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Everything posted by phade

  1. Gosh, I need to get outside of RH for crypto. Such a PITA though.
  2. It absolutely pains me to say this but Dicks/F&S have a merino wool house sock for $10 that is out of this world nice for the price. I try to avoid that place but for the cost, they have been awesome. Not something I'd wear in July, but Oct through early spring...yep!
  3. Tesla sold $100M of BTC recently to prove that the market has liquidity and that buyers were able to be had. Crypto is gaining too much strength. Regulation is what will really challenge it. That $100M in sales didn't hurt the sale price nor create more free coins on the market than buyers. Point was proven.
  4. Honestly, I wouldn't be waiting. Chip shortage and shipping logistics are creating an issue in the market. I'm selling 95% of my cameras before they arrive on my doorstep right now. August is going to be a disaster in the market. You also want to learn cell cams in the off season, not pre season...
  5. For a year or so. Their second model just came out this week. I have a small stack coming in tomorrow but most are already sold.
  6. Over-gunning is such a risk IMO for younger and growing shooters. I suffered from recoil and noise shyness right at that 10-12 y/o age - the first shotty I shot was a 10g and the first centerfire was a 7MM Rem Mag. Back then it was all we had and my family could afford. I had issues for several of those subsequent years before I was able to overcome it. I honestly missed some very large bucks because of poor habits developed from it in my early and mid teens. And even more does. I have big calibers and small calibers now, but I still carry my .243 most often in rifle territory. It performed quite fine on a large Missouri buck this past fall - in fact he hated it. Larry shoots a .243 and look at his deer. They're pretty darn dead. Focus on the right factors and the best decision will come to you/her. The knock on .243s remind me of the old arguments of 20g vs. 12g. And now in the turkey world, .410s in that same role. .243 might be the most common caliber for younger hunters? I can't think of one that really is more popular, but maybe I'm wrong.
  7. That was at Cabelas, so it was $50 I think all in.
  8. We stopped at two places in Ohio and both had more ammo than any store in NY that I’ve visited in months. Picked up enough 243 to get me through and some Accutips for friends.
  9. After turkey hunting in Ohio we set up some cell cams. Most certainly lower deer density and sign appeared to be less overall but very clear in areas where the sign concentration was present. It’ll be tough hunting and the sits will probably be long gaps in sightings but the sightings hopefully will matter. FTR mineral blocks and feed are legal there.
  10. Doge got picked up on another site for exchange. Plus the pending doom of Elon on SNL... I'll take it. Wish I had more guts to have more than 10% of my portfolio in crypto...but I'm getting there mentally to move to a higher %.
  11. My Ford option bit the bullet when the chip shortage finally got traction. Outside of that, my ETH/BTC/DOGE are keeping me afloat, as are my REITs. I have APHA, small position but such is life...we'll see what happens with the merger.
  12. We ended up sitting our other farm in Ohio yesterday. Hiked to a back corner of a field where we seen a few hens on our lone visit about three weeks ago. Not a darn peep through 9. Wondered if we should run n gun to a specific spot I thought might have action...decided against it and held tight in the blind. Got to 10AM and with the drive home we decided to call it a weekend and get cams set before we leave. I click into whitetail mode too easy...first cam spot done, head to the second spot which was where we debated moving to at 9...6 jakes come around the corner. Neither of us had our turkey gear. Dang. Ah well.
  13. This is representative of how easy and liquid money is today for ppl. How much of that pump is coming from government subsidies to ppl?
  14. My niece came down with it. She’s early 20’s with kids. Kids got it too, under five years old. All have symptoms but mild so far but some congestion and what not. Still going around but I agree that most of the people I’ve seen/heard of getting it lately locally is in the younger categories. Fatigue will present a challenge at some point in rollbacks IMO. They need to tie goals to rollbacks more closely but that has diminishing effect as this drags on.
  15. Slow AM in Ohio. Two shots heard. Cold frost here. This spot is a 9-11 place so patience is in full force. congrats on the birds.
  16. CVA Scout in a .243 or a 350 Legend. They're built well for the pricepoint, the single shot will give her ample opportunity to focus on the shot, practice loading and unloading, and proper gun care/handling. Neither offer major recoil but are effective options. I know some people try to steer away kids from .243 but you are right that recoil sensitivity can be a major factor at that age. 7mm-08 would be next up choice. If you ever take her to Ohio or places where straightwalls are allowed, the 350 will be legal to use there too. Even if she outgrows it at somepoint it works well as a back-up. Heck I've hunted with my Scout .243 more than any other of my rifles the past two-three seasons.
  17. I am over the masking too. At a certain point it has to stop, but I do think people will still wear them culturally down the road. When sick, some people will wear them, etc. It's not just about air pollution. That said we're becoming more populated as a nation. But, I'm ready to be done with masks.
  18. This statement is the equivalent of the photo of the schoolkids outside masked, just on the other end of the spectrum.
  19. I read it more as he won't be able to be at turkey camp, and not so much hunting.
  20. Look at him gaslighting them counties just above him! Steuben is where all the big bucks are.
  21. Rochester area. Not looking for $.
  22. Nice buck. Party foul for mismatching camo! LOL.
  23. Fields in rain is usually one of the more common tips. Raking leaves can be just as effective as calling sometimes. FTR I'm a horrible turkey hunter. So, yeah.
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