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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. There are advantages and disadvantages to all options. The future will prove the disadvantages associated with a solar farm like this, far out weigh the advantages. The only good thing about it is, it will have to happen to prove what a bad idea it really is. The greenies have no ability to extrapolate into the future.
  2. Gonna cost you a heck of a lot more in the long run. LOL!
  3. Anyone else see the utter stupidity in this particular statement? "An act to amend the penal law and the general business law, in relation to establishing an extension of time of up to thirty calendar days for national instant background checks" This system was installed years ago to improve the check. It was proven it could be done instantly, eliminating the paper and the bureaucratic delay. Seems the bureaucrats have installed a built in delay in the instant check system. Only a grossly incompetent government could accomplish such a feat.
  4. Federal workers are mere pawns to be used by leftists to gain leverage against Trump. They don't care about their pay at all. The fact they voted not to pay them proves it.
  5. I recall early in Obama's presidency many billions were allocated for his stimulus program touting all of the "shovel ready" jobs he had ready to go. Very few of those jobs materialized, yet the money was spent. How is it nobody is asking where all those billions went? That program spent far more than the 5 or 6 billion Trump wants to build more of the wall and we got NOTHING for the money Obama was given. It's politics. The left will oppose everything Trump wants to do, no matter how important it is to America's citizens and future. The Left is the biggest danger to America today. Anyone who doesn't see that is swallowing the propaganda and refusing to think for themselves.
  6. Peer Pressure and the need to fit in. It's an extension of the social media phenom.
  7. The police have already killed a man who was the victim of a "red flag" order and did not comply.
  8. The Senate confirms SCOTUS nominees, not the House. Dems do not have a majority in the Senate and the approval will be done just like it was done for Kavanaugh in spite of the resistance.
  9. If the cops come to your home with a warrant because of violence by your child, they are taking any firearms in the house. That's what "red flag" laws are meant to do also. The government gives no quarter to any firearm owner. Guilty until proven innocent, at huge legal expense. All part of the agenda to make firearm ownership as scary as possible.
  10. And on the other side of the aisle, what the media doesn't report.... https://www.westernjournal.com/three-arrested-michigan-allegedly-planning-join-isis-wanted-kill-non-believers/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2019-01-23&utm_campaign=manualpost&fbclid=IwAR0YgmcrZEPE1kVkZx-6oIN-Kn6_HadC0uug-8AKRs9XQ3xmrzBdqeKTJnU
  11. In November, our Brian Mark Weber observed, "The [Heller] ruling came far too late to push back against decades of leftist propaganda and activism designed to convince millions of Americans that the Second Amendment was far different from the other nine rights — that it was neither individual nor narrowly limited but collective and extremely limited. Since then, lower courts have had a field day misinterpreting the Constitution and upholding laws making it harder for citizens to acquire guns." He added, "All this would be of less concern if the Supreme Court and its new, more conservative majority would simply take up more Second Amendment cases and decisively reestablish the self-evident right of American citizens to defend themselves. Indeed, the High Court may be the last best hope for securing this right against a leftist obsession to take it away." The Supreme Court this week made a positive step toward doing just that. And thanks to President Donald Trump's sublime Supreme Court picks, the prognosis is looking good. (As soon as RGB is off and a new originalist judge is on that is )
  12. The left has something on Roberts, and that's why he voted to keep Obamacare.
  13. More on the legal marijuana issue. By Alex Berenson, Author, Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence The following is adapted from a speech delivered on January 15, 2019, at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C. https://patriotpost.us/opinion/60641?mailing_id=4027&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pp.email.4027&utm_campaign=digest&utm_content=body Yet the link between marijuana and violence doesn’t appear limited to people with preexisting psychosis. Researchers have studied alcohol and violence for generations, proving that alcohol is a risk factor for domestic abuse, assault, and even murder. Far less work has been done on marijuana, in part because advocates have stigmatized anyone who raises the issue. But studies showing that marijuana use is a significant risk factor for violence have quietly piled up. Many of them weren’t even designed to catch the link, but they did. Dozens of such studies exist, covering everything from bullying by high school students to fighting among vacationers in Spain. In most cases, studies find that the risk is at least as significant as with alcohol. A 2012 paper in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence examined a federal survey of more than 9,000 adolescents and found that marijuana use was associated with a doubling of domestic violence; a 2017 paper in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiologyexamined drivers of violence among 6,000 British and Chinese men and found that drug use — the drug nearly always being cannabis — translated into a five-fold increase in violence. Today that risk is translating into real-world impacts. Before states legalized recreational cannabis, advocates said that legalization would let police focus on hardened criminals rather than marijuana smokers and thus reduce violent crime. Some advocates go so far as to claim that legalization has reduced violent crime. In a 2017 speech calling for federal legalization, U.S. Senator Cory Booker said that “states [that have legalized marijuana] are seeing decreases in violent crime.” He was wrong. The first four states to legalize marijuana for recreational use were Colorado and Washington in 2014 and Alaska and Oregon in 2015. Combined, those four states had about 450 murders and 30,300 aggravated assaults in 2013. Last year, they had almost 620 murders and 38,000 aggravated assaults — an increase of 37 percent for murders and 25 percent for aggravated assaults, far greater than the national increase, even after accounting for differences in population growth.
  14. There are 22 million illegal aliens in the country now according to current estimates. If we can't deport them, lets make them produce to stay here, but not in the regular economy and not as free citizens. Arrest them and sentence them to confinement in a facility that provides 3 hots and a cot, provided they are willing to ride a stationary bike or walk a treadmill that is hooked up to an electric generating device. These places would embody the leftist's dream of a true "green energy" producer, while solving the problem of illegals in the US. Millions of illegals could generate a heck of a lot of energy. Plus they prove they are willing to work and get healthy side effects from doing it. If they refuse to do the work, they get deported. When their sentence is up, they are put in line for legal immigration and can remain in the US while they wait, as long as they agree to continue to produce electricity at the facility. It's a purely voluntary system too. They decide what will be their fate. Sound crazy? Maybe some new thinking outside the box is what's needed. Surely none of the current ideas are solving the problem.
  15. How is it leftists are so certain Trump has ties to Russia, after 2 years of investigation has proved nothing, yet never saw any collusion between Obama and Russia, even though he was taped admitting he would be quite flexible with them after he was re-elected? How do they not think Hillary colluded with Russia, when all the evidence regarding the Uranium One deal actually proves she did? How do they not think Clinton was bribed to make that deal when Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a simple speech in Russia lasting 20 minutes, shortly after the Uranium One deal was completed? How do they not see all of the Russian contributions to the Clinton Foundation when she was Secy of State and while she was running for POTUS? How do they not see those contributions suddenly ended completely as soon as she lost? The answer is simple. They see what they're leftist handlers want them to see and nothing they don't want them to see. They swallow what they're told to swallow because they want to taste the flavor of the message, even though it has no nutritional life sustaining value at all. In truth, it's poison, but they don't know that. They're handlers won't tell them that.
  16. Don't kid yourself. They're serious. They would love to see these things passed. Feinstein even said it out loud, "If I could get a law passed that said Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would!" They figure the more they keep pushing gun hatred, the sooner the idiots who vote to remove their own rights, will start to accept it as destiny.
  17. I'm only addressing the Kimber rifles. I don't own any of their pistols. I've never had a single issue with any of their rifles and find them all to be extremely accurate and without any flaws. I can't speak for the pistols. I suspect some of the comments here are referring to Kimber pistols. Making a good 1911 style pistol is an issue for any maker of 1911 style pistols. I also find pistol owners to be quite critical of any minor problem with a pistol, which all pistols have, regardless of maker. Personally, I would never hesitate to jump on a good deal on a Kimber rifle.
  18. BTW an interesting bit of trivia about Kimber rifles for those who don't know. If you like to "Buy American", you can take it a step further and "Buy Made In NY", because Kimbers are made in Yonkers, NY. How they manage with Cuomo as Governor, I'll never know.
  19. Sure Walther makes a couple of .22 rifles. They sell them in the US. G22, GSP, KKJ Sporter, KKW, an MP5 .22, even an UZI .22 is made by Walther. Not big sellers in the US though. They're very good quality, but expensive. For awhile they also made sporting rifles in big game chamberings using the Mauser action. They also made the G43 for WWII Nazis.
  20. Actually it's identical to the current Varmint rifle, but chambered in .308 WIN.
  21. Kimber used to make a nice rifle for long range and varmint called the Long Master Classic, in .308 as well as other calibers. It had a matte blue 84M action with a medium heavy 24" stainless barrel in a select wood stock. Currently it's offered as the Varmint model but only in .22-250 and .204 Ruger. Unfortunately Kimber's cataloged options have been minimized in the last couple of years. Thankfully, you can still find them on the online auction sites like www.gunbroker.com in new condition, and the prices are often less than the MSRP. I think a .308 version costs about $1200 or so online. It's still capable for hunting as a walking varminter as it only weighs 7.5 pounds. Here's one brand new in PA on Gunbroker. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/794377446
  22. Nothing changes with these anti-gun leftists, because the people who support them financially, tell them they must keep it up. They are merely puppets of the elite 1% in the world. Those elites see gun rights as a threat to their oppressive power agenda. They despise the masses and consider them vermin. Politicians who work for them are but paid lackeys willing to sell their souls for a seat at the table of power in the future. They're too stupid to realize the elites will throw them under the bus as no longer useful, once they achieve their goal. That's if the masses don't rise up in bloody rebellion first.
  23. I'm currently using the Barnes 120 grain TTSX bullets in my 7mm-08 handloads. They offer a little more velocity with excellent penetration and 100% weight retention. They are about the same OAL as the 140 grain ballistic tips I was using and are just as accurate in my rifle when held to the same cartridge OAL. I don't notice any better effectiveness on whitetail over the ballistic tips, but I feel they would work better on larger game like moose, elk and even black bear, if I decide to hunt them with the 7mm-08.
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