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Everything posted by phade

  1. Coolers are very common in the South and Midwest. Processors more common up here.
  2. Not in the same league performance wise, but the trace cams were cheap, so I have 5 or so for high risk areas. For $35 or so bucks when the fire sale was on, they are great.
  3. We hunt stands quite a bit where the wind is the wrong direction but thermals or the wind following and hitting other terrain features prevents scent from hitting a deer's detector. Perhaps the worst is knowing a deer is going to bust you as soon as it hits your scent stream based on the path it is taking. Sucks. Happened last year when I watched a buck head to Moog and knew it was going to get my scent before it got to him and within shooting distance. Three year olds have played that game before, and all Moog could do was watch the buck move on by him as wise bucks do.
  4. I wonder what a pod of milkweed seeds are worth. Powder wind is the equivalent of p!ss!ng in the wind. When was the last time you saw powder hit a thermal incline or wave around a woodlot?
  5. Just to be clear those are three different bucks. Two properties.
  6. I don't share many current pics on here any longer, but I figure I'd make my seasonal submission of a buck or two. Haven't checked my cams much either but was able get to two of them today. They will be moving more in daylight than they are now soon enough. Maybe me moog or our other buddy get them.
  7. Nice job! Pics too, but I kind of expect that from you now, lol.
  8. What type of cam? Their micro line? If anything, its probably a blessing, because you can then get a non WGI cam. Which is a good thing.
  9. 1 for me...6.5 by deerage tooth testing. You start getting above 4.5 and they just don't make up a ton of the population base.
  10. Thank you for the kind words. Hopefully the cam ends up working well.
  11. Good grief - people have to suspect the worst in everyone.
  12. It really doesnt matter if it is a camera or a phone. Sounds like that store was just inept.
  13. Good morning. I am in Indianapolis for work, so this was a nice wake up from NY.
  14. I sent you directions on a step by step basis this past week that about ten people here have used successully to get a SIM card. You want a regular SIM...
  15. Coon not moving due to backlog of stockpile. Rats will get 2 to 4. Good coyote will sell fine.
  16. I will check today when i get home pygmy. Looking for 30 30, 243, in deer weights/construction, and 20g remington accutips 2 3/4.
  17. This is a good idea for an active sticky. I have some coyote hevi shot for 12g.
  18. Had this guy eating acorns for 15 minutes five yds from stand. Doe came by with fawn and shot her at 6ish yards. Centered arrow with a nice X imprint on her heart.
  19. For those concerned about getting a SIM card or the proper plan, I believe I have figured out a way to do it for you, so buying could literally be as simple as paying, opening the box, and turning the cam on. Obviously that would add a bit of cost, but that is now possible.
  20. Look at you all ruffled up. Why don't you bark up someone else's tree?
  21. The more I look at the problem, I think it's not the array, but the connections with the batteries in the tray to the cam. It's not been widely talked about on the cam forums but I have a 7FHD where when I first loaded the cam with new tested batteries, the cam wouldn't turn on. Sent me for a loop, but then I figured that it needed a very "firm" pushing in of the tray to make contact. Then it fired right up. Heard of one other person who had this issue, too, on this forum. Suspect that the contacts between the tray and the cam are a weak point for some reason. Poor contact probably translates to these issues, because they've been intermittent from what I see. Array firing needs more power, and I believe these cams are designed similar to Moultries where the day pics might work but the night pics might be black because there wasn't enough juice to fire the array. The power meter in most cams, save for Reconyx, is designed for alkaline use and/or rechargeables. Lithiums run on different voltage and draw down on power differently than alkalines. Your lithiums will keep saying 100% or very very close to it in that cam, and then it'll be dead all of a sudden. Alkalines degrade consistently downward and your cam meter will show you that. My advice is to only use the lithiums if you are running heavy video loads or in the dead of winter. If just pics, move to Lowe's Utilitech alkalines. Cheaper... Remove batteries from tray, place new alkalines in there and give the tray a good firm push into the cam. Test the cam out in a closet to see if the arrays fire.
  22. Yeah, scary isn't it. Even worse knowing there's a pile of other pics at home, too.
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