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Everything posted by Chef

  1. . I would avoid touching or putting anything that has human scent anywhere near that rub,
  2. . If you read the whole thread here you would see that shortly after I posted that I replied and said that I had calmed down and would not be putting up booby traps..... And they did not just trespass. They trespassed and then after they were told to leave the destroyed something on our property. No one is getting shot or hurt, but a gate will be put up to prevent people from coming on yo the property and a very small remote video camera will be hidden facing said gate to catch any one who cuts the lock.
  3. It was 3 kids and a adult, the kids drove right by when she tried to stop them, the adult stopped and at the end of their conversation he said he would TRY not to cross the property. Her response was don't try, just don't do it
  4. . So does that mean that if I put signs that say warning spike strip ahead I am covered! Cause then I would be warning of the danger? Don't worry I'm not going to put spikes or hurt anyone
  5. . There is one very big tree would require chain saw and something to move it, there are also numerous small trees, Besides that, there is a very steep section that only expirenced riders can make it up. Going through or property is the easy way and will be used if given the choice.... They have been doing it for years and nothing stops them
  6. Find game trails, look for rubs, and set up about 20 yards away from the trail
  7. so you are saying that If someone trespasses on heavily posted property and got hurt that they have the right to sue I highly doubt that
  8. . I'm having 2nd thoughts now that I'm calmer but trees will block my path as well maybe a gate with a heavy metal lock
  9. I'll start from the beginning, today my friend is in his climber in the wood 40 yards off the atv trail that runs behind our place, not our land but have permission to be there. 4 atvs come screaming by headed right for our place, we know where they are headed because there is a tree down across the trail been there for months and the only way around is through our 30 acre lawn. He texts and my fiancé intersepts them mid law on the way to her blind. She explains that they are on private property and can't be here especially because we have a 400 yard active shooting range. They tell her they have permission from the land owner a obvious lie as we have had the place 15 years. Fast forward 2 hours I decide to sneak to our new blind at the top of the lawn that over looks a over grown field edge. There are atv tracks leading up to where it was.... No where to be found... I do a little searching and find it 20 yards into the field through a trampled path..... Guess they didn't like that we told them to stay off the property.... I am now going to place home made spike strips across the enterance to our lawn!
  10. Going to be my longest sit of the year so far, got on stand 20 min ago and I'm going to sit till dark, this stand is on the edge between mature pines and a swamp of sorts very moist ground with laurel some pine And lots of small trees, has s stream flowing out the back end but nothing really flows in
  11. Every time I see the name of this thread college coeds pop into my head
  12. I saw a few yesterday but way out of range getting very frustrated
  13. . I feel your pain, I'm sitting in a blind 15 yards from a scrape under a crab apple tree. That is 20 yards into the woods off of a overgrown field and o ain't seen squat
  14. This thread got quiet....so I've seen lots of rubs and scrapes, but also still have trail cam pics of 2 and 3 younger bucks together
  15. . It depends on a lot of things if it is close to death and you just put it down, if you track for hours and get a shot off as its bolting from a bed keep it to your self
  16. . Still raining pretty hard here that's why I'm in the blind, I'm not sure which stand or blind my buddy is in though, we left house at different times this morning because he couldn't get up either
  17. Got a late start this morning and have been in my blind about 15 min. Heard the rain on the roof this morning and snoozed like 15 times.
  18. Back in my stand over a big rub, it looks like it was worked all week while I was down state, tree is shredded
  19. It can feel that way some times, but this is just a expensive sport that you chose, trust me you will get used to the climber. I can now set up and be up in the tree in under 5 min. I have a climber and 6 ladder stands and I feel no less comfortable in the climber at this point.... For a new hunter being in a tree will make your chances of getting a deer go way up..... I suggest go scout your buddy's place find a tree about 20 yards off of a deer run. Set the climber up there and don't movie it for a week or so and just hunt that one tree. Get to know the area, and makes slight adjustments as needed
  20. Shot a doe about 150 yards in the woods from my friends house, shot looked good but blood dried up and after 2 hours we couldn't find her decided to go in for lunch and come back out, found her on the way in 20 yards from his back door in the yard
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