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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by chrisw

  1. Wolc is your brother!? Haha looks just like him in the picture! Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  2. Personally I hate people filling tags to fill them. I only shoot 2-3 deer a year because that's the only meat my wife and I need. Could I fill every tag? Probably. I, like you, am also turned off by people giving out deer to a bunch of people. Just because you have the tags doesn't mean they should/need to all be filled. I'm the same way with fish too. I'll hook someone up on occasion but in my opinion if we all started taking way more than we need and start shooting 2-3 extra deer every season to hand out we'd be in rough shape hunting wise. This guy in particular sounds like he just likes to shoot deer and the added bonus of looking like a great white hunter to all of the "needy" people. Legal, illegal, moral, ethical? I don't know, but I don't like it at all. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  3. The new mirrorless csmeras look really appealing, they aren't cheap though! My camera is pretty good for what it is but it's quite bulky with my 500mm lens. I'd love to take it with me every hunt but 99% of the time I don't want to lug it around and risk banging it up. One thing with nature photography, you can seemingly never have enough zoom! Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  4. I assumed I knew what he was referring to also... But, like I said, you can't end something for fear of what may or may not happen. It's a different situation, but... Would you put your dog down when he was a healthy 5-7yr old dog for fear he may suffer a disease or develop joint issues? No. Noone knows what will happen to any living creature, but I rest easier knowing that it has a chance and if it succumbs to a natural death, no matter how I feel about it, it's nature and there's nothing more pure than that. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  5. You will never be able to explain it to a non hunter in words they can understand. Hell even some hunters don't get it. It's frustrating trying to convey a passion that someone who doesn't do will get. Especially because hunting involves killing which seems emotionless to most. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  6. You can't assume that the deer was going to die some horrendous death as justification for killing it either. Doesn't work that way. Maybe that deer lived to be 12yrs old and died in it's bed of "old age." Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  7. I think about that sometimes too. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  8. I can relate. But that feeling even crossing your mind means your head is in the right place. Too many hunters have zero remorse (or respect) for the animals and it makes me angry. Wounding deer and non chalantly shrugging it off really gets to me. I feel "bad" every time I kill one. But I combat that with quick kills, salvaging all of the meat I can etc... It's not all about the meat although it's my top priority next to age class of the deer I kill. It would be a lot easier and way cheaper to buy my meat but I also think that being the necessary part of the process (the killing) puts your perspective right. Noone should take killing anything lightly. Deer feel pain, like we do. I don't want to be the cause of tremendous pain to anything. I only hope that my own death is in some way a reflection of what I strive for in the woods, a quick, humane death. I've seen some gruesome hits on deer only to find them the next day still alive and can't help but imagine what that animal went through. I also think the longer you hunt and the more kills you have the lust of killing fades and you appreciate just observing and enjoying the world around you as you see your own demise growing closer. My father was big into hunting when I was young, hence why I am even more so than he was. But the last few years he has refrained from pulling the trigger on much of anything. The reality of death sets in differently the closer you get. I'm only 35 and can see myself changing already, I may even quit hunting one day in the future. Who knows? If it happens then so be it, I've made a lifetime of memories already to look back on... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  9. Doesn't look like a good deal to me, but like Jerkman said prices are stupid right now. You could probably build that same gun yourself (normally) for $600. I would watch some videos, talk to friends etc. And "build" your own. If you get a complete upper you will need just some household tools, it's quite simple if you have any mechanical ability. If you need to assemble the upper you'll need a few other specialty tools but they aren't too expensive either. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  10. Me too, I have a picture of every deer I've ever killed in order in an album with a few notes beside it. I update it at the end of every season. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  11. It's legal in other states and people aren't dying. See, threats to your poultry friends season and you get your feathers ruffled. Remember that next time this topic comes up. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  12. Deer are curious critters, they obviously don't know what guts are or smell like but I'm sure it's an earthy, natural smell that makes them curious. I've also seen and had trail cam pictures of deer smelling guts. Doesn't phase them at all. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  13. I found it, it's only certain areas. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  14. I thought they changed it up this year to allow bucks and does at the start of rifle? Or is that just certain zones? Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  15. Some of you are die hard turkey hunters. I'm not, I go kill turkeys because it's that time of year and it's pretty fun but I don't hunt religiously for them. I'd be all for a rimfire rifle adaptation for spring turkeys like some states. Many of you would probably have a fit though. Why? A shotgun is a gun, a rifle is a gun. You get a bit more range out of a rimfire, (same with crossbow). It also would be slightly less sporting to shoot a tom at 100 yds, no? You think more birds would be killed during the season as a result? Absolutely. You think more people would be out? Yes. Would it make the turkeys even tougher to kill? Yes. Would those diehard turkey lovers look down at birds shot with rifle? Yes. Would it bug you if I only started turkey hunting during the spring if they allowed rifles? Yes. It's the same debate we're having here. A "slight tweak" to a regulation change and people who cherish turkey hunting would have a fit. I cherish archery hunting, so to me it's the same small tweak that I don't like. It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. I don't mind being called a selfish elitist because I know where I stand. And I'll continue to defend my passions against foreign intruders as I see fit. The insults don't bother me. To me "selfish" is also demanding a change in the current season to force your way into it to appease you. Selfish works both ways, but apparently some people need better prescriptions because they can't see their actions are just as selfish as mine. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  16. They should all handle your weight with ease. My vote is for a summit Viper (Aluminum) not the steel version as it's heavy. I have 2 vipers and love them. Just set them up a bit better than stock and they're perfect. They need better backpack straps and a bow holder. I also spray mine with some vehicle undercoating to help reduce noise and then I give them a bit of a camo job. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  17. If you can I'd definitely be back tomorrow looking to jump her and put another one in her. If she's layed up all night chances are she'll be weakened up pretty good. She probably won't be able to get around that good. And if you caught the bottom of her stomach or something on the exit she could very well be dead too. Most leg shots when you shatter the bone will be fatal in time, hard to not get infection with those hits. Hopefully you can get back on her tomorrow. Good luck! It's a terrible feeling, for you and the deer. But you'll rest easier in the future if you give it every ounce of trying to find her now. Trust me on that. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  18. Brisket and or leg and underbelly hit. Pieces of bone at the hit site is never good. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  19. @wolc123 "That glimpse puts them into a sate of high alert, resulting in "string jump", which puts the deer in a different position when the arrow arrives. That makes for lots of bad hits and non-recovered deer." So how does that "glimpse" as you say, compare to the LOUD crossbow which they can absolutely hear? your logic makes no sense. So a deer can't "glimpse" you with a crossbow? Bad hits are MOSTLY the results of a form breakdown, bad angle, poor shot choice, too far, inability to read deer body language etc... Bad shots are just that, BAD SHOTS! Bad shots don't happen when everything goes right, otherwise they're called good shots. Sometimes it's out of our "control" but most times it's a bad decision or fundamental breakdown that causes bad shots. If you're the type of hunter who takes bad angle shots then it doesn't matter what implement is in your hands. Bad hunters are bad hunters, no matter the season, period. And if you know people like we all do, the hunters who lose deer consistently do it in all seasons, year after year. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  20. As mentioned above, I also use a mean ma mag lock, takes 2 minutes to install. I just fixed a 5 round in my deer AR because that's it's dedicated use. I don't see how any LE could consider that mag not "fixed." You literally have to EZ out the maglock or screw extractor it. The chances of being stopped and that becoming an issue are slim to none I'd guess. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  21. I agree. Going off the logic that crossbows will lead to less wounded deer would lead you to believe then guns would even further reduce wounded deer and that's definitely not the case. Most wounded deer in my opinion speak to the hunters actions, not the implement used. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  22. I'm not getting sucked into this vortex but... Noone likes more competition, it's nature. Would you like to stand in line to get bread when you went to the store because everyone was out? Or how about more mountain bikers on your cherished turkey paradise? What if they changed the turkey regs to allowing rimfire rifles in Stewart? How would you feel then? It's easy to spout off when you have nothing to lose. The people who are diehard bowhunters feel that we do have something to lose, right or wrong and we're allowed that opinion the same as you're allowed yours. You will not shame me into feeling lesser about my opposition to crossbows. In fact, without getting too personal here, you are exactly the type I worry about. The type who for some unknown reason is all for crossbows but has no interest in hunting otherwise. The type who wants to walk a trail and shoot deer that stand on the side because it's EASY. The kind who could hunt with a crossbow now but chooses not too for reasons unknown. So.... Before you try shaming another hunter look at it from both sides. Put some scenarios in your head about turkey hunting since that's your passion, and I'll bet allowing rifles, or electronic calls, or Spring baiting would stick in your craw too.... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  23. Too many horror stories on that round! Accuracy seems to be very hit and miss. Too small for yotes for my liking too... Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  24. I looked into that a bit too, I just get nervous about the really odd calibers and their availability going forward. It would give me an excuse to build the extra AR lower I still have though. My next AR build will definitely have a NV scope on it, that much I'm certain of at least. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
  25. I shot a few yotes with my old 204 and the furthest one went was about 40yds. The others dropped right there. I do have the 6.8, I kind of wanted to keep that as a dedicated deer setup. It's not nearly as flat shooting as the 204 or 223 and overkill for yotes in my opinion. I'm not honestly sure what route I'm going yet, I think partially I'm justifying another gun purchase. I've got a Rem 700 VSS in 243 with a Nikon Monarch 5-20x44 that would make a killer long range coyote gun too that I haven't shot in 3 years. It's the most accurate gun I've ever owned also, my only range day after setting it up was a 200yd group, 3 shots in .77" with factory ammo, resting on a rolled up sweatshirt. Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
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