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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Bianchi belts are probably the best.
  2. These anti gun leftists will stop at nothing when trying to turn your rights into privileges. https://wcbs880.radio.com/articles/lawmakers-drafting-bill-would-allow-social-media-checks-gun-purchase?fbclid=IwAR2O7NmIwt2RDWgAM-9TO9nbB8usAR_I47qvRSeqqPkAWwG_V6fzyGFmJ2E
  3. I prefer to call it civil debate. I don't argue with anyone. Bring your best game to the debate, keep it civil and present your case as best you can. Sometimes you teach and sometimes you learn. Nothing to get upset about.
  4. Just proves we have a lot of people with more money than brains.
  5. We all know what the NY Times and the left are thinking, because they've been telling us their thoughts for years through opinion pieces, policy statements and legislation they support. They're not trying to hide their agendas. Anyone who doesn't know what they're thinking, hasn't been paying attention. Now, the writer of this article is an idealist who truly believes using non-lead ammo is better. However, he crosses the line when he calls for a ban on everything else. But that's the reason the Times published his article. They also support a ban, but they would go as far as banning all ammo in the hands of citizens if they could.
  6. Let's not derail this already divisive thread with another divisive subject. Best to start an entirely new one in the Political forum if you want to go into this.
  7. Storm, that's a dead Eagle in NY by the Cannonsville Reservoir. But when was it found, and where did it eat lead is the question that needs be answered.
  8. The future may well see lots of non-lead ammo being the norm, rather than the exception. However, all copper may prove to be one of the least desirable types of non-lead ammo choices. One of the problems with legislation requiring non-lead ammo, like those in California, is little to no research has been conducted on any side effects or consequences associated with requiring copper to be used in hunting. The only info released is promoting the positive aspects, while completely ignoring any negative aspects, which are currently unknown. When lead was removed from gasoline, other harmful additives were added to it, (MTBE & MMT) that have turned out to be worse for the environment than the lead was. The government made a bad call, but went with the simple solution. There are new non-lead bullets being developed as we discuss this. Many may prove to be better than all copper. But the governments of states requiring non-lead need to approve their use first, and that creates delay and opens up the possibility for corruption. ARX bullets are getting a lot of attention lately. https://www.inceptorammo.com/inceptor-product/preferred-hunting/
  9. No, former Clinton administration associates who could no longer be trusted. Funny, they are still voting for Democrats.
  10. There wouldn't be a law saying it would have to be done. The point being we already have far too many oppressive regulations now. Using copper bullets should be a free choice, considering the jury is still out on this case. Any law regarding remains would be aimed at deer processing facilities that draw raptors to their waste dumps. It's always legally easiest to cut with a broad sword if you're not at all concerned with the hack job you wind up with. That's why tyranny is so objectionable. Raptors are currently doing better than they have been in decades. Everyone wants to see any harm to them limited. Everyone wants to remain free too. In a free country, you don't ban anything, especially when the government has no Constitutional authority to ban anything in the first place. If you want things changed, you inform and persuade the populace to make the right choices. Free people have freedom of choice. More and more hunters ARE using copper ammo every year, but shouldn't that be a choice they get to make, as opposed to a mandate from the government?
  11. I can use my flip phone to order a Candy Gram. Good enough for me.
  12. Apparently Dick's feels everyone must be denied Constitutional rights because a few individuals abuse theirs. So, if people start yelling "Fire" in theaters, or protesting in large groups that are prone to violence, Dick's will support repealing the 1st Amendment. People drive drunk, does Dick's support reinstating prohibition? People speak hate and incite violence, so Dick's wants the 6th Amendment repealed? If rape rallies become a new trend, will all Dick's be considered illegal weapons and confiscated? This company is living up to it's name.
  13. FYI the gun banners Dick's is now in bed with are interested in a total handgun ban, lead ammo ban, 21 year old age limit to buy any firearm or ammo, pistol permit required to buy .22 LR and any other ammo that a pistol can shoot, universal background checks requiring all firearms to be registered, confiscation of any firearm banned in the future without compensation and limits on the amount of ammo anyone can possess at any given time. You fine with all of that too?
  14. Light weight arrow at relatively low velocity at that distance, hitting the far shoulder.
  15. Boots retailing for $180. selling for $59, and still no better that standard rubber boots sold for $25. Marketing is the tool used to get $180 dollars for a $25 item. F Dick's and F Muck Boots.
  16. First, The New York Times is a leftist rag that supports bigger, more invasive and oppressive government any chance it gets. It's writers believe the government is the solution to whatever ails America. This article is a prime example of a one sided propaganda piece that gives no space to any counter point and passes opinion off as unquestionable fact. Notice how it calls for an outright ban as if it has the right to pontificate on the matter with authority, without offering any other solution. That's a totalitarian mindset. Second, there are major disadvantages to non-lead bullets when compared to conventional lead bullets. Price is just one factor. They do not expand well at low velocity. They foul rifle barrels faster. Copper barrels are much harder to un-foul. When used in smaller, lower velocity rounds like the .38 Special or other pistol cartridges used in rifles, they do not expand well when striking the game animal. There are currently no .22 LR or other .22 rimfire non-lead rounds that I'm aware of, or they are not common in the market. Available copper ammo suppliers are not currently capable of meeting the demands of hunters for even one season, if conventional ammo was suddenly banned. If mandated by law, supply and demand rules of economics would wreck havoc on the price of ammo for years. Third, though it is true Bald Eagles will die if they ingest lead fragments, there is no actual evidence they are dying from eating animal gut piles, or dead animals shot with lead ammo and not recovered by hunters. More likely they are eating lead in scraps thrown in dumpsters behind deer processing facilities that are not required to cover their dumpsters to prevent it. Also, in areas where lead ammo has been banned, such as the region of the California Condor, the death rate of these birds due to lead poisoning has not changed, indicating the problem lies not with hunter's bullets, but somewhere else. Finally, the Federal government actually provides permits to windmill farms, to legally kill hundreds of raptors, including bald eagles, every year, considering them collateral damage in the quest to support "green energy" from wind sources. Choosing to ban lead ammo for hunters, places the burden of raptor relief squarely at the feet of those who have the least ability to fight back with a powerful lobby. There is also the well known desire of the government, to infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of it's citizens in every way it possibly can, to minimize the ability, or the desire of it's people, to engage in lawful firearm ownership. Banning lead ammo gives it one more way to impose oppression on the public regarding it's ability to exercise a Constitutional right. I think we should all be concerned with raptor deaths and doing our part to minimize it, but it would be much less oppressive to educate hunters using lead ammo, to bury gut piles, or not gut animals in the field. Any law should only be directed at pressuring "for profit" processing facilities, to take measures to prevent problems. It always bothers me when public entities, with little understanding of an issue, choose to scream for "simple", "common sense" solutions to problems, that are actually quite complicated. Like the adage says, "If you think the problems the government creates are bad, just wait until you see their solutions."
  17. That's not a bench. That's a swing.
  18. There are all levels of wood and non-wood stocks. I love highly figured walnut stocks that are well checkered, fitted and finished. I despise cheap birch stocks that look like canoe paddles. Synthetic stocks that are cheap and hollow look like crap, feel cold and make a lot of noise. Kevlar/composite stocks like the one's on a Kimber Montana are super strong, light, solid, quiet, warm and weatherproof. Filled carbon fiber stocks like the one on a Browning X-Bolt are also good. If you go high end on wood or synthetic, you get a stock that will please you. Go cheap and you will have a stock that gets the job done, but nothing more.
  19. Comparing relatively small parcels of managed private land, especially when surrounded by other private land, where deer live out their entire lives without any threat from the general hunting population, to entire sections of the state that are totally diverse in ownership, hunter numbers and legal compliance with the rules, is very much apples to oranges.
  20. So far I have yet to see a buck while hunting. Curse the rain and trees full of leaves. Still optimistic though. Lots of hunting ahead.
  21. She's obviously more into tricks than the treats. LOL!
  22. We've had it for 6 years now (I think) in the Catskills and I'm seeing fewer deer every year since we've had it. I used to see a spike or 4 point every year and every few years a good 8 point or better. I have not seen a 6 point or better in at least 4 years. Not sure if the AR's are the reason, as there are many other factors involved here, but not being able to shoot smaller bucks, and having less chance for a doe permit as well, makes it near impossible to put venison in the freezer each year. I think the biggest problem with AR's is exempting young hunters from the rule. Seems all the young bucks are still being taken (or worse yet, wounded) by youth in hunting groups. They all get to tag a small buck, even if it was shot by an adult in their group. Either the area is AR or it is not, there is no benefit if there are exceptions. There are far fewer hunters around here each year as well, which has a negative impact on the local economy during hunting season. Many hunters just want to shoot a deer and bring home meat, so they choose not to hunt in the AR zones. I had high hopes for AR's when they first took effect and was willing to give it time to work. At this point I've decided they are not working and are probably hurting. Not sure why that is but the evidence is mounting against the idea every year. Time to face facts and admit it's been a failure. Either it gets fixed, or it gets scrapped. It has not had a positive impact on deer hunting in the Catskills as far as I'm concerned.
  23. Thank God Hillary didn't get elected. She'd be letting them in by the millions and giving them free food and housing for life.
  24. The bulk of the migrants were boisterous Friday evening in their refusal to accept anything less than safe passage to the U.S. border. ‘We’re heading north!’ Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico ARRIAGA, Mexico (AP) — Hundreds of Mexican federal officers carrying plastic shields blocked a Central American caravan from advancing toward the United States on Saturday, after a group of several thousand migrants turned down the chance to apply for refugee status and obtain a Mexican offer of benefits. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has announced what he called the “You are at home” plan, offering shelter, medical attention, schooling and jobs to Central Americans in Chiapas and Oaxaca states if migrants apply, calling it a first step toward permanent refugee status. https://apnews.com/e79053d96a194ba6b5ae7af4111111c0
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