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Everything posted by phade

  1. +2 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Slow clap. Well played sir. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I don't think anyone questions that. A few seconds of extra time might be the ticket. It is just hard to say if any of this stuff does that. Ozone to me represents the best chance of that happening. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I've killed most of my bucks when conditions were not perfect - one consistent has been the conditions were almost wrong for me and almost right for the buck. Fine line to walk. I've rarely killed bucks when conditions are perfect for me - because largely if they are perfect for me, there is something that is going to impact that buck that would "change the game." IE a perfect wind for me could result in the buck leaving a bed on a different trail or the buck not bedding in that bed at all (wind-based bedding scenario). I think you take a shot if the conditions favor you being able to encounter him - there will be other hunters in the woods w/pressure being opening day. As long as you think you can get in and out safely and not stink up the joint, then take the shot I say. Early on I was real hesitant to make a move on a buck, but if the information tells me I can do it, I believe it, and I step up to the plate. I think a common mistake for hunters is waiting for the perfect time that never comes. Not because it doesn't happen, but because the hunter is always "looking" for a reason to second guess and not pull the proverbial trigger. It's akin to watching a buck walk 20 yards out of range twice. There shouldn't be a third time he does that, yet most hunters fail to make the move and watch that buck walk by 5 or 10 times just out of range from the same stand.
  5. I have started an inquiry into possibly being a dealer for them. We'll see what they say. Sometimes the initial start-up requirements are ludicrous, but sometimes not. I think they are nice pieces of equipment.
  6. Andddddd I can't find my rain jacket. D'oh! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. If I were you, I'd be hunting through a darn hurricane.
  8. This is a big front - I don't think it is going to change one iota. The pressure is dropping in the a.m. Saturday before the rain hits the Rochester area. Times up perfect for activity. Pressure dropping in am = deer moving and light rain in PM will have them on their feet. Doesn't look heavy either - one tenth of an inch or less. Sunday has almost a quarter inch forecasted. Sunday looks much less desirable. Even if the rain peters out Saturday deer will still be up and moving. Monday is the bottom of the pressure change and it'll be dropping Saturday into Sunday and bottoming out Monday.
  9. The dirt would be easier to exchange. It's not just urine in the soil.
  10. There is a breaking point where hard rain that lasts will drive me out of the woods. And also rain just above freezing - that is the absolute worst. That said, I'll sit through a monsoon if that rain is forecasted to end or taper during the last hour of daylight - especially ifs a rain that is hard and steady for 4+ hours. The deer will oftentimes hunker down during the hard rain but only to the point where they are forced to feed, which maxes out around four hours. If you match that up with the rain tapering or stopping at the end of the day...deer get on the move and they do so quickly. Some of the best hunts I've ever had involve rain - and I might even say the majority. That rain when it's 35-40 degrees though - horrible. I bet terrorists would give up secrets if we made them sit through that. Moog loves those days - he prefers steak and eggs in a dry diner over a giant buck on his wall. LOL. 15 minutes....
  11. I think that bad boy grosses 150...that frame is big and the mass carries well to the end of the beams. I think that is the difference of 140 and 150 on a buck like this. 100% stud.
  12. The aging vs not aging thing is a big debate. I have a friend who is a butcher by trade and says the aging of wild animals vs. farm raised animals is a different practice. For his deer, he won't age other than a blood drain process. The lack of fat has something to do with it.
  13. I believe the conception rate is from roadkill sampling. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Not that many does running around without fawns in tow. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean the doe is without fawn. In a place like Genesee Co. more than 90% of does are successfully bred each year according to the DEC.
  15. If that path gives you safe entry and exit - I'd consider pushing on with the trail and burning that ground and acknowledging that is how you best get into that property. So what - you may burn up a small swath of that bedding, it sounds like you have a lot of it, so I don't feel as if you would lose much. If this were your only bedding or bedding that was clearly buck bedding, then my answer would be different. Appears to be doe beds based on your description. Safe entry routinely with a little burned ground or blowing your scent into the bedding area on the predominant wind or simply not hunting it at all on predominant wind. Those are your three options.
  16. I'm not going to omit either - I'll shoot the YOY, too. There is some information showing that may cause the adult doe to go into estrous earlier. I can't remember where I've come across that though. Seems true based on biology in the wild - lions for example. With an alpha lion killed in the pride, a new male moving in will kill the cubs to force the female into heat.
  17. That works great if everyone does it, but I've changed my tune on smaller parcels. Even in high DPSM, it takes time for does to backfill a core range - they will, but it takes time. Also, shooting the alpha doe has changed patterns and behaviors of the doe group that we could almost set a watch to beforehand whether that's bedding to food or vice versa and estrous time. Older alpha does go into estrous earlier. I don't I need to explain the luxury of having the first hot doe on the block near your stand. Knocking out the alpha doe in a lone doe group that calls your property home can really shake things up - maybe for the better, maybe for the worse, but it won't be the same, that's for sure. Especially if there is no beta doe ready to fill in. I don't question the merits or biological impact to nailing the does early, but my observations on small acreage ground has really made me question whether the tactic balances management/hunting goals. Shooting resident does on small acreage means you are going to rely on transient does and terrain features to bring the bucks through during the short-term. The past few bow seasons, I've specifically targeted the "second in command" when I've shot does in a group setting. Alpha does are not hard to ID based on their size and behavior. You fill the freezer and minimize the risk of changing the doe group dynamics because the alpha is there to keep the norm. Now, if that alpha keeps busting me or my buddies. Well, her days are over, lol. I really only take one doe in bow now and moved the remainder of my efforts to gun season. We shoot a lot of does though as a group. I think we shot 15 between three hunters last season. My buddies may disagree, but I saw lower doe numbers last year on most of our parcels and the rut action reciprocated with it being slower, too. The one parcel that we hadn't taken a lot of does on the season prior had the most intense rut action and most visible bucks last year (while in stand) - and that one also got more hunting pressure from a neighbor.
  18. FWIW if Trump could simply be presidential tonight - I think he could make a big move. It'd be bold to stray a bit from what he has done in debates, but if he lights up the stage and answers with worldly knowledge and understanding of the dynamics in play, and adds in a slice of humble pie, he'd move some votes. It really is tee'd up for him to do that. I just don't think he will. I believe that it is an opportunity that Hillary doesn't have. Even if she hits her marks, if Trump were to do this, I think polls change in his favor - and if he continues that trend through the next debates, this election is much more up for grabs. As good as the 538 folks are, I don't think the vote count is as near as close. I keep looking at states like WI where Trump could have greatly benefited from playing better w/Ryan. I don't think what happened between them got Trump any added votes, but getting Ryan in you camp further could have changed the landscape for WI.
  19. A light rain won't be a bad thing for opener - quiet entry. Even better is the easterly wind which is very rare this time of year. It gives us a shot opening day to take advantage of some patterns that MIGHT just hold on long enough.
  20. I think our group is aligned in being off Nov 4-14. Should be a good time.
  21. We got a dzn each. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Yeah - couldn't remember the guys in the film. All anyone cared about was the girl, duh. LOL. I was maybe 12 or 13 at the time.
  23. Ha - this is funny - I kid you not - I've been kissed by Rebecca Gayheart. Don't read too much into it, lol. I was younger and she starred in a film with Bruce Lee's son (I think) before he died. Their condo/apartment in the film was actually a family friend's place that was just built and they blew up a car outside of it in the film. I got to meet all of them and got a pic of her kissing me on the cheek. She was super nice and wow o wow...gorgeous. I have no idea where that pic is today.
  24. Sbuff your Spypoint has the flashlight effect still - the sides pinch in with minimal light. Not as defined, but it is there. The older G4 and typical models had them a little worse.
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