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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You should be looking for permission months in advance, not right before the season opens or after its already open. Good luck though. Best bet is knock on doors and be prepared to hear alot of no.
  2. I just found out today that i will actually be able to get out for opening day. I dont care if theres snow on the ground, as long as theforecast temps hold up, ill be happy.
  3. Youth Division Prize Drury Outdoors Whitetail Madness DVD Bone Collector baseball cap Tarsal Wick scent drag Doe N Heat scent 4oz 1qt Pure NYS Maple Syrup 1 year QDMA membership HuntingNY hat and other swag
  4. Second Place Prize Package Remington treestand accessory belt Keepin it Real 1/2 DVD Deer hunter christmas ornament set Tarsal Wick scent drag Doe N Esterous scent 4oz Browning folding knife 1qt Pure NYS Maple Syrup HuntingNY hat and other swag
  5. What affects another state can and will affect us here eventually. BTW, please stop trying to tell people what they should and shouldnt post or talk about on this forum. As long as its within the forum rules, people can talk about whatever they want. Thanks
  6. I have a Black and Decker, Ive been using it for 12 years now. I almost want it to die so I can get one of the newer ones with more features, then again, this thing works great, so Ill stick with it.
  7. Moon doesnt matter, get out there and hunt.
  8. I spotlight, and I do it on land I dont own or have permission to hunt. I do it legally, I have never poached a deer, and never plan to. I like seeing whats in the area, sometimes I take my kids and they enjoy seeing the deer. Meaningless to you maybe, but dont sit there and tell me what I should or shouldnt do LEGALLY. Spotlighting doesnt drive deer out of an area, and its not comparable to someone peeping in your windows. Screen the property as best you can, or build a house on it to make it not legally spot-able. Otherwise, you might as well get over it, theres nothing you can do. If people are trespassing, tearing down signs or poaching on your property, then get law enforcement involved, and dont back down from pressing charges. Also, 200 acres is not a very big chunk of property. I commend you for your management efforts (other than the genetic thing, your urinating in the wind with that), but Id be surprised if your chunk of land amounted for any of the deer's home range. They all leave your property at one time or another, most likely daily. They simply arent "your game". Good luck with your season!
  9. Get a hang on and ladder sticks or some screw in steps. It will cost you less than $100 and it will be safe.
  10. Some shoulders on that ol boy!
  11. Really? Not according to this... http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/10/17/FAA-to-Approve-Commercial-Drone-Use-Next-Year
  12. I dont think those two deer in the trailcam pics are the same buck. First one might be a 4 year old, but Im thinking 3. Second one was probably 3 as well.
  13. Sweet, Ill grab mine on the way home then. Thanks for the heads up JJB
  14. 3, based on shoulders and neck.
  15. Great job NY. I wonder if they will fix the issue and make the right ones available once its fixed. I have plenty of DMAPs, so it wont be a disater if I dont draw any more, still can take 6 does this season.
  16. Great buck, congrats to both of you!
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