Archery either sex tag is good for the entire state, any WMU to my knowledge. Unless you're hunting a WMU with weird regulations. I'm not familiar with down by NYC but upstate it's good anywhere. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  20. "Mostly" is not accurate either. Are there sub humans out hunting? Absolutely. Are there sub humans occupying every aspect of our lives? Absolutely. Anti's aren't gaining anything from anything that was said, the sky isn't falling. Anti's aren't the greatest threat to hunting, they've always been around, always will be. The enemy is technology/social media, a lack of heritage/tradition/family bonds/culture etc (IMO)... Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  21. The point was, not everyone raised in the country is a good hunter/better hunter blah blah. Every person on here most likely knows several slob hunters who wound several deer/animals every year. A "wall full of trophies" as you say also is not an indication of a good or true woodsman either. Are there people on this site who wound several deer every year, I all but guarantee it. Are all of the members on this site law abiding or honest? I guarantee not. Are there members here that are lousy shots? I'm sure of it. I'm not generalizing an entire class of hunter but I'm also not naive about it either. Is the 99% figure a bit high? Yes. I'd like to hold hunters in as high regard as my passion for hunting also but it's not reality. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  22. Not a great picture, but I paid $450 for this pedestal mount the year before last. I know the taxidermist really well and he generally gives me a break. I made the cabinet and took it to him. I made it large to accommodate another mount in the future also. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  23. I think you're looking to deep for something between the lines here... I don't see anything wrong with what he said. The word "hunters" were in quotes because that's not the definition to him. And I agree that there are a lot of hunters who have no regard for their limitations, the prize outweighs the risk. And people who show no regard for wounding animals are not "hunters" to me either. If you choose to live in a fantasy land where all hunters are stewards of the land and have respect for the animals and or conservation then that's your choice. There's a big difference between being "PETA" and being a realist. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  24. $0, my buddy has beetles so he did mine for free. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  25. You must've pushed them my way! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
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