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16. ga hunter

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Everything posted by 16. ga hunter

  1. h&r 20 ga. mostly sportsman 48 16ga.28" barrel and bead for pushes mauser 8mm in rifle areas
  2. have never deer hunted there but have seen plenty of deer and there is quite a bit of hardwoods. and lots of brushy type stuff.have always bird hunted there myself.
  3. more than a few hundred but my cz bobwhite 28Ga is a sweet little gun. have about 600 rnds through without a hiccup and bagged 2 grouse so far this season. i would recomend the cz over a cheap double any day. and you don't have to worry about the gun being off face or mechanically damaged
  4. have not had the chance to hunt quail but hunt grouse often.one of the most exciting and challenging animals in the state. i take them with a shot gun ...... either my 16ga. or 28ga. i really enjoy caring the 5.12lbs 28ga. double seeing as grouse trips can become long affairs.
  5. also make great hat bands lapel pins ect... not the whole feather but pieces tips ect
  6. hmm thats odd last weekend when i bought 4 boxes of shotguns shells they asked for my dob and if i was a us citizen no id needed
  7. i agree nyantler this is why i have stood by silent for awhile but just couldn't bite my tongue any longer.... i also notice more and more with no respect for the game animals either. hearing stories of blood but no deer a poof of feathers but couldn't find the bird ect. it really ticks me off where i have seen things go these last 20 years i have been hunting.
  8. doc small game is more than squirrels it also includes rabbits grouse pheasants and turkey if you by the tags. you may not think you have infringed on any ones hunt but you have this is the attitude that gets me . yes you are not stopping me from bringing my dog through any parcel of stateland i choose but as a sportsman my father taught me to respect others and if i see a car i will move on. something that i find others have seemed to have lost these days. i belive it has alot to do with the shows on tv and big time hunting stars but it seems more and more hunters are going to a me me me standpoint.maybe it would be better if we could go back to a slightly slower time.
  9. very well said eddie and early you are correct i donot hate bowhunters just sick of it is all how many small game hunters have you heard due to the moving up of bow not many....erussel if you are talking to me about getting a bow i do not need too i already own one and probably shoot better than most "bowhunters" in this state i own more than one in fact i just choose to work my dog on birds rather pursue whitetails there is just somethings about watching the dog you love and trained do her thing. i just get sick of hearing about it as sportsman we should be unified working together not divided into "bowhunters" "small gamers" "gun guys" and something tells me most "bowhunters" pick up a firearm come the third sat of nov.
  10. rubber boot wise if you take care of them and clean/powder and keep out of sunlight when not in use they will last forever.i have a pair that i got at wal mart after season for $20 5 years ago still no leaks
  11. not all forever gone those blocks leech into the ground with rain ..... used to watch great uncles cows eat the dirt where the blocks had been
  12. right bowseason is the target to accomodate others. lets accomodate the bowhunters by starting the season 2 weeks earlier. small game hunters won't mind a bit..... its ok because they can hunt till febuary right? even though more times than not the snow is too deep by early january.there is always two views to every action but more times then not you won't hear the majority of nys sportsman complaining its the small faction that call themselves bow hunters using mechanical advantage to take game but want to bash others for wanting to do the same and need more time in the woods ect. ect. i don't see much anti-bowhunter frenzy going on that is not either deserved or brought on by nybow.... maybe i should become a bowhunter and find others to lobby for long/recurve only season compound/crossbow season ect.. i get sick of all this i'm a bowhunter hear me cry bs
  13. im sure she would do great doe.she really loves chasing the ruffs and her small stature lets her get into the cover easily at thier level. the miles may tire her out but i have noticed so far this season her third she seems to conserve energy working at a slower pace until she is on the scent then its a high gear brown and white cocker blur till that bird flushes. while in the dacks i was like what the hell tired? we just started until it became apparent what she was diliberatly doing.
  14. i have found by staying more times then not they will circle back
  15. doe great report i also hope to make it up there one day. not sure when it will happen but it will.
  16. i have used stands but have shot all my deer from the ground. not ground blinds per say but like to find brush or depressions on hill sides ect to conceal myself. still hunt alot but also sit.
  17. doc he is not adressing you but as an avid grouse hunter i have come across bowhunters in our fine state that are not as understanding as you. most the types that don't seem to put much time in one man had a stand 10 yrds off a public dirt road i was walking not hunting from and totally lost it. and the worst i have dealt with was a guy who decided it was a good idea to draw down on my fathers black lab. honestly i respect them and try to avoid them while in the woods.sometimes you happen upon them. like 2 years ago when i was hunting scrub fields and hedge rows for pheasant with my american cocker. i came to the head of a field and something did not look right i called my dog in to survey the situation. i could not figure out what i was looking at and spent a few min trying to figure it out it was just a bright area in the grass. i decided not to hunt the field when a bow hunter stood up his blaze hat was barley visible through the tall grass that was out of place and told me to go ahead.just then a doe jumped up about half way between us and headed towards me at full tilt she must have scented my cocker becasue she saw me the whole time turned 180 and went back stopping about 50 yrds from me no longer between us but 20 yrds broadside to him. he arrowed a nice large doe that may have remained bedded had we not encoutered each other.we spoke a bit and wished each other luck for the rest of our seasons. all sportsman should be this way with each other not the copetion i often see and or encounter.
  18. very nice more trigger time and the joy of watching your dog work. heading out this afternoon for some grouse and woodcock.
  19. could be upset? lol now i have bow hunters in the woods the whole early season. luckily most are nice and friendly when i do happen upon the even though i try and avoid hunting woods where i see vehicles.honestly we all have the right to pursue our chosen game on any given state parcel but i like to give space. and as long as i don't have another bow hunter draw down on my dog ever again i will be happy.
  20. i find more birds in the hedges/woods/swamps ect... then most in the fields find as the tall grasses wear out my small am. cocker ussually wait for the morning crowd to push em out ect. they often tell me im too late or all the birds were shot up.
  21. have and will plus they aren't always together so you never no..... almost dropped the fawn too last year when it kept coming back during field dressing but would not have bragged about a double kill. The way i look at it it is what the state asks me to do when they issue me doe permits take doe out of the population.
  22. will need to check with town many are no longer allowing out houses chem toilets composting ect. only allowing septics and sometimes requiring instal at time of sale.
  23. all good tips pretty much what i do look for the food and wait. i also find it helps to be deer hunting....
  24. sit and wait they will come out when walking they tend to hide
  25. well im working on the pics but i seem to have lost the cable for the camera. pygmy i too am currently property short for keeping larger breeds but after watching my little american cocker work these last few seasons i don't think i will be going back to a larger dog. the only time i really ever see her lack is in tall grass on pheasants and even then she is hard charging just not cappable of a full days hunt. i too also shoot a remington auto but my 48 only holds 3 shells being a sportsman. but actually had my 28 ga double out for the hunt.
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