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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. We have a thread for that. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/28673-2015-dmp-tag-swap/
  2. This really has the be the stupidest thread Ive ever seen on this site. Anyone saying the DEC has total responsibility on how many deer are in a given area, is not thinking about all of the other variables involved (habitat, food quality, food availability, hunting levels, predator numbers, etc). Talking about forgoing people's rights (whether you think they are important or not) to be able to spend millions to drop deer into an area so you can shoot them? Thats nuts, and theres no other way to put it. Dont have many deer in your area, but hunting is important to you? Hunt somewhere else, or buy a big chunk of land and improve it. Spend YOUR money to improve YOUR hunting.
  3. I was already in the conversation, so whats your point? I know that I have had experience with this issue a couple of times, with different officers involved each time (2) over the years, and heard the same answer from 2 other officers just within the last few months. You are the only one I have ever heard say anything to the contrary, so at this point, Ill go with what I have been told by 4 different ENCON officers. I have an email into Region 8, Ill post it up for you when I get the reply. They dont usually take too long.
  4. It doesnt say you have to be the one to shoot it. BTW, that question came up to the ECO at each of my daughters safety courses, two different officers in Region 8 gave the same answer. If you dont believe it, email your DEC regional HQ.
  5. The Rages that I have (this years model) cant slip out of the collar if they are installed on the arrow correctly. No need for delicate handling.
  6. Archery tackle with a broadhead does not kill through "knockdown power", it kills through cutting and blood loss. The only time I have knocked a deer of of its feet with a bow is when Ive spined them, and that was not intentional.
  7. Just need to use a conical in the Hawken and he would be just fine. Especially at the distances he is talking about.
  8. Hawken on a bison would be really cool in my book. I wouldnt chance it with my deer archery setup.
  9. I just went through my daughters Hunters Ed class, and when the ECO came in, he answered a question about that. He said the land owner would be perfectly within his rights to keep the deer someone else shot, that died on their property, as long as he had his license and tagged it properly. Nothing DEC can do about it. Thats precisely what the land owner did with the first buck I shot that I talked about earlier in the thread.
  10. Hey if you feel like getting kicked by a deer, have at it. When I hunt, I have a gun or bow to finish the deer with if needed. Im not slitting their throat or bashing them with anything in the field either lol.
  11. Wow. I just dont know what to say. Utter stupidity.
  12. If Im there I ask the cops if they just want me to shoot it. The answer has always been yes. Saves them paperwork. They have always just turned their lights on and blocked the road so I can get it done and drag it to the shoulder. Im not going near the deer with a knife or crowbar and risking getting kicked.
  13. If deer are low in density in a certain area, its usually because the habitat cant support higher numbers. If the food is available, and they arent overhunted every year, the deer will be there. Do you have any idea how much a relocation program like that would cost?
  14. Ive been hunting all afternoons so far. I have been seeing deer from 2pm till dark at the one farm and right during the last hour of light at the other farm.
  15. Id put it down. Probably wouldnt take it if I didnt know how it had gotten hit. I tried butchering one that got hit by a car, I ended up with about 10 or 15 lbs of meat that wasnt trashed. Not worth my time. Coyotes, birds, insects and foxes will put it to good use.
  16. No. You are thinking of the bear hunting regs.
  17. You can plant corn, leave it all year, or bush hog it down, as long as you dont pile it up in in that field. You can plant apples, and let them fall, but dont pile them up.
  18. Yeah I try to wake her up as gently as I can lol. Dont need her jumping up or falling out of the seat. Thanks!
  19. Scoping out some deer on the way in Friday... Plots turned out great this year! Does in the field... Saturday someone got a little tired...
  20. You probably delt with Rich. Hes a great guy and knows what hes doing. I wont go anywhere else.
  21. I never liked the rubber bands on the older ones, but I got some Rage Crossbow X 125 grain heads this year with the shock collar. I missed a doe this past weekend. Arrow was stuck 10 inches into the dirt. Pulled it out, cleaned it up and checked the blades. Still good as new. I touched them up a but with a stone and put a new shock collar on, back in the quiver. Im pretty impressed so far.
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