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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I dont know, thats why I was wondering if they would test it.
  2. But shooting pen raised deer is a challenge
  3. What a shoddily written article. "The boy knew the deer was in the area, reports Field & Stream, because he’d seen it on a trail camera image and heard about the escape previously. Rather than notify Stillwater that their deer had escaped, he went ahead with the hunt. “I knew it was one of the deer that escaped from the pen, but I figured that wasn’t my fault. I hunted like I would have any other deer that would have been there. I shot him in the heart, he went about 30 yards and dropped,” Wright said." So which is it? Did the farm know of the escape or not? As far as ethics go, as long as the kid had the legal right to kill that deer, I see no issue with it. The farm should have taken more care not to let their animals escape. I wonder if they will test it for CWD.
  4. It was when I offered to shoot a deer that had been hit. Officer said yes and asked to see my permit, etc. Asking to see your permit is less likely now with CC, but if you are openly carrying, and they just say hey, I just want to make sure you have a permit for that, why would that be different than an officer asking to see your permit now when they find out you are carrying?
  5. Ive been spot checked for my permit before, they have the right to ask you to see it now, so you arent losing anything.
  6. Open carry in a store or something with a rifle or shotgun? Odd, but I dont know that I have a problem with it. With a handgun? I have absolutely no problem with what so ever. I read an article not too long ago that made a good point. Want to know who the law abiding citizens are? Allow open carry, and allow the police to spot check you if you are doing so.
  7. Thanks! I will be, but not until I notice some drops on cameras. Honestly, Ive never found a shed before late January/early February.
  8. according to National Geographic... "The remaining animals, all captive, include a female at the San Diego Zoo, a female in a zoo in the Czech Republic, and two females and a male at Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy, which is part of a last-ditch effort to breed the extremely rare subspecies."
  9. But she would have a better chance than if she had nothing to work with other than a kitchen knife, counter top or TV tray.
  10. You do realize this isnt a democracy, right? We live in a Democratic Republic, and you would be well served to learn the difference.
  11. Or just get a MR2 mag release and leave the pistol grip stock on it.
  12. They are great rifles to hunt with. The platform has a proven record of service in every environment in the military and hunting. You can build them to be far more accurate than most semi auto platforms, and the variety of aftermarket parts is unrivaled.
  13. You can most likely get the info if you want to. Could you imagine how long the list would be? Ever been to a town court for a traffic violation? Its usually pretty packed.
  14. 1 minute after legal shooting time started
  15. Using a cell phone in the car has astronomically higher chances of causeing injury or death to others around you.
  16. Yesterday I took the afternoon off from work and headed out for one last hunt for this year. I hopped in the stand and got settled in. around 3:30, I caught some movement in the woods about 200 yards out. Picked up my binos and looked to see what it was. Out from behind some brush stepped a 3 1/2 year old buck I call Hooks. Hes a real solid 8 that Ive had a couple of encounters with this season. First time I had seen him since bow season though. He was meandering in my direction, so I watched, and picked up my muzzleloader hoping he would get in a clear spot and give me a chance. He got to within 160 yards or so, and a couple of does busted out of some brush, and he disappeared behind them, into some thick stuff in the opposite direction as me. The rest of the sit was uneventful, but it was nice to know he is still around, and it was better than sitting at my desk at work. I think it turned out to be a pretty good season. Saw some great bucks, had a couple of close encounters with them, passed on a really nice 2 1/2 year old with my bow, and put 3 does in the freezer. No major mishaps, and made a bunch of great memories with my kids and my friends. This coming weekend, Ill head down to take down safety straps, seat cushions and loosen ratchet straps on all my stands. Im looking forward to taking a bit of a break from the deer woods. Ill be out after the yotes though, we have plenty of them to clean out. My bait pile is being put in place this weekend as well.
  17. A little tough to tell with the IR pic, but the ky looks light, you are shooting into an embankment, and you can clearly see you have nothing in the background. Yep, Id take that shot any day
  18. Actually, our job is to make sure the members follow the TOS of the site, which everyone agrees to upon joining. We dont discriminate in who gets their posts edited, deleted. If they break the rules over and over, they get suspended or banned. Ive actually had to suspend a few people that I really like on here, and I didnt even send them a PM to say "sorry, I didnt really want to suspend you but you broke the rules". Ive been called Hitler, a bully, a bad moderator, etc all because I have to enforce the rules, sometimes on people that disagree with me. Thats probably where most of the butt hurt comes from. Oh, and Ive been told im not allowed to participate on several occasions lol. Our job is not to tell people they can or cannot argue their point or opinion. We dont want to be babysitters. The site owner does not want it censored with the exception of cursing or rule breaking, and if a thread gets out of hand, we shut it dopwn. This topic keeps coming up, and it really boils dow to the point of, if you dont like the site, feel free to go elsewhere. We have been told for years that the site is on the verge of failure. Guess what? Its still here and its still successful.
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