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16. ga hunter

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Everything posted by 16. ga hunter

  1. Go to dec website all release sites are listed. No hunting oak orchard or tondowanda on Tuesday or Friday no dog training those days either during season. Carlton hill is Friday releases also. Why people want to be out there trying to hunt them on release days is beyond me. They are for the most part not completely dumb and after a few days can actually give a nice hunt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Small trail if allowed Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Best one I got was this from my daughter also a nice fleece flannel. And my son got an air hockey game I'm sure we will both enjoy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. In a way I believe you are right. However I know for a fact that some of the deer are left in that state due to the "trophy" culture that has evolved. Leaving the low life's feeling inadequate or shamed by their killing of a young buck so they leave it after taking just enough of it. So as to be able to have a deer to brag about. Or tagging a buck if need be during late muzzle because they are close enough to the buck zone to not get caught. While driving around with a qdma sticker on the back of their truck. It's not all but i find many younger mid twenties to early thirties "buck" hunters to be involved in these kinds of activities. They quickly learn not to talk about them around me. Or supposed mentors telling young hunters it's ok to take the nice 8 because he has a tag for it even though said young hunter (i.e. Teens)took a spike on opening day and made his hunting career to that point. Now the young hunter is confused and feels guilty for no reason about taking that spike. I find it hard to convey what I mean exactly on these forums sometimes. However I believe it would be in our best interest as hunters and sportsman to be worried more about these types of things and the image general public will perceive over the dec thinning herds in certain areas. Could they get them drastically low yes non existent doubtful. In the long run only the true sportsman would remain anyways. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Taking any buck dose not do it for me either I am after a nice buck. There was a time in my hunting when I would take any buck sure but I am past that point. In fact I would rather run my cocker on grouse through deer season but don't want to deal with the people who would bitch. Or mistake an American Cocker Spaniel for a whitetail so I enjoy my time afield hunting deer. What gets me I guess is how quick others complain about what is being done in the southern zone. When those who have it the worst those taking nice bucks in the Adirondacks do so quietly. What I really find concerning is finding spikes in the woods that have been strapped out. And doe with minimal meat taken left to rot in parking areas. Or bucks left whole in the woods minus their heads. Seems more of an issue to me than what the dec wants to do in urban areas where access is denied. The rate at which I find cases of wonton waste in many tracts of state land in the southern zone tells me that most of those shooting wildlife in NYS have lost touch with what the sport is about and are after only one thing horns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Not what I was getting at papist I pattern wise mature deer too. Hunt from the ground using natural cover to disguise my presence. However unlike most I hear these days my hunting is not a individual activity. An experience that at the end of the day is shared with family and friends. Meeting up during hunt for lunch ect staying out all day and knowing the woods we hunt. Not marching to a stand for a few hours then marching back on the afternoon. I enjoy shooting a nice buck as much as the next guy but don't get in a tizzy at the slightest change. And btw I do not like fishing in a barrel I prefer wilderness streams and ponds that most won't hike into for wild brookies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Pretty sad. Another new phenomenon I am seeing amongst supposed sports men are carcasses with just the back straps removed where they lay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Wow read the plan they are planning to target high density urban suburban areas kinda like when you have to wait for ten minutes for the heard to cross in Kodak park. People need to stop crying all the god damned time and go back to a simpler existence when whitetail hunting was a fun enjoyable past time instead of grown men trying to compensate for under endowment by killing only deer with "nice" racks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Not all sight thru are bad and gun set up can make them work. I had to run them on my H&R 20 gauge to clear the hammer but it has a high comb as they must have known this when building gun. Also a trick I Learned from wearing I techs in my hockey playing years a little dish soap rubbed on thin will cut the fog. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Best bet in my opinion is a Cz USA I have a bobwhite in 28 ga. I have ran several hundred rounds through it with out a glitch. Picked it up through a local gunshop for around 500 can't remember exact price. Nice handling light and way more gun than stoger offers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Yea I know i enjoyed it better when my dad let me have input rather than just going along. Plus I figure do it now when I can override bad decisions that would put him In a dangerous situation and explain why. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Spent the better part of the morning out muzzle loading with my seven year old son. I think he really enjoyed it as I let him guide me and make all decisions for our hunt. He made some pretty good choices and I was teaching him how to read the land sign and use the wind to our advantage. In the end his previously learned skills and those he is still learning got us in front of a small doe. He decided that I took a nice 9 pt already and we should let her go. I think he was really excited to see a deer so close in the woods.Great day over all but we were taking the long way out until I convinced him to get a compass out and see where we were headed. One day he will be an excellent woodsman. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. There is not a shortage of public hunting land in our state I don't understand when people say they have no where to hunt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I honestly am hoping for at least a little snow in the southern tier so I can try to track down and seal the deal on a bear. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Cva wolf Two 50 Gr 777 pellets 295 Gr power belt hollow point 777 209 primer Bushnell 2-7 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I also passed 9 doe do to various reasons from being out of range and not able to close through an open field to being alone and hard to judge size. By no means do I consider my self any type of elitist but decided to wait it out to take something nice this year doe or buck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I passed on 3 bucks a spike opening day because i just didn't want to shoot him. Watched him browse for 30 min or so as close as 10 yards. A 4 pt second weekend because I already have a 4 pt. And a undetermined buck third weekend because he was moving at a good clip and a little farther than I like to shoot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Eh I will wait and wait passed on many deer before taking him. But sure worked hard to get him drawing on my knowledge of the woods I was in and where the other hunters tend to go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. No Pygmy my sub gauge choice that day was my single shot H&R 20 ga. Took him on the run at 40 yards with a single slug. Although I am confident the 16 would have dropped him too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Belo that face is exhausted went in deep and dragged out deep 2 hours from kill site to road was a work out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I believe a large contributing factor is guys just sitting on stand also. I quietly still hunted most of the season on state lands and saw plenty of deer. It's not that they were not moving during the day they were just moving little. And many I saw were chowing on acorns. You don't need to do drives but slowly and quietly moving through the woods with the wind in your face increases your action. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Not a mets fan myself but coached them in T-ball this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. One more weekend of deer hunting with the muzzle loader and then will have my micro flushing dog back in the brush. She has been giving me the most evil looks these last few morning as I prepare to hunt whitetail. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Have flushed 23 and taken 4 so far after this weekend the cocker will be back out. Also flushed 12 woodcock taking two and 25 pheasant taking six. Season is going well we will see how we do after whitetail break and hope the snow holds off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Thanks he gave me a real workout as I was about 3/4 of a mile in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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